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Today's Trade & News

Emerging markets & emerging market currencies, etfs, metals, energy and markets predictions...,

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I am sure you must be having good time by becoming new members of "News and Update" sections, unfortunately I know I can't put complete letter otherwise our subscriber of Daily flashnews won’t like it as they pay huge fee. If you really can afford spending money on subscriptions, then must do it as daily cost of service is less $16.00 for weekly newsletter and daily Flashnews. I am sure one small our trade recommendations will take care of your subscriptions cost.

Indian market gained handsome value as predicted, INDL was our top recommendations along with BRZU, LBJ and MEXX. Also etf like ERX, LABU and SOXL recommendations have done really well. USA market performed very well along with our earnings recommendations.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma