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Today's Trade & News

Don't miss opportunity of buying is life time opportunity...

Great time to acquire market…don’t miss opportunity

Dear Members,

Today what a great opportunity to buy market around current level. S&P is trading around 2693, NASDAQ at 6765 and Russell 1499.  This is a great buying opportunity, and you may not this opportunity again so ignore Brexit and Apple news. Down side risk is less then half percent from here as S&P won’t close below 2715 level for the more than three days. Very strong astro support level is 2683 level.

Start buying AMZN, NFLX, AMD, JPM, MA, VISA, PBYI, SKX and CIEN.

Also great buying opportunity in CANN, CVSI and CBDS, these are all cannabis stocks.

Also you can buy Pound current price at 1.2900, Euro 1.1290, or sell Dollar index at 97.11. Dollar will collapse and euro and pound ready to make 500 pips movement.

Stay long in INDL, YINN and BRZU.

Cover all shorts in gold, metals closed positive which is positive news.

Coffee and soy rebounded to buy.

Natural gas moved toward $4.80, it gained today $16%, and overall 50% in the last three weeks, today close and start taking short positions now.

Must read weekly newsletter and daily flashnews carefully.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday, 11.55 PM Mumbai