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Today's Trade & News

Thursday's complete Daily Flashnews report is here for free...Financial astrology by Mahendra Sharma.

Dear Members,

I have been writing the daily Flashnews report (five days a week) for the last two decades. Our daily Flashnews is used for day trading as we mention the daily ranges in the letter as well as the direction of every trading product which makes traders lives easy.  

I put in the hard work but the important part is that enjoy writing daily letter as well as weekly letter. Many visitors says that some time I need to release my report on website for visitors so I decided to release today’s Daily flashnews for everyone.

It is challenging to predict everyday trend in advance but I always accept challenges and that’s the reason our services are most popular and respected in Wall-Street. Yes, I have came wrong on many occasion but still we were right 8 times out of 10. Daily cost of subscription is $17.00, which is nothing against the risk we take in market on daily basis. 

Here is PDF file for Thursdays Daily Flashnews (Financial astrology daily letter)

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma