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Decode future - Here is small part of weekly newsletter from 28-2 October 2015....

Weekly Newsletter from 28-2 October

Understanding your inner voice can decode hidden part of future 

Dear Members,

Last week volatility dominated the financial market, and any volatility only needs a small reason to start, but last week the VW cheating news was a big one, and it took the market into the deep red. To add insult to injury, Hillary Clinton’s comment on biotech’s pricing created panic in Biotech stocks. European markets and USA Biotech suffered a huge setback. Any news always dominates during a negative astro cycle and always turns ugly. History is witness that these kinds of uncertainty have always proven to be a great buying opportunity for investors. (Below images are from NASA website)

Today there was a lunar eclipse, and Sun with Mercury and the North Node. On the other side the South Node with Moon should bring a bottom in the market because in the past always happened. As mentioned last week that market may trade on both sides until the 10th of October so another 10 trading days are left to acquire positions in the market. Those who are holding positions or are fully invested should hold investments tightly.

Most of you are aware that in Mid-2011 our view about the market turned very bullish because we were watching each lunar and solar eclipse very closely. All three of the eclipses (one lunar and two solar – Image from NASA) of 2011 June 1, June 15, and July 1 (market bottomed out from EU crises in 2011). Three eclipse’s in a row within a month completely turned the energy cycle and people came out of fear because all three were partial eclipse, and in 2014, 23 October another partial eclipse (market moved very aggressively after 23 October 2014) and again today will be partial eclipse. History says that partial eclipse always represent bullish market pattern.

Human behaviour pattern and human psychology plays a key role in creating fear or excitement, nervousness or confidence. Big guys or billionaires on Wall-Street always watch the New Moon and Full Moon closely though they don’t understand relations of market and eclipse but they believe that there is something connected with market and eclipse. The lunar eclipse always takes place on a Full Moon day and a solar eclipse always takes place on a New Moon day.

Astrology was born from astronomy, and astronomy teaches planetary movements or astro cycles and even beyond the sky. Planetary movements are responsible for all the seasons or weather patterns here on this planet. Gravity is there on earth because of the role that the North and South Node play. The Moon is connected with water so a high tide and low tides comes because of the Moon cycles. Now in the current computer age we can know when there will be a high and low tide, and from what time to what time; but when I was learning the astro cycles with my Grandfather in 1977 at age 10, there was no computer and he used to teach me how to find out when there will be a high and low tide by simply following the moon. In fact, if you read any Vedic daily calendar of the 17 and 18 century you will find exact time of sun rise, sun set, high and low tide and a lot of other information was gained simply by doing some mathematics on planetary movements. 

Understanding and predicting future: To understand the behaviour pattern and to try to predict the outcome from an astro cycle pattern is called making a prediction. You can make a predictions of any one’s life, for any corporates, countries, weather, incidence, or even for any market or financial instrument.  

Most of the people on this planet think that making predictions are guesses but I am a live example that thought is misguided. I have sincerely spent almost 37 years studying this subject and I tell you that it is the most amazing study. This study takes you into the future which exists but is hidden in tomorrow. We live in the present and tomorrow always remains blank because it is hidden if you don’t try to read it; but if you try to read tomorrow and try to talk about tomorrow that call it a prediction or going into future. 

Many times in the past we have mentioned that we humans have a limitation about everything, and to get the maximum result you have to go into deeper mediation after finishing your study so that you can reveal each of the headings with thousands of possible outcomes. 

What do story writers do? They implant one subject into their thought and then they start writing, and they keep writing, and eventually it either turns into a big story which many publish as a book or movie etc. All they did was implanted one small subject into their head and they create a whole new world around that subject.

In astro cycle study we don’t get into imaginations because we already have the planetary combination in front of us and we just try to predict the behavior pattern with mathematics. Many time’s we are wrong because we are not able to understand a few astro cycle combinations correctly in advance as they never happened in past, but a good student will always put down on paper what new combinations resulted and why he was wrong so that the future generations, or whoever does the same study won’t make the same mistake.  

I know it is too heavy a subject and requires a lot of energy to understand the behavior pattern of the astro cycle because it represents something hidden. We try to reveal what is hidden and they are like a secret code, and these secret codes are so complicated because they exist in the whole universe, and we just have to study their larger effects on our planet and on human behaviour pattern.

Yes, your brain plays a very powerful role to reveal these codes. You have to go into deep meditation to decode them, but at the same time you have to remain in the present in your meditations. I don’t know how many you are performing deep mediation, but if you start doing it (which I always have been recommending since the last two and half decades) then you may get an answer about your personal life, your journey, your new path or even career, business and what your role on this planet among six billion people.

I know this newsletter is once again going on different path which I love to do, but you pay a fee to know about the markets trend so let me come back to the financial market because you just simply like know what will happen from here onwards for all major markets. I know many of you love discussing or reading whenever I talk about the astro cycle and human behavior pattern and how you can make yourself better.

Important note: The hidden part of nature which creates an aura or energy, plays the role of gravity; Implanting or giving birth to any thoughts; creating a future path through imagination; and once someone starts working on that, then it can become a reality. If you look back a few decades your own life then you will be forced to think how it all happen! It looks like each puzzle piece comes together automatically and started connecting in right place after you start your journey. Many great human beings created this most unique journey, you can talk about Martin JR King Luther, Gandhi, Mandela or even the current President Obama. They started journey and the masses supported them. You can do the same for any good cause, for yourself or for you career.

Let me come back to financial market, here is this week newsletter from 28 September to 2 October 2015 for commodities, Indexes, currencies and bond:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

27 Sep 2015 2.00 PM