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Today's Trade & News

Disconnection time of silver from gold

Dear Friends,

Here is small part from this week newsletter

Thanks & God Bless

Watch Ignorance and awareness while trading

(Weekly newsletter from 14-18 June)

Dear Members,

Last week two commodities have given important signals—Coffee and Corn. Coffee made huge moves Friday that surprised even us. Between Thursday and Friday coffee moved up $13, or approximately 10%, not a usual volatility for this commodity. I believe that this is a starting point for coffee’s coming bull market. In early 2005 we saw some sharp up move in Coffee from $63.00 to $95.00 in a week and eventually it moved to $138 in six weeks. Before this up move took place we also strongly recommended building long positions in coffee and I still remember vividly many of our members made sizable profit from that historic rise. A portfolio I was managing for one of my clients then went from $20,000 to $4.6 million within a few months and coffee trades played a key role in the account’s meteoric performance.

Since last two weeks we started recommending strongly buying coffee and yes last week’s move proved that Mercury clearly has given all support to coffee. In last Wednesday evening’s flash-news specifically mentioned that coffee and corn would move up 50% and we believe this will happen within a few months timeframe.



Friday we were doing Astro research on silver, and we have come to believe that in the coming time silver will outperform gold in each and every area in terms of price move as well as becoming a darling of investors. I highly recommend metal investors to start giving attention to silver. Gold had it days and still may move up with silver but silver and silver stocks will outperform in the metals category.

In the past, none of leading voices in metals investments including Bill Murphy and Jim Sinclair, believed our prediction that “gold and dollar will be walking together”. They used to say to me that “Mahendra this can’t be possible. This will be a miracle if it happens!”. Well, we saw this miracle took place in the last few months. But a new miracle I am talking about now is that silver will sideline gold completely, and our members should get ready for this most unique ride up on silver.

In 2001/2 we already predicted gold would rise up to $1,800 and silver $50 before this metals bull market ends. Now is the time to remind you again that our targets are still very much on track. Furthermore, we are raising our price target for silver to $59.00.

Note: We are doing more research on the time frame the bull market will consummate. For investors trading on sizable leverages through the derivatives markets, timeframe is crucial in investment performance. Within the next two weeks I’ll update with you more about our expected time horizon for the rest of the rises in metals. The bottom line is I am very excited about silver’s coming up move in the next few years, and I will do my best to give you detailed outlook on silver.

Stock markets remain stable during last week. BP oil spilling issue has been worsening. It can go really ugly if BP doesn’t act fast. Astrological combinations indicate that BP has just another five days to finish the job otherwise BP stock would likely lose more 50% value in the next three weeks, and ensuing legal challenges can bring down company. We all know that BP is one the largest oil and gas conglomerates in the world but anything is possible in the markets. I strongly recommend not touching BP stock at any price at this point before it sorts out of issues surrounding the spilling problems on both technical as well as political levels.

Time to time, we always remind you to stay aware and alert in global markets and events because a single ignorance could bring any investor or company down these days. Trading is one of the riskiest professions in the world and you’re always just step from fortune as well as collapse. We just try our best to guide you with planetary indications. I know most of you also use other tools and market indicators but astro tools give us clear edge against other tools as it encompasses the whole picture globally in the future. We have great confidence and track records for intermediate and long term predictions but many times we struggled to predict accurate timing on the short-term basis, and so for short term trading stop-loss setup is key. We also suggest scale in trades by building smaller positions first then build up exposure over time as our short-term predictions prove on track.


Here is this week newsletter from 14-18 June





Thanks % God Bless

Mahendra Sharma