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Today's Trade & News

Fed decision came and here is this week letter, which speak a lot for hidden future..

Dear friends,

Once again I am putting this week newsletter here and this may help many. Thanks


Dear Members,

First let me update you on my book, it is going very well and on my side the work will be done by next weekend so the rest depends on my editors and printers, as promised the book shall be ready to be delivered by the first week of March. I have tried my best to write a detailed prediction on more than 60 countries and I have tried my best to write detailed prediction on commodities, currencies and all major stock markets.


Now I would like to talk very seriously on the issue of the volatility in the market which I believe is brought by powerful traders or institutions which hold billions in their hands. At this stage it looks like they want to kill all small investors with this huge volatility and price fluctuation. Also at this stage for many people stop loss is not working because the daily price movement range is so huge that it forces you out from the trade. The current time is very serious for innocent traders because all these big sharks (big Financial Institutions) and this time they want to swallow all the small fishes (small investors) without showing a drop of blood. One thing that we all understand is that if someone loses money or their account value goes down then someone else makes money or their account value goes up because the money has to go somewhere; it cannot just disappear in the sky.


I am always concerned whenever Mars and Saturn get retro-gated because during this period we always see a huge volatility in the financial market so I would like to request all traders to please trade safely, and with a very low leverage. If last week on Tuesday Fed would not have come out with 0.75 basis cut, it could have brought a disaster worse than 1929 so we must appreciate the Fed move because it saved many investors in many different countries. Will this rescue package be able to help overall in medium term? What scary news does the Fed know that we don’t? This is bringing up many questions in everyone’s mind. If you remember a few months back I released news on the USA economy and on Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s chart. I clearly mentioned that until the second week of May 2008, Mr. Bernanke would not be able to take firm decisions well on time and the delay in making these decisions will cost a huge amount of money to the people which include the house owners, investors and common man at large. After May 2008 you will see new face of Ben Bernanke which will be more aggressive and that of a right timely decision maker. His current decisions are getting delayed because of negative north node position in his birth chart which is giving unclear decisions and confusion in his mind.


I sincerely hope and pray that housing prices in USA and the world do not get deeper and we also pray that the world’s economy and financial market survive the threat of recession and fall. If I reply you honestly then I am really worried about the world financial market and the future coming time for the world economy. Though I do not see any severe recession in USA, Europe will get affected the most. Trade very carefully under this volatile time, we are all human beings and we can all make errors in our judgment and study but if we keep the overall picture clear then we will never go on the wrong path. 


There always has to be a limit for everything and history is a witness that prices have always fallen from the top and they have always moved up from the bottom. Do not become greedy when you are making a good amount of money in any trade or investment. This is what I advised in the first week of January 2000 to all technology investors who invested on my recommendation a few years ago. Hardly any got any out and many ignored me because they were reading or media were representing a different picture about the technology boom and that influence hypnotized many investors. I know many of them who are still suffering from those losses and the same people were holding tons of money in early 2000. This same applies now for the metals traders; I also warn energy and oil traders  to book profit in oil and oil stocks when oil reached $100. Today once again I warn metal investors to book the profit and enjoy the time because the coming time can bring depression to those who are involved in mining stocks as well as in metals. When I am saying book the profit, it does not mean that it will start falling from tomorrow, I call when I see that a trend is over but the market forces and the pending trade of the last few years still forces the price fluctuation so I can be of track for a few weeks or a few months but do not take a $1000 risk to gain $20.


I hope you will understand my message and let’s see what this week has for the unpredictable world financial market:


Predictions from Jan 28 to 1 February



During last week, our buying recommendation on the weakness was proven right and gold climbed $70 from the low of Tuesday. The last week high of $934 should be the high of this week as well. We are all aware that this week is the Fed decision and people should not be expecting too much from Fed.


On Wednesday and Thursday gold will have a sharp fluctuation and the Moon tells me to recommend traders to sell on Thursday morning in Asia, Europe and USA. On Friday gold will trade weak. There was a time when gold was trading with dollar and last year, we have seen that in some months of the year gold was trading with oil and now recently gold has been trading with the stock market. Silver will have the same trend that we will see in gold during this week. On the higher side silver will move up to $16.68 and on the lower side the prices will come to $15.88 (Friday day to watch). 


I don’t think South African power problem will have much of a impact on gold prices, a few speculators may take advantage of it.


NOTE: long term traders should move out from metal stocks because gold prices are very near to the end of their six years bull market. The current volatility can push gold up to $948.80 and silver can move up to $17.88 (but chances are less). I called a fall in oil prices from $100 and it corrected more than 12% so in the most positive case gold and silver can reach above the predicted price but do not take the risk of buying to gain such a small amount of money because on the downwards side the price target by the middle of the year is quite a lot (Around 30%).



Platinum prices made a historic high on the news of production deficit. I know how miners, commercials, and big traders play this game. By creating negative news they can push prices more higher like in 2006, when copper prices were trading higher and at the same time every day bad news used to come for copper mine, supply problems as well as inventories concern. That pushed copper prices towards $400 and now where have all those problems gone, when gold, silver and platinum are trading at the historic high, why is the most used metal in the industry not trading at the higher prices?


In the financial market if you have billions in the hand, you can play any game until someone bigger stands against you. So the commodity and the financial market are the official big casinos where one side are the buyers and the other side are the sellers and whoever is more stronger, the prices move in that direction. Anyways, I predict the market with the help of astrology. According to me, the platinum prices are trading out of range of the highest astrological point and that means that a huge correction can come.


Platinum prices can move higher this week and they can move above $1700, I do not see platinum prices moving above $1742 in any circumstances, so this is a lifetime opportunity to sell during this week around higher predicted price.


Copper, nickel, palladium and zinc will trade weak so there is no need to buy if you see key metals trading positive.



Half the cycle of Mercury will keep coffee and cotton prices range bound so I do not see any sharp rise or fall in coffee or cotton prices but the buyers should hold the position in it. After two weeks we shall be buying coffee very aggressively.



All these soft commodities have been trading the way that we predicted in the five years. During this week all these soft commodities will trade in a narrow trading range so I do not advise you to involve any money at this stage. Many of our members have a huge sum of money in the sugar market during last four weeks as sugar prices moved up more than 25%. During this week I see sugar prices moving down again so if someone is holding the position they can book the profit on Monday. Lumber prices will make a new low and orange juice will also move down. Cocoa prices may get support of buying because mercury will support it from next week.



What a huge volatility we have seen in the market during last ten days. Our warning on international markets have proven very right and my warning is still remains very high for the international market so please trade carefully for those who are trading in markets like India, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Korea. All these markets have entered in a bear trend and from here they can fall more than 30% in the next few months.


During this week the trend of all major markets will remain weak except on Tuesday and Wednesday they may try to stabilize or they may trade in the positive zone. The last hour of Wednesday and early Thursday should be taken as a selling opportunity in all major international Markets because from last hour of Wednesday they will have a correction.


Planetary movements are also negative for USA markets but compared to international markets, USA market will perform far better. During last week, financial and banking stocks index moved up more than seven percent and that was our favorite area of buying during the last two weeks. This week is the best time to sell commodity stocks (metals and energy) and buy alternative energy stocks (Solar, Fuel cell and Bio-fuel).


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the USA market will trade positive but Sell on wednesday last hours. Wednesday will be the right day to book the profit in banking and financial stocks. Second area to watch very closely after alternative energy will be technology so keep a close eye on both these sectors and we shall be buying these stocks on Thursday.



Last week the oil prices traded as predicted and this week I see oil moving up to $94.80 (May touch on wednesday) and that will be the best price to see or go short on oil. Oil is in a weak trend because the planet Saturn is not supporting it so I see short term prices moving down to $85.80 within the next ten days. Sell RB gas and heating oil but the trend in the natural gas will remain positive.



Grains prices have achieved the top, in-fact from the higher level they have come down. During this week one can keep selling from Monday as prices will keep falling down. I see a sharp correction in soy bean. Wheat will also remain weak but corn will trade sideways but I am not recommending any buying in it. Sell grains.



After touching low on volatile trading session of Monday, the currencies gained against the Dollar but still the Dollar Index remained very stable. I strongly recommend buying Dollar Index if you do not want to take a risk by selling all different currencies.


During this week I see a very mixed trend for all major currencies and transit of Moon from weak houses is advising me to tell you that this is the best week to avoid trading in currencies until Thursday and then one can have a short position because after Thursday we will never see these higher prices in all major currencies against the dollar again. Those who want to take a little risk can sell Australian and Canadian dollar on Wednesday because from next week their outlook are very negative. On Monday, dollar will gain but on Tuesday/Wednesday it may lose some value but will not have much impact of the Fed decision.



This week will be the final week of rise for all major currencies but after Fed decision story will end!


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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 27 Jan 2008

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