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Today's Trade & News

Final phase has come again in commodities..

Dear Members,
I am sure many must have bought soft commodities and cover metals on fall (we recommended covering short in gold $911 and $905. Those who waited to sell on Wednesday can take position now. Buy coffee and sugar.
Oil may trade around here for few days but one again I confirm that bear market has already started in oil and it will move down non stop so hold your short those who doesn't want to take risk and buy put option of $80 of July in the next two months.
Corn and Soy bean ready fall big.
Current prices:
Sell oil at : $112.08, Heating oil at 31890, gold at $930, silver at $18.36, and copper at $399. They may move here or higher till 2 May but after that they fall.
Buy dollar index at current level $72.20.
My new book has received a great well-come. You can read monthly trend for the next two years of all major commodities, markets and currencies, also it covers 68 countries predcitions.
Thanks & God BLESS
Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday, 8.30 AM