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Financial astrology for 2010, gold, silver, stocks, grains and energy

Dear Friends,

Here brief 2010 outlook:


GRAINS - Our major bet will be on grains, we highly recommend buying grains during 2010, March to July they will struggle but by end of year they will be the best performer. Year 2010 grains prices will sky rocket so we highly recommend buying grains. In secomd half 2010, Corn and Wheat will be proven the best investment.


Metals – Unfortunately all major planets are not supporting metals in 2010. All metals will underperform against grains and stock market so we won’t be putting money unless valuations get attractive. Our newsletter will guide you on short term move. Uranium stocks will be the best performer among mining stocks, avoid gold/silver stocks load up your portfolio with Uranium mining stocks. Gold won't able to break $1200 in 2010.


STOCK MARKET – We are not excited till Mid 2010, but after that markets will be on fire, we are very much hopeful that our target of Dow reaching 32000 will get fulfill in the next four years. Banking, financial, pharmaceuticals, retailers and transport won’t perform well. Power and alternative energy will be the best performer in 2010. We create a history of bubble; we highly recommend to buying fuel cell, hybrid, electric component, battery, wind, nuclear and solar stocks. We are expecting these stocks to perform between 50 to 300% during this year. In the next newsletter we will send detail list of stocks and you can choose few after analyze them. Big downside move is coming any time from 15 Jan 2010 in all stock exchanges. 


OIL – As I said earlier that in coming time oil will be fighting with it own destiny, in 2008 we called that oil is killing its own destiny by rising so fast and that proven so right when it fell from $150 to $33. Yes, I don’t see a great future for oil from here. Though there will be a rise and fall because of market activity but each rise to take a opportunity of selling because eventually I see no use of oil after 2018, by 2021 oil should trade below $5.00 because whole automobile industry will run on electricity and there will enough electricity in the world from new sources like nuclear, solar and wind. Before the end of oil era once again oil will reach to $200 in 2015/16. In 2010 oil will remain in bear market.


SOFT COMMODITIES – 2010 will be best year for coffee and cocoa and cotton three “C’s” (their pronoun session is start with “C”). There will be fall in sugar prices so avoid sugar. From June 2010 coffee and cocoa will be on fire, they may achieve new high. I see cocoa going up to $5000 and coffee near to historic high but yearly this year they will remain sideways.


CURRENCY MARKET – We see dollar to perform strongly in 2010, yes there will be some profit booking early this year so any corrections should be taken as a buying opportunity in dollar. Yen will be another currency to perform strongly in 2010 against all currencies except USD. Swiss Franc will also gain against Euro and BP. Canadian and Australian dollar will have set back in 2010, both these currencies will perform very negative. We predict most of currencies will lose more 20% value against USD in 2010. After gains our money will be in USD.


REAL ESTATE – Middle-east, Asia and USA won’t have any new surprise, European real estate will underperform, Brazil, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand will remain down in 2010. USA will remain weak or sideways, so we don’t recommend investing new money in real estate market. Yes we see 2011 will be good year for real estate. Since 2008, Dubai was under our warning and that proven very accurate, we still don’t recommend any new investment in Dubai property market; ignore all positive news if they come out because planets are not supporting Dubai for the next four years.    


TERRORISUM – Until April 2010, we see some kind activity or dyeing more soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, there will be some terrorist attacks in place like India, Indonesia and UK but after April 2010, many key evil people (terrorist) will get killed, this will be great news for Obama administration and world at large. There will be victory of good on evils.

 We should pray for good health of our leader as I always says that child future is in the hand of parents and same way billions peoples future is in the hand of politician, if they make one mistake then whole country suffer like hell (look at example of Zimbabwe), We pray that nature give vision and wisdom to our leader to make our beautiful planet more beautiful and peaceful.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma 3 Jan 2010