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Today's Trade & News

Enjoy Thursdays flashnews here for free, S&P reached, metals...

Dear Friends,

Our new look of website is coming, Few people yesterday said that “2012 Financial Predictions” book have become bible for investors. I am happy and thrill that investors are making money on stocks predictions. In our book we clearly mentioned that USA market will remain best performing but emerging market will struggle in the first half of 2012. All thanks goes to “wave of nature theory”. Most interesting chapter is USA equity and metals, time is passing so don’t wait just watching everything coming true, get a copy of “2012 Financial Predictions” and get two weeks free flashnews worth $75 (Best deal we are offering).

When you make money please don’t forget to help most needy.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Dear Members,

Flash of Day trading strategy for Thursday’s, 15 March 2012

Dear Members,

Most negative time cycle or uncertain period for metals is getting over right now at the time I am writing this flash. I know it is hard to believe for world investor’s community that how Astro time cycle changes give effects on market and you will experience this in the next forty eight hours.

When we writing our book during last year, I was sure that gold will have tough time until 14 March and from 15 March it will start moving up, let see what I saw six month back is coming true or not. It is challenging, thousands of metal investors from every country will be watching this prediction closely in the next forty eight hours.

Before USA market closes gold touched low of $1633 and silver $31.63 and we call this is bottom and these prices won’t come again at least for the next sixty days.

NOTE – If gold and silver doesn’t move up at all (0.1% chances) or in fact they both fall during next forty hours will put big questions mark on precious metals move in 2012.  

Watch this Thursday trading range very closely, as upper side prices may fulfill today. Last two day our day trading range for metals have come wrong, and I said out of ten time two times they won’t match, but eith times prices will match.

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

GOLD: $1633.2 to $1668.20

SILVER: $31.83 TO $32.79

COPPER: $380.1 TO $390.1

PALLADIUM: $688 TO $701.90

PLATINUM: $1661 TO $1790


We still hold what we have been saying for soft commodities - Still looks sideways, this week is final week for weaker trend in soft commodities. Get ready to accumulate coffee and cotton from this Thursday but safer side will be 18 March as this is our book date.

Here is Thursday’s trading range: May contracts

COFFEE: $181.50 TO $185.00

COTTON: $87.93 TO $86.51

COCOA: $2355 TO $2278

SUGAR: $24.02 TO $24.68

ORNAGE JUICE:  $189.20 TO $184.20


This is what we mentioned Monday and we still hold this same statement - Tech stocks like Amazon, Apple and Priceline may move toward new high, don’t sell or short these three stocks. Also housing stocks as well as retail stocks will perform extremely well. All major markets will hit new high. It will be interesting to watch S&P touches 1407 by 18 March or not, because our target of 1372 has achieved (This we predicted when S&P was trading around 1100).

Here is Indexes day range for Thursday’s trading – All future contracts range mentioned here below are June 2012: Our recommended stocks like Apple, Priceline, Amazon, FCEL, and PLUG have performed extremely well.

I still don’t recommend to short markets, so those who like to play in and out for day trading should stick to day trading, buy around predicted low and boo profit around predicted high.

AUSTRALIAN – 4255 to 4298

NIKKEI – 10002 TO 10128

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5452 to 5529

SINGAP0RE (Spot) – 3005 TO 3037

HONG KONG (Spot) - 21133 TO 21389

CAC – 3497 TO 3445

DAX – 7117 TO 7012

FTSE – 5938 TO 5872

S&P – 1395.00 TO 1383.50

NASDAQ – 2717 TO 2684

RUSSELL – 825.25 TO 813.25

DOW – 13179 TO 13032


Trade in and out in grains market. No longer and medium term trade recommended at this stage. Here is day trading range for Thursday’s:

CORN: $665 TO $652

WHEAT: $651.25 TO $637.5

RICE: $14.07 TO $13.73

SOY: $1362 TO $1344

SOY MEAL: $369 TO $363.7

SOY OIL: 55.09 TO $54.57


This is what we mentioned yesterday - Final week for gas to bottom out, after this week you won’t current prices for the next six years. Don’t jump and build position, as still this week is mix. Buy natural gas around $2.25.

Thursday’s trading range for energy April contracts:

OIL: $106.79 to $104.51

NATURAL GAS: $2.24 to $2.37

TREASURY BOND – 138-06 TO 136-02


Trade in and out in currencies. Wednesday’s trading range is here: All future contracts of currencies are March 2012. All below contracts are June 2012.

DOLLAR INDEX – 81.21 to 80.65

EURO – 1.3082 to 1.3032

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0391 to 1.02959

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.083 to 1.0019

BRITISH POUND – 1.5733 to 1.5617

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2028 to 1.1927

SWISS FRANC – 1.0812 to 1.0703

RUPPEE – 50.16 to 49.86

RAND – 7.62 to 7.75


Don’t miss opportunity to tae trade in following ETF’s, these Eft’s trades we recommended in Tuesdays Flash.

You can take short position in below three EFT’s – DGAZ, KOLD (Both USA), HND is Canadian.

Take long position in UNG, BOIL, and UGAZ

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Wednesday 04.30 PM, 13 March 2012, Santa Barbara

Thi Dear Members,

Today negative time cycle for metals is getting over by 7.00 PM NY time, we are in final seven hours of uncertain time for metals. As we mentioned in this week newsletter as well as in the last few days flash that gold and silver will have very positive time from Thursday and I confirm that here again. From and Friday gold, silver and rest of metals should bounce back strongly.

There was great buying opportunity we had two months back in metals but how many people bought gold when it reached $1550 and silver $26.80 and S&P 1090 because fear controlled mind and actions.

Same way today is great day to make investment in gold and silver, I hope you all will bale to take advantage of today’s fall. Buy gold around $1645, silver $32.09.

Don’t short anything else, like platinum, coffee, cotton, Palladium, oil and gas.  Best trade for today should by buying Natural gas, we don’t see gas remaining below $2.25.

How many investors believed our prediction S&P reaching 1407 in first quarter of 2012, when it was 1090, simply no one. So far in the last fifteen years all major predictions which have proven 100% right, no one believed them that it would happen the way I see.

Our first target for silver by end of April $42.80 and by end of May 57.30, on other hand gold $1916 and $2023.

This part is from our latest book “2012 Financial Predictions”

Gold second cycle outlook, page 39

Second mix cycle from 19-January-2012 to 15-March-2012 

During this cycle Gold will remain directionless; there will be also some sharp corrections from higher side, so we highly recommend avoiding any big position trades in Gold. Metal stocks will also trade sideways or negative. For the longer-term investors, I will recommend acquiring…. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday, Santa Barbara 10.00 AM