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Today's Trade & News

Fridays complete Flashnews here for metals, indexes, currencies, energy, grains, softs and bond...Commodities sell and market buy was great call of Wednesday night...

Dear Members,

We humbly bow to the Wave of Nature and the Astro cycle’s for giving us guidance. The same guidance that we always pass on to all of our members. I am sure our advice early morning on Thursday must have helped you, and we are fully committed to keep guiding you continuously for the foreseeable future.

In our book we mentioned that major volatility is expected in the market from the 1st of March to the 7th of March. We recommended investors to stay away from the market, but that might have ended because I made a small error in my study when I was writing the book “2022 Financial Predictions”. I don’t know why I thought that Mars will change its house on the 5th of March 2022, when it was changing on the 26th of February. Seven days before a change takes place it is always a crucial time so from the 19th of February to the 25th of February should have been the period I should have mentioned in the book. Anyways, our book is an amazing tool to give us great guidance, and it is the only one of a kind book available that can guide us for a complete year in advance, with the monthly outlook for all the major areas in the financial markets including Commodities, stocks market, currency markets, and Crypto.

On Wednesday night we recommended selling commodities like when oil was at $100, Soy at $1765, Gold $1970, Silver $25.55, and palladium at $2655. We also recommended buying S&P at 4111 and Nasdaq 13111. In two day’s commodities collapsed and the market made an amazing reversal which we haven’t seen in a long time.

Here I am posting Fridays complete flash news, and I am sure it may help you make some trading decisions.    

Here is the complete PDF file of Friday’s Flashnews

Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma