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Financial astrology - Here is most important newsletter...

Dear Friends,

Here is newsletter of first week of August, just following that you must have made or saved lot of money in investment and trading, in short I just say make financial astrology as most essential part of your investment & trading. Here is below newsletter of first week of August 2011.

Thanks & God Bless Mahendra Sharma

Shorter term end of bull era of commodities, watch your trade and ignore all commodity experts buying calls, at this stage it looks like all commodities and commodities stocks will have tough time – Planet Mars is saying

Dear Members,

Politicians played a very ugly game for everyone seeing everything is fair in love and politics. We are all aware that this uncertain scenario will end on Monday but on what cost? Anyways, we are not political analysts, and truly from deep of my heart I like President Obama and his astro chart, which will turn very positive from 14th of November 2011 before that current astro position is negative for him, he will rise, USA economy will rise, dollar will rise, employment will rise and definitely housing market will turn around in mid 2012, so yes I have great news for USA from middle of November 2011. Like after Tsunami we immediately came out with update that negative cycle for Japan which started from 1987 October is ended with Tsunami and Japan is entering into new cycle, stock market would perform best in Asia and world.

This was 15 March update; 

Great turnaround for Japan

Dear Friends,

I just finished reading Astro chart of Japan, wow, most positive news for Japan is here. Astro chart is showing that Japan rising period will start from 28 May 2011, and this cycle will last for the next five years. Since 1987 crashed, Japan stock market never recovered or never able to reach even halfway of previous high but this new Astro rising cycle will take Nikkei Stock exchange back to 29000 to 33000 or even 39000 again.

Short term negative cycle is ending within the next nine hours from now (currently 1.28 PM in Tokyo), means nuclear disaster worries will reduce drastically and some positive news will come out tomorrow. I don’t see any devastating news from nuclear power plant after nine hours from now so it is clear that no excess radioactive will be released from plant. Financial markets will also stabilize from later today and this is one of the greatest buying opportunities in Japanese stocks.

I feel very happy and relieve after reading this chart, I am happy for Japanese people that worst is almost over, just few hours are pending for good cycle and Japan is entering into most amazing cycle from 28 May 2011 (mean negative time which started in 1987 is ending on 28 May 2011).

I wish good luck to them and once again we all should pray for Japanese people for quick recovery.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Tuesday night New York

One should buy Japanese stocks in September as from September we see bull market starting for all major stocks markets but Japan and USA will outperform all major indexes. 

You all aware that from September our astro indicators are giving very clear single and always to trade when astrological indicators are definite and very clear. Many times you must have noticed that when I am not very clear in my newsletter that is the time not to trade those commodities. Like lately our predictions have come very accurate in grains, oil and soft commodities including stock markets. In precious metals and metals stocks we are mixed at this stage and also they can fall sharply but from end September astro indicators are very positive so it will be very easy to trade metals and metal stocks.

At this stage hold half cash and keep adding put positions in Yen and Swiss Franc as after long period any interesting trades are knocking your door to make great amount of money, so keep buying and adding put options. Since last two months we have been recommending to buy put options in Swiss franc and Yen and they keep moving higher. We knew that when something is trading at historic high in volatile time better to buy puts options and that is why we kept recommending buying puts of September and December and now time has come to go aggressive and keep your trade and I am very confident that you will make tons of money.


Here is this week newsletter from 1-5 August



Gold and silver will have bit positive days on Monday and Tuesday but if both these metals trade negatively on both of these days than expect huge correction during this week in intraday (but we see Monday and Tuesday metals going up).

From Wednesday onward they will start moving sideways or weaker trend until Friday so it is clear that this week will give finally weak indication for metals and won’t able to break Monday or Tuesdays high. From middle of next week gold and silver prices will crash huge and then weaker trend will continue for the next five weeks so plan your well.

Metal stocks are not trading positive, metal stocks can enter into bear cycle for the next two months so I won’t recommend holding in precious metal stock from here onwards. Corrections could be up to 30% in silver/gold as well as in precious metal stocks.

Once again – Best time to load up metals and metal stocks is coming from middle of September.

Wednesday will be right day to get out but from middle of next week crash will come.




Last week base metals traded positively as predicted, but now is the time to sell these base metal commodities. Copper, palladium and platinum are looking very negative as this week is not supporting this base metals at all so great time to take sell position in platinum and palladium from Monday. Copper sell positions you can take from late Tuesday as from Wednesday copper will just crash and will fulfill our last week lower side target of $4.2990 or below. Lately our predictions have been on the right track in platinum and Palladium so one can take trade with confidence so compare to copper trade palladium and platinum.

Lower side target for platinum and Palladium is huge in the next two weeks so I won’t put any price target but surely I can say ten percent fall in both of these base metals. Sell Platinum at $1793 and Palladium at $835.




Lately planets are guiding very well on cotton and coffee trend, since Venus has changed, movement of cotton has been positive so great time to acquire position in cotton on any weakness on Monday and Tuesday or around $97. Higher side 107.80 should be top in cotton for time being.

Coffee has been trading weaker as predicted, it will trade weaker for sometime before it start moving up again. At this stage we won’t recommend any buying trade in copper. Sell coffee on rise or around $248, lower side prices may touch $232.90.




In the last four months orange juice came back up from $153 to $200. In 2007 our sell recommendation in orange juice made plenty of money for traders because it crashed from $210 to $65 and came back to now in the last three years from $60 to $200. Once again commodities are very difficult trade to take once they are at top or at bottom because so much scarcity comes in volatility. Options trades are best once at top or bottom because they will surely give you huge money. It will be very difficult for orange juice to hold at $200 has Mars has already changed house during last week.

Cocoa will remain on weaker side so avoid any buying in cocoa, buy cocoa if it reaches to $2905 as longer term outlook in cocoa is very increasing.

Sugar is one commodity which has been touching highs and lows in each year with huge price swinging. This week sugar will start moving down so sell sugar around $30.28 and hold your sell positions. Oil outlook doesn’t look that great from this week so sugar prices will have pressure and Mercury is not supporting sugar from this week.




Last week selling was recommended in Australian market and it traded at multi months or seven months lows, amongst all Asian markets Australian market will perform very badly at this stage so avoid Australian market and sell on any rise, commodities outlook for next six weeks looks very negative so this will add more pressure to commodity based markets and Australia/Canada both are commodity based markets. Avoid both of these markets from next week.

Singapore, Honk Kong, China, Korea and India will perform well against all markets specially Europe.  

European markets are suffering huge setback; they will perform badly even during this week so any rise should be taken selling opportunity in European markets. From late Wednesday or Thursday these market will fall sharply as Moon will bring big uncertainty in these markets. Maybe Debts issue will again start dancing on floor of European markets. Thursday and Friday these markets can fall sharply.

USA will keep trading sideways, everyone expecting some relief rally after positive news which shall come any time after Monday but this positive news won’t able to give boost, shorter may rise should be taken selling opportunity as Thursday and Friday again markets will start trading weaker.

Longer term, Japan and USA will perform extremely well. I see a great buying opportunity if S&P comes to $1253. Last selling recommendations of S&P at $1343 made huge money for traders. Those who like to trade safe should buy markets or stocks from middle or end of September 2011.




Grains have been trading weaker, even last week corn, soy and wheat went down as predicted. We clearly see grains prices falling from current level so we don’t recommend any buying grains at this stage, those who are shorts in these markets can hold position for the next few weeks until planets doesn’t give buying indications.

Sell soy at 1369, corn at 673, wheat at $684, rice at $1630, oat at $347 and meal at 356. Among all Soy, corn, rice and wheat will trade most negative orderly.

In the last ten years longer term grains traders have made money on planetary indications so watch our grain predictions very closely and place small traders and see that you make money or not.

Note – Any rise should be taken selling opportunity in grains without fail from Wednesday.




Last week oil traded negatively, this week oil will keep moving down so sell oil around $97.10 and target $91.80 or lower by Friday, it means that oil will trade sharply weaker. Hold your sell position in oil, Monday and Tuesday oil may try to rebound or may trade in narrow range but sharp correction will come any time from early this week or from Tuesday and until Friday it will keep moving down.  Heating oil and RB gas will follow oil to sell both of these energy products.

Natural gas went down below our target. It also traded negatively as compared to what we saw on Thursday and Friday so avoid gas and if you have any position then get out from position on any rise. Lower side $4.03 will be good buy but as we see all commodities falling, gas will also fall.



Buying time in thirty year bond prices, we are targeting 129.34 means bond can reach easily to 130. Buy bonds.



Very few people are predicting positive outlook for Dollar, like 99 out of 100 are predicting doom for dollar against all currencies.

Shorter term trade:

Australian dollar, Canadian dollar will have sharp corrections any time from Monday but surely from Wednesday and prices will keep falling for the next six weeks.

British pound and Euro will trade both sides for the first two days of this week but from Wednesday onward both these currencies will start moving down and they will fall sharply.

Now let’s talk about most volatile two currencies, Yen and Franc: these both currencies made historic high against dollar and against most of the currencies. These currencies will fall Tuesday and Wednesday but try to move both side on Thursday and Friday. From middle of next week they will crash like there is no tomorrow so hold on to yours short trade if you have any and I am sure you must have bought puts. Friday I sent alter on both of these currencies when prices were around all time top and we still see that around those prices these both currencies will top out and from there they will crash.

Dollar index is great buy around 74, US is going through worst period and under most negative sentiment since last one month but still dollar index never broke previous low and to me this is most encouraging sign for dollar. I know people are tired with my dollar buying news but if I see euro going to par value then I don’t see any harm to hold this prediction because that can make fortune to longer term investors. All astro indictors are very clear on fall of euro so I have to hold the hand of dollar.

Important note – Commodities and currencies will have nightmare time as they will fall sharply, keep this newsletter with you at all times for the next six weeks and you will understand the value of our services, you will say deep in your heart that there was the reason that you subscribed for our expensive services.

Here is below Mondays trading range will in all major currencies, we are aware that currency markets may remain very volatile due to debt deal but still we feel that higher side selling in currencies against USD will provide you gains.



Monday  Trading range







Previous day Close






Mix - Buy on lower side





Mix - Sell On higher side





 Sell on higher side





 Sell on higher side





Weak-  Sell On higher side





Negative - Sell on higher side





Mix - Trade both side


Best advice: Wait for debt deal, and then enter in market because before that market may act very volatile on all kind of speculation, or rumors.

Best trades: Sell commodities as they are very near to just fall sharply for few months. Sell energy, grains, base metals and stock markets.


Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Predictions date; 30 July 2011, Saturday 11.30 PM
