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Today's Trade & News

Free - This week newsletter (12 Jan to 16 Jan), watch silver, US$...

Dear Members,
Once again I am happy to give away this newsletter for free to my viewer.
I had a great launching in India and South Africa and just came back to my home town, Nairobi.
I am very much happy to see silver price movements because last year I said that days are coming soon when silver prices would rise 20 to 50 or even a dollar in a day.
Lets see what this week (12 Jan to 16 Jan) is indicating for the unpredictable financial market trends.
Last week, gold went down from $430 to $417 but it bounced back to $426. I recommend to sell or wait for adding more position until it reaches or trades above $432 for 36 hours. This will give a major bull signal in gold prices. Below $432, it is not safe to trade for short term.
Approaching towards $7.95, my price target.  Again, this week looks very strong like last week. I recommend that you hold your investments in silver.
It is approaching towards $900. Stay invested or you can even add position.
It is a good time to buy US DOLLAR AGAINST OTHER CURRENCIES. So I will recommend to sell Euro, Pound, Swiss Franc, Rand and Ausi dollar.
Stock Market:
I won't recommend any buying in USA or European market because they can go down any time. I am writing some thing very detailed on the USA market; how it will collapse and what will be the negative effects on the world stock markets. Will this be worse than in 1929?
Coffee & Oil:
Prices of Coffee and oil can sky rocket in next two months and all grains will rise during this week, so keep a close watch on these commodities.
I may increase my book price soon because I only print limited number of copies.
Thanks & God BLESS