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Today's Trade & News

Day trading range for Monday - gold,silver, oil, S&P, grains, soft, bond, currencies...

Dear Friends,

Enjoy Mondays flashnews here for free:

Dear Members,

Monday metals, stocks may trade weaker but grains will trade positive. Here Monday’s trading range for the all markets, so trade in and out, you have shorts then cover around predicted low here below:

GOLD - $1742 TO $1714

SILVER - $34.03 TO $33.14


Here is Monday’s trading range:

COPPER - $395.75 TO $385.50

PLATINUM – $1645 TO $1621

PALLADIUM - $704 TO $718


Mondays trading range for all major indexes;

AUSTRALIAN – 4281 to 4218

NIKKEI – 9008 TO 8919

NIFTY – 5347 TO 5281

HONG KONG - 20933 TO 20692

CAC – 3461 TO 3397

DAX - 6839 TO 6719

FTSE – 5909 TO 5797

S&P – 1346.75 TO 1332.25

NASDAQ – 2537 TO 2507

RUSSELL – 833 TO 818 

DOW – 12857 TO 12752



Here is Monday’s trading range:

COFFEE - $215.20 TO $218.10

COTTON - $95.18 TO 97.86

COCOA - $2332 TO $2265

SUGAR - $24.21 TO $23.75

ORNAGE JUICE - $203.95 TO $196.90


Here is Monday’s trading range:

CORN - $652 TO $636

SOY - $1227 TO $1247.5 (BUY)  

SOY OIL - $52.08 TO $51.52 (BUY) 

SOY MEAL – 332.30 TO 326.10

WHEAT - $666.50 TO $654.50

RICE – 13.99 TO $13.68 


Here is Monday’s trading range:

OIL – $98.78 TO $96.59

Natural Gas – $2.42 TO $2.59


Here is Monday’s trading range:

DOLLAR INDEX – 78.80 to 79.41

EURO – 1.3232 to 1.3079

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0788 to 1.0668

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.0112 to 1.0115

BRITISH POUND – 1.5882 to 1.5750

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3101 to 1.3019

SWISS FRANC – 1.0968 to 1.0832

RUPPEE – 48.45 to 48.89

RAND – 7.47 to 07.57

BRAZILIAN REAL – 1.7081 – 1.7012

MAXICAN PESO – 12.6900 to 12.6780

RUSSIAN RUBBLE – 30.1800 to 30.0973

CHINESE YUAN – 6.2957 to 6.2883 


Monday’s trading range of thirty year bond will be 141-27 to 143-15.


Last week we recommended FNMA and FMCC both these companies moved almost 10%, we are expecting huge upside move so buy these before it gets too late.

Indian market we advised to buy Tata Global, Tata coffee and Jubliant food, they moved nicely, keep adding these stocks in your portfolio without fail. I won’t buy any other company in Indian market apart from these three. Yes Suzlon is in our list but it almost moved up 70% in the last three weeks, if its drop to $25.00.

Note – Tuesday is a full Moon, and for many centuries many traders and farmers gave importance to the Moon. This time the New Moon will be close to Planet Mars, and this is a sign of fire. Get ready to get into silver.


Important note – Many will say “Mahendra, why do you write the flash news”, and my answer is that after receiving many requests from people saying that you should write on the shorter term trend, it is created due to public demand to get in and out for shorter period. Flash news is surely for day traders or those who want to go in and out of the market quickly but I still recommend and believe that longer term investors always win in this market. I highly recommend you must read our weekly newsletter, or subscribe to that as newsletter will give you insight of future trend of markets of all market. Flashnews is just for day trading but then you can miss great trades of future coming time.


How to use Flash:

If our Astro indicators are bullish about any markets, just keep buying at lower levels and I am sure you will always make great returns even in day trading. Look at last week; S&P went to 1303 around three times, and that was our lower side prediction. If you keep my medium and longer term predictions in mind every day then you will buy not sell because we see huge moves in S&P in the shorter, medium and longer time cycle.

If we are negative about any markets, one should be selling, shorting or getting out from trades on the higher side.

One of my personal clients was here to see me in Santa Barbara, and he said Mahendra if I had just held S&P which he bought 1090, he could have made enough money. All of you aware about how insistent i was on buying S&P and also continuously insisted that we won’t see these prices again in coming future. 

Next three years are great to make money, after that leave these markets and enjoy peaceful life.

Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma

Published - Sunday 5.30 AM Santa Barbara

Our Newsletter and Newsflash always published before Australian market opens.


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