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Today's Trade & News

Financial astrology can guide us about market is small part of this week letter...

Dear Members,   

First half of 2019 remained one of the best halves for investors, even the month of June remained one of the best one of the last two decades. Many are confused about what to do now, as the USA market is at an important juncture where a lot of questions remain unanswered. Many investors are sending emails asking what will happen to the USA/China trade deal; will the FED cut rates; will S&P hit 3200 and many are asking whether to invest money in the market, gold, dollar, or bond market at this stage. After reading all those emails it seems like investors are confused. It looks like they don’t trust this rally, and many don’t trust Trump because they feel that he can influence the FED and global business environment.

I know that there are many questions, but I simply don’t follow the news and media because I know what happened when I did so during the last election. I want to remain pure by following just the astro cycle. Currently, I am a bit nervous because of the planetary combinations, however since the last ten days passed by smoothly, so I am not too worried about market. However I would like to watch the next three days carefully because Mercury getting retrograde in the house of Cancer with Mars, so if the market passes though the next three days smoothly, then I am not worried about the market at all and I will predict S&P reaching 3200 by the end of September. One can take that bet by buying call options and any other form of strategy which could make you money in a bull trend by the end of September.

I understand that traders are scared to invest in the market when it is trading around an all-time high. Investors will now be watching Powell’s testimony, and many believe that this will be one of the most important events as investors will get an idea of what the FED is up to.

Mars in Cancer can create a natural disaster. Recently there have been two earthquakes in California which was an eye-opening experience as people have suddenly started to remember that there is a huge risk of an earthquake. We humans think that we are powerful but forget that nature is the one taking care of us. Nature is the most powerful being, and once it starts behaving uncertain, it could create a threat for humanity. I pray to nature every single day and thanking nature for taking care us. I also thank nature for providing us with free air, water, light and earth to live.

I always recommend meditation as it is the most powerful tool to bring awareness and remind us of who we are, where we come from, and what we should do for humankind, nature, and other living things. Money is a small part, but it is playing the most important role in this world because we gave money all the power and now money is ruling us. Yes, so it is good to have money because it is a powerful thing, but we should use it in the right way and in the right things, we shouldn’t be abusing the power of money.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma