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Today's Trade & News

Dollar wave, Collapse of Dubai? still europe fall is pending and Dollar blow upside.....

Dear Members,

Since yesterday, wave of negativity just started from Dubai, and spreading like fire. Dubai is part of UAE and doesn't hold that must huge participation in world economy but yes, large number of European banks are involved there in big way and if one of these high flying bank come out with negative news can create havoc in world financial markets and currency markets. That is why since last few weeks we have been saying that dollar would blow upside like anything.


We are too much concern because negative planetary movement have just started from 17 November and this negativity will remain until 19 May 2010, so I don't know how world financial system will able to pass this time smoothly without getting in to danger wave.


I am traveling, but I am doing serious research on the next six months. I will try to come out with all details in Sunday’s newsletter.


Once again my apology for, not being so correct on dollar, and metals during last three month after giving accurate financial predictions in the last 18 years. My problem is I read or I get feeling well in advance and I write is down quickly on same day, because I don’t like to hide something from my members. If I come wrong it doesn't mean that planetary movement was not guiding me correctly, planets always guides me perfectly but it is always error on my side by being early. One of my friend says “Mahendra” you have be early that is why it call predictions. But still I want to be more accurate and so please forgive me for all my mistakes. I bow my head in feet of nature and planets for giving me vague picture of future well in advance.  


Avoid trading in markets, just hold USD against all currencies, yes Yen rising prophecy is proving right. Yesterday and today UAE currency Dirham would have collapsed completely, they it was not tie with USD. I surprised when I was reading this paragraph from my own book, "2008-09 world and financial prophecies" from chapter UAE, it says:  


The country’s stock market will be sideways and I don't see any excitement in this regard. However, there will be some major changes in the currency market. A few years back I stated that some oil rich Arab nations would review ties with the US Dollar, and time is now very near before we witness major changes. I foresee a breakup of the ties between USA Dollar and currencies of the oil rich nations. Many of the oil producing nations may become excited by this prospect, but planetary movement indicates that these changes will negatively impact them since their currencies will be uncertain in the future. Furthermore, I foresee the Dollar rising soon, and this will sharply bring down currencies of the Arab countries. My advice to the UAE is not to break ties with the US Dollar. 


From Sunday, we are canceling two of our consultation services, one it 15 and 45 minutes’ conversations because of time limitation and traveling. We are just keeping Monthly and yearly consultation services.         



Buy dollar, buy natural gas and avoid all markets. Hold your puts in indexes, currencies and metals, banking stocks will move down big way in coming days. Wait for Sundays newsletter.



Mahendra Sharma

Thanks & God Bless, Thursday 11.50 PM  New York



Dear Members,

Since middle of day, debts news of Dubai is catching fire, this is starting point, many country will follow same path because time is very unfavorable for world until 28 May 2010. Watch your investments, please hold Dollar because that will proven one of the best and safe investment. Dollar will just blow upside and most of people will miss rally, last week and this week newsletter we predicted dollar could rise more than 10% in the next two weeks so let see this take place or not. 


We also warned in 2007 about fall of Dubai financial market and property market. Here what we mentioned in the chapter of UAE in "2008/2009 World and Financial prophecies"

Here what we mentioned on world real-estate market. This book was finished in 2007, and released in early 2008. Today we see value of planetary guidance. 

Fall of Europe from our book sections:


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Thursday 8.00 AM New York