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Today's Trade & News

Final trading of 2023, get ready for 2024 which could be very volatile on both sides…small part of weekly letter 26-29 December…

Dear Members,

This is the final week of 2023, and I am sure you are spending time with your families. It is always important to keep a balance between work and personal lives so that you can enjoy and experience everything in life’s journey. I am also a great believer in giving great quality time to ourselves which is always checking that we are on the right path or what more we could do for ourselves. Spending time with ourselves is what I can call meditation. 

We talk to people for hours when we are working a job, in business, with family, or with friends, and we hardly give quality time to ourselves. I believe spending time by ourselves is key and many people do meditation in the morning hours when everything is quiet, which makes us listen to ourselves far better. The mind is not active enough to finish hundreds of tasks. 

Yes, I have been promoting and always have been recommending mediation every day. Take even a hot glass of water, tea, or coffee and go in quietness and I am sure you will be amazed at the results. Even if your trading and investment decisions will improve, you will see awareness and consciousness growing. We will start doing the right thing for ourselves, our families, our community, and at large the world. We all are here to do something, and we should depart proudly by doing the right thing. 

Most of you are in the financial world, some of you must be just 100% in the investing business, like investment advisors, hedge fund managers, and traders, and some of you must be doing partial jobs and investments. We all are working in one of the most sensitive areas. If anyone thinks that investing or trading is a simple job then they are mistaken, it is one of the most challenging jobs and it requires the most discipline otherwise one can lose everything by taking an aggressive bet. If you treat it as a casino then it is bigger than a casino, so I will recommend drawing a plan for how you want to become a successful trader or investor. 

Overall, the Astro cycle will help you but sometimes I am also wrong in the short term, so keep it in mind… if Mr. Sharma is wrong, how much you could lose? Take every negative possibility into account before you make a trade and I am sure you will do well by keeping discipline. One of the greatest rallies of all time is coming in tech stocks, so you must invest in tech, but the strategy and discipline should be yours by keeping that what-if in mind. 

You must have seen me writing about Astro support and resistance level, and they are key for strategy, if Astro support levels break on the lower side on the positive day which is very negative, and if my higher side resistance level gets breached on a negative day that is even more positive for the market. 

In 2022 on many positive Astro days, the market closed negatively which was a very serious dangerous time for investors, the same happened in 2000 and 2008. In late 2022 I saw that on a few of the most negative days, the market started going higher, also it held our lower side level of 3500, which was great confirmation for me that the market is adopting the most bullish era because I saw 2023 remaining most bullish year for investors and same we mentioned in 2023 book. That is the reason weekly and daily letters are also key for me, as I always tick mark what happened on negative and positive days in each area because they are trend guides for the short-term bottom out or top out. 

I receive many emails stating “Mahendra, the Market has achieved its levels, shall we sell everything and get out and wait for the opportunity to buy back?” Yes, I will provide all answers in my letter as I don’t write replies to individuals if questions are important because it will help many rather than one person.

At this stage, I am very happy that 2023 worked very well for investors, and now it’s time to spend time with family and loved ones. Next week is the beginning of 2024, and we are very excited and looking forward to predicting the Weekly Newsletter. 

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma