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Today's Trade & News

Financial astrology - Thursday's Day trading range for commodities, currencies & Indexes....


Dear Friends,

Here is Thursdays flahsnews, I am sure you must be enjoying trading markets. We have created one click for visitors to put their note what they feel about our work as well as new book, to write click here; 


Dear Members,

As per newsletter, metals and commodities traded as mentioned. Thursday we see positive trend to remain in commodities but dollar is a great buy and time to book profit in indexes. Don’t sell any call options if you holding in silver & Indexes. One can book profit in gold, oil and other commodities on Thursday and Friday.

Here is Thursday trading range for all major markets:


This is what we mentioned in yesterdays flash - Precious metals remain positive once again against all currencies, dollar’s move up never affected the gold/silver trend. On Thursday, both these metals may push towards last month’s high. In our weekly newsletter we mentioned that from Wednesday the precious metals would start trading positive.

Thursday, metals will move in tight range but some profit booking will come from higher side.

Here is Thursday’s trading range for precious metals:

GOLD - $1717.90

SILVER - $33.59 TO $32.57



Base metals will remain in tight range but don’t buy any position for today. Thursday’s trading range for base metals:

COPPER - $387.90 TO $378.10

PALLADIUM - $701 TO $679

PLATINUM – $1601 TO $1573



I highly recommend to book profit in all indexes on opening. Sell European market, book profit in USA market but don’t short USA markets. Here is Thursday’s trading range for indexes:

AUSTRALIAN – 4255 to 4210

NIKKEI – 8890 TO 8846

NIFTY – 5168 TO 5121 (Market is close today)

HONG KONG - 20578 TO 20312 (sell)

CAC – 3369 TO 3315 (sell)

DAX - 6500 TO 6408 (sell)

FTSE – 5747 TO 5686 (sell)

S&P – 1326.75 TO 1314

NASDAQ – 2477 TO 2447

RUSSELL – 798 TO 785

DOW – 12735 TO 12637



All major soft commodities traded weaker as predicted, avoid any position for today, Thursday’s trading range:

COFFEE - $219.80 TO $216.10

COTTON - $96.90 TO 94.88

COCOA - $2478 TO $2383

SUGAR - $24.73 TO $24.18

ORNAGE JUICE - $215.55 TO $207.90



Wednesday Bond prices moved up, this is what we mentioned yesterday - By late tomorrow you should start building buying position in the thirty year bond.      

Thursday’s trading range: 142-28 to 141-09



This is what we mentioned yesterdays - I am sure many have book profit in grains as during last half an hour of trading soy and other grains process started giving up gains. Grain will trade mix but wheat and soy may show some positivity.

Time to book profit but don’t short any position and trade in and out in the predicted range. Here is Wednesday’s trading range for grains:

CORN - $641 TO $630

SOY - $1221 TO $1204.5

SOY OIL - $51.71 TO $51.01

SOY MEAL - $323 TO 317

WHEAT - $657.25 TO $634.50

RICE – 14.68 TO $14.47



Oil has been trading as predicted, trade in and out as per trading range of the day. Here is Thursday’s trading range:

OIL – $100.55 TO $98.43 (Sell at higher level, as we may see corrections and buy on sharp fall)

NATURAL GAS - $2.89 TO $2.64 (book profit at higher levels)




Trading in and out in all currencies, sell at higher prices, or buy dollar against all currencies at lower predicted range.

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

DOLLAR INDEX – 79.45 to 80.01

EURO – 1.3153 to 1.3019

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0588 to 1.0483

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9989 to 0.9912

BRITISH POUND – 1.5727 to 1.5597

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2907 to 1.2820

SWISS FRANC – 1.0879 to 1.0798

RUPPEE – 49.98 to 49.68

RAND – 7.89 to 07.74


Must thank – I bow to thank nature, Astro indicators and unseen power who helped me to write such a amazing book, each and every word of book is coming true. We are receiving great emails from people those who bought are thanking us but I want all of you to thank nature not me because of nature’s power this kind of book is possible. Please tell your friends, and people around you to buy this book because most amazing time is coming in the history of Wall-Street. S&P toward 1600 and 3200 in the next three to four years. Silver toward three digit.

Note – Our subscriptions offer is ending soon, those who like to extend should do it before prices goes back to normal. Daily cost of subscribing flash news is now $1.90 ($698 a year), so now everyone can afford.

Thanks & God Bless

Sharma Mahendra

Wednesday, 4.30 PM Santa Barbara


Here predictions came true from book and special offer for Weekly Newsletter and Flashnews Subscriptions.

First cycle: From Jan 2012 to….Page number 21, USA Equity;

The year will start with a steady note, and the first bull cycle will start from January 2012, and this will favor technology stocks as well as fire stocks like uranium, natural gas and oil stocks. This rising trend will end on….. We highly recommend accumulating stocks, accumulating calls and accumulating NASDAQ futures/calls. We see NASDAQ making gains around 10% and it may touch the 2600 mark. Currently when I am writing this prediction it is trading around 2190…


First cycle: From Jan 2012 to….Page number 25, Australian Equity Market;

Australian Equity market will enjoy rising trend after 7 Jan 2012 as Saturn will be transiting through 11 houses from the Astro birth chart of Australia. This is gain house, so this gives clear predictions of people making huge gains from equity market in 2012. Housing market will also do well. This is dream cycle for Australia…


From 9, Jan 2012 to….Page number 28, Indian Stock Market;

In year 2012 India will be divided into two cycles, the first one will be a “bull cycle” which will start from 9 January 2012 and will continue until …….. In the first cycle quality stocks will move up….


Sugar - First cycle represents rising trend from 9-January-2012 to....

This will be rising cycle and one can start buying up positions. In the month of January one can also start buying call options of …… but put more money in the ……. During this period we don’t see any corrections…


Orange Juice - First cycle represents rising trend from 05-January-2012 to...

This will be a rising cycle of orange juice, but you may notice that prices will rise with low volume……….. As prices will be rising so I won’t recommend going short in orange juice during this cycle.


Thirty Year Bond - First cycle represents weaker trend from 2-January-2012 to.....

During this cycle we recommend not buying thirty treasury bonds as prices will keep moving lower so any sharp rise on any news should be taken as selling opportunity….


CANADIAN EQUITY MARKET - First cycle represents bull phase, page 34

Toronto exchange will perform very well in first half and may reach to 15000….


COPPER - First cycle represents bull phase in copper from 18-January-2012 to 00-00-2.... page 44,

During this cycle copper prices will keep moving higher constantly, meaning without any sharp weakness, and copper will hit new highs every week. We highly recommend buying copper in early 2012 or second week of January 2012…..


PALLADIUM - First cycle represents rising trend, page 49

This will be one of the most fantastic cycles for Palladium, as during this period palladium prices will keep moving higher and higher and may touch….


NATURAL GAS - First cycle represents rising cycle from 14-January-2012 58

In 2012 natural gas will start with a positive note. Prices will keep moving higher during the period where Mars reigns. I highly recommend to keep accumulating positions in Gas. Don’t go short at any point in time because….


Here is last week newsletter, read it carefully,,_weekly_financial_newsletter.pdf

I respect his note, and I have decided to offer around 70% discount on flash-news. So, the current price of subscribing Flash-news is $197 but after this current discount offer, subscription cost will be $79 for a month;

Three months is $530 but after discount now cost will be $230,

Six months $980 but after discount now cost will be $399

One year $1790 but after discount now cost will be $698. I am sure many will able to take advantage of the current special offer. Current members can extend their services.

We are announcing reducing cost of newsletter from: Newsletter Subscription offer:

Monthly: $475.00 USD, after discount new rate will be $299.00

Quarterly: $1,250.00 USD after discount new rate will be $810.00

Semi-Annually: $2,096.00 USD after discount new rate will be $1520.00

Annually: $3,900.00 USD after discount new rate will be $2700.00

Current members can extend their services at discounted price.


We are not changing the personal consultations fee because we take very limited clients. So, monthly fee will remain $2500 and yearly $27000.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma