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Today's Trade & News

Crash or end of era for Europe?

Dear Friends,

Two major predictions have come true about Europe and Dubai. Many raised questions in 2008 after reading my book “2008 world and financial prophecies” stated that this is impossible and these predictions won’t come true, any here is link from my book. Now I am writing next book and future is revealing shocking predictions for many countries. In 2005 we warn very strongly about housing prices crash on the way in USA, from 2008 prices started going down and still they haven’t yet bottomed out.

Here about Europe what we said in 2007 when we were writing book:

Here about Dubai what we said in 2007 when we were writing book

Those who trades or invest must read this week newsletter as this will help you to make short and medium term planning as markets are very volatile. Our target oil reaching $74.80 is fulfilled. Emerging market will perform far better from here. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Monday 10.00 PM Santa Barbara