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Today's Trade & News

Financial market: Western society or western world will keep rising and east will keep suffering if they don't change attitude..must read..

Dear Members, 

Must read first part of weekly newsletter as it is important one to understand how we want to build our our next generations. Also from today members can start most awaited service "stock market subscriptions" letter.

Read more about this service:


Read last week newsletter here, PDF FILE OF 16-20 Sep 2013

Current offer subscriptions price:

Current offer price for one month - $199, and new price will be $500

Current offer price for one month - $550, and new price will be $1410

Current offer price for one month - $970, and new price will be $2590

Current offer price for one month - $1790, and new price will be $4750

We always give opportunity to our website visitors to subscribe at good rate, like last year when we announce service of news and update at $29.00 and then we increased to $199. So those who like to subscribe can go ahead and click here to subscribe this most unique service: 

This new service starting offer will remain for a limited period. Once this offer is over, our new price will be $500 per month, three months $1410, six months $2590 and twelve months $4790.



Thanks & God Bless

Maahendra Sharma