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Dollar Index & USA Housing Market, small part from last week newsletter

USD will move back to USA & Housing market to bottom out


Dear Member,

During last week we were waiting anxiously to see that whether dollar was able to put a dent in Euro and yes it did so, very successfully. Planetary combination of Euro astro charts says that Future of Euro look very bleak. To me the main fundamental flaw for Euro is that it has sixteen husbands, and I don’t know how all these sixteen husbands are able to share one wife? It is against the nature and surely a sad ending (break-up) will take place in Euro.  

In 2001 we were very negative for seven years outlook of USD from 2001 to 2007, yet it doesn’t mean that Euro would be stronger. In fact Euro is the only currency that did not gain against USD during that period. Media and big gamblers promoted Euro quite aggressively because dollar was in a negative trend but astro time has changed from 2008 and slowly this astro combination is getting stronger day by day for USD so I have no doubt that USD will sail through all the barriers and move toward historic highs.

Last week we updated our outlook for USD. Previously our outlook for USD’s uptrend was for three years. Now we are changing the life of this bull cycle to five years, followed by a period of stability. But in 2016/17, I see meltdown in world economy and world currency markets so we will discuss when the time comes closer.

All of you aware, that I don’t write anything without any strong astro reason. When I was talking negative in my book for Euro zone in 2008/9 and onward I also had very strong rationale. In the last two years many times I also mentioned that Euro will not only break par value but it will go to even 0.50 or below. I know it is hard to believe and that is why I devote my life to understanding nature, planets and human behavior as well as their relationship with world financial markets. Many times we came wrong on short term predictions but that shows that no one is 100% accurate including me, and never anyone will be able to predict with 100% accuracy. I am student of this subject, and I will keep trying my best to guide you.

At this stage wave of nature says that you should focus on dollar and from middle of May 2010 dollar will start gaining against each currency of world. At this stage euro is showing particular weakness due to its weak economic fundamentals coupled with impossible coordination among European members to resolve economic issues. However, time is coming when all other currencies will also lose their values against USD.

World financial markets are making new highs as US and other economies are showing signs of recovery. India and other emerging markets economy are rocking so our prediction Dow reaching 32000 should fulfill by 2015 but before this happen one mini crash is pending in world financial markets. Banks are surviving today because of stimulus packages where they got extra, almost free, cash to absorb the asset and investment losses, but now many countries’ central banks are very close to start hauling back stimulus money, and that will be the real testing time for banks and investors. The months of April and May look very dangerous for stocks as Mars and Jupiter are withdrawing 100% support from stock markets. In fact they will turn negative against the markets. So these two months I highly recommend our members to stay away from stock markets as they can fall more than 30% very quickly.

 Alternative energy, uranium and lithium mining boom is on the way so our members should put focus on these area if you want to make fortune in the coming bull market. Biotech, pharmaceutical, banking and retailers will struggle, like in the tech boom of 1997-2000 when all other stocks were not doing anything except technology.

In a year we write about 2,000 pages to our members. We don’t include any love or hate toward any markets, commodities or any currencies. I am writing very negative about EU future but it doesn’t mean that I hate Euro or the Euro Union! At this stage our outlook on USA future is very bright but, by the same token, it doesn’t mean that I have a bias for my resident country. I just write what I SEE.



Trillions of dollar is invested by investors in other markets because USA economic outlook (unemployment, housing and consumer confidence) remained uncertain but just imagine once USA economy truly turns around then what will happen? Simply billions if not trillions will go back to USA. Big Investors will to hurry to get out from all other countries because investment in USA will looks more lucrative and stable in term of currency value and assets value.

Long back we predicted a vertical creak in Euro zone and time is very close. Germany will be the only country left standing with EURO. France will create its own currency, and many countries will do the same, and finally they may merge with Pound. Yes a big mess is coming there.



I was talking to a few of my oldest followers from 1995 to 2010, and we were discussing that how much money our members could have made in the last fifteen years if we simply followed our view without thinking too much on world economy, fundamentals or technicals.  In the last fifteen year we recommended many things but simply three basic predictions (Tech bull and burst from 1997-2000, buying metals, mining stocks and energy from 2001-07, and fall of USD from 2001-07). One could have made millions by today but many did not make huge amount of returns because they were not able to get out of positions at the right time due to other considerations outside of astro guidance.



One point today I want to tell you with honestly that from 2010 to 2015, we see a unique era of making money. First, Saturn is guiding us that most of our members will make fortune first time in this era because my personal Astro charts is saying that my advices will benefit all my members during above mentioned time. Second, 2015 to 2016 December I will struggle and many members might lose money on my advice accordingly so I may take a break during that period or I will just tell my members not to give more than 20% importance to my theory. Yes, I want to remain honest and so I am speaking from my heart (I always do that) but this is first time I am writing publicly. Like my 2006/2007 and first half of 2008 was negative periods and most of my members struggled.  

From here we will be focusing on USD.  Sometime in the next year metals will again become our favorite as well, and the next full five years we will be accumulating alternative energy stocks. Middle of 2010 will be best time to buy houses in USA because prices will rise more than 100 percent in the next five years. I am sure you are clear now what to do from here. We will communicate more on our favorite areas in each newsletter and build a unique future but always remember the most needy when you make money.


Here is this week trend: Predictions from 22-26 March










Best trade of this week trade:


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma 21 March 2010