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Today's Trade & News

Current market situations...fortune could be made in lithium, cobalt and electric financial astrology

Dear Members,

Once again S&P tested 2798 level on Monday as predicted. The market’s look interesting at this stage. In this week’s newsletter we recommended staying sidelined in commodities, so follow that. Grains, softs and energy markets traded as predicted on Monday. INDL moved up from 8th March, which was our turn around date for the Indian market and it acted according to our prediction, which is a very bullish sign. China, Japan and Indian markets are in our top buying list. In USA market we recommended today to buy Chipotle (CMG); since mid-2015 our view has been very negative on CMG, we recommended shorting CMG at $735 and now it is trading around $320. Last month we recommended covering all shorts in CMG. The market went sharply higher in the last 30 months, but CMG traded terribly as predicted. My focus is more on the electric car related investment area.

On Sunday we released the first letter with a detailed outlook on lithium and cobalt sector. As mentioned previously, I was in search for something which could provide mega returns to investors. It is always important to find out what is coming and where we can make a great amount of money. In 1996 September I was reading the astro chart sitting next to a swimming pool in Nairobi, Kenya. I was in search that where I and my close friends could make money with the help of Astro cycles. During the research I found Saturn and Mars having very unique combinations which could bring historic bull market in the tech/internet/software stocks. I already repeated this story many times in the past so I decided to repeat this story one more time because the reason is that I want you to give serious thought to investing in Lithium and cobalt stocks.

I had at total bank balance of around $15000, and I told my Friend named “Krishna”, to buy three software stocks with this $15000. One stocks gained 2000%, second one 4000% and the third stock also gained 3800%. In 2001 metal stocks, 2009 banking stocks and tech stocks buying recommendations done amazing well. In 2009 middle Apple, Microsoft, Amazon were our most favorite buying with most of Chip, semiconductor and cloud stocks were also in our favorite buying list. I was very bullish on Uranium and it members made money initially but then the Tsunami of Japan in 2011 killed the uranium and nuclear sector.

Saturn is moving though the house of Sagittarius which is a good for mining stocks and Jupiter will be moving in the house of Scorpio late this year and then Sagittarius, so these combinations will support Cobalt and Lithium, and gold stocks will be on fire later this year.

The energy sector also comes under natural resources but in astro theory it acts differently so it has nothing to do with mining stocks. We are not recommending buying energy stocks. Everyone is waiting for Saudi Arabia’s state-owned company Aramco listing, and I am not recommending even a single penny in that IPO because in the next ten to fifteen years’ time oil will become history which we predicted before it crashed in 2008, as well as once again in 2015. Most of you are aware that our accuracy on oil is almost above 95% on short, medium and longer-term basis.

I hope that my new service which started from this Sunday about “Lithium, Cobalt, battery, electric car and gold stocks” may be able to help you make amazing returns for the next three to five years’ time. Currently, we are offering this service at a discounted rate so take advantage of subscribing and become a part of the most amazing bull run of all time that any sector will have.

Read small part from first letter of this month here

Subscribe to read complete letter:

Discloser: I own a small quantity in Lithium and Cobalt stocks, and I am planning to add more and will hold for the next three to five years.

We are sure you must have bought our book, we highly recommend buying the book if you can’t afford the weekly newsletter and Daily flash news. Now the book is also available with all different sub sections at cheaper rate so buy the one of your interest.

I wish you great luck and success as you make the astro cycle a part of your trading and investment strategy because this is the only theory which can give us a vague picture of future. We highly recommend adding astro cycles in all other tools and we are sure you will do far better in the medium and longer term.    

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma