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Today's Trade & News

Financial Astrology - Wednesday's update for metals, energy, indexes, and currencies

Dear Members,

This week we recommended booking profit from Late Tuesday as well as on Wednesday and I am sure many of you must have done that. We still hold our predictions of profit booking would come in oil, metals and S&P at higher levels.

It is clear that no power can stop S&P going toward 1600, but from here now week avoid any new buying, yes one can buy S&P around 1293 and 1286. In December 2011 we already mentioned that S&P won’t see 1250 on lower side again in the year 2012 so any sharp fall should be taken buying opportunity. Our weekly newsletter will able to guide you on that as soon as we see buying opportunity coming.

Metals and energy and soft commodities will remain weaker or uncertain; so I won’t recommend any buying these at current level.  

Dollar has been trading up and down, once again great opportunity of buying dollar has, Sell EURO (currently trading 1.3212), YEN (1.3148) and Franc (1.0978).

Upper side S&P can reach 1326.25, gold $1754.50, silver $33.99 and oil $99.30. (Currently gold is trading around $1752, silver $33.91, oil $98.90 and S&P 1323.25)

Note – Our medium and longer term view is very bullish on metals (silver) and indexes. We will start recommend buying as soon as we see negative wave ending so wait for our buying call.

This is first time we have reduced rate of Flashnews and weekly newsletter, I am sure many will take advantage of current offer.

About flashnews – It is for day trading, those who trade in and out on daily basis

Weekly News letter – Daily, weekly, medium and longer term investment planning. This is premium services, and we highly recommend this.

Personal Consultations – For high net worth investors, we take limited client under this service.

Wait for Thursday flashnews.

Make financial astrology an integral part of your trading strategies.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Wednesday 8.30 AM, Santa Barbara