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Financial astrology - Enjoy Fridays flashnews here for free....

Dear Friends,

Enjoy Fridays flashnews here for free. Thanks & God Bless, MaHendra SHarma

Dear Members,

Thursday after rate cut, and all kind of news from Greece and still Euro able to rise come myth for many traders. For everyone is myth but for me not, as Euro will do everything possible before it crash or shading value by 30%.

Currently all kind of questions are coming in your mind about who is buying euro, who try to save euro, why euro is putting money in euro? My answer is don’t think too much, just believe in what planets are telling us. Planets are saying big boom of US and USD, and vertical split in EU, which we already predicted in 2007/8, so current happening in EU is not shocking news to us. Even if tomorrow euro start trading 3500 pips down at par value of dollar, I won’t surprise at all because we already predicted this.  

My astrology is saying – have a full trust in USD, keep full faith trust in Ben Bernanke policy and trust President Obama will do bring changes, USA as country will be rocking, mind blowing future is on the way for USA. Don’t blame Bernanke or Obama as both took over power when USA already entered into housing and financial crises. I still say’s that Ben Bernanke saved this world going into worst crises.

Anyway I am very much excited about 2012 book, which shall be out by third week of December. Book “2012 Financial Predictions” looks most exciting as this book has monthly predictions for all major markets. This will be first book to come out with advance predictions of each month for all commodities, currencies, indexes. This will be a hand book which none of trader will like to keep away from themselves.

Here is Fridays trading range for all major markets:

Thursday base metals remained sideways but precious metals moved up sharply on rate cut by ECB. Also uncertainty in EU is pushing gold higher. Time for acquiring precious metals have come so start accumulating gold on any weakness. We don’t see now gold trading below $1700 and around $1680 and $1725 in this range one can start accumulating gold. Next week newsletter will have detail predictions on gold and silver.

Friday’s trading range for metals:

GOLD: $1772 to $1736

SILVER: $34.83 to $33.72

COPPER: $364.50 TO $356.20

PLATINUM: $1652 TO $1617

PALLADIUM: $669 TO $643


We still recommend avoid soft commodities at this stage, but next week time is coming to accumulate cotton.

Here is Friday’s range:

COFFEE - $225.10 TO $230.90

COCOA - $2765 TO $2702

COTTON - $97.30 TO $99.83

SUGAR - $25.97 TO $25.43

ORANGE JUICE - $174.90 TO $170.90

LUMBER - $231.1 TO $235.90


Start accumulating S&P around 1212-1218, but there is too much uncertainty out there, any weakness should be taken buying opportunity. In worst case scenario S&P can go to 1188 but very unlikely case. You can keep order there to buy. Best strategy will be buying December and March CALL.

Here is Friday’s trend for December Future contract:

AUSTRALIAN - 4289 TO 4221

NIKKEI – 8818 TO 8701

HONG KONG - 19712 TO 19380

CAC – 3232 TO 3079

DAX - 6193 TO 6018

FTSE – 5603 TO 5519

S&P - 1265 TO 1241

NASDAQ – 2377 TO 2324


Thursday grains added some value, we still advise wait for right time buying grains, lets Astro indicators give signal.

Trading range for Friday:

CORN - $657 TO $645

SOY - $1239 TO $1218

WHEAT - $641.25 TO $627.75

RICE – 16.09 TO $16.45


Oil moved higher but remained in trading range as predicted for the Thursday, gas moved up as well and remained in the predicted range as well. Natural should be in buying list.

Here is Thursday’s trend range:

OIL - $94.92 TO $92.59

Natural GAS - $3.77 TO $3.89

TREASURY BOND – 1.402 TO 1.4212


Thursday all major currencies remained directionless as they were moved in both directions, still dollar is our favorite so keep accumulating dollar on weakness.

Friday trading range is here:

DOLLAR INDEX – 77.38 to 76.65

EURO – 1.3888 to 1.3698

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0412 to 1.0262

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9963 to 0.9828

BRITISH POUND – 1.6119 to 1.5908

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2868 to 1.2769

SWISS FRANC – 1.1448 to 1.1318

RUPPEE – 49.06 to 49.28

RAND – 7.78 to 7.93


Important Note – In volatile market, our both side target ill fulfill but they can move beyond our lower-side target because volatility so our advise is sell always on higher side predicted range in weaker market trend, and buy at lower side in bull market trend. Please this in mind when you trading with day trading predicted range and I am sure you will always make money.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Thursday 5.30 PM