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First time, I am releasing this TV interview on net...

Dear Members,
This is first time that I am releasing this 9/11 2001 tape. This tape may disturb many because of Sad event of 2001 that it highlights. That was exactly why I never released this tape but today I was watching this tape and again and I decided to release it because in this tape I was talking about how important gold would be in the coming Time. This interview was telecast by "M-net TV, program was Carte blanc" part of a South African broadcast in 2001 in South Africa. 
With in few days we will put more interviews of 2001/2/3 on our website. Once again I don't want to take any credit for predicting 9/11 as this was the event that Changed my whole life. This was a terrible event and I was in a lot of pain and was in depression for a few days as to why I made this kind of a prediction. After this event I changed myself to a 100% financial astrologer. I stopped predicting on war and attacks after 2001, because I don't want to see people getting killed in wars and attacks. I want everyone to make money and make their families happy, help their neighbors, city, country and the world at large.
My prediction on gold is negative in current time but after 2015 gold will move to $5000. Rise of Dollar will end in 2015 and all currencies will melt down and that's time there will be real birth of gold.
In same book 2001/2 we mentioned key five predictions:
Rise of oil from $15.80 up $100
Crash of US Dollar 2001 to 2007
Crash of housing market
Rise of gold to $1000, and silver $21, gold was $273 and silver $4.36.
Now we see very uncertain time for investors, so they should be be out from metals, stocks and all risky investments from 12 October as fasted fall in all these markets can take place. I am not saying that I will 100% right but my theory says so I have to predict.
Stay long with USD.
We will be writing in details about all markets in our every week weekly newsletter. 
Mahendra Sharma
Thanks & God Bless