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Fridays stock Investment report....BIDU, CRAY, UTLI and many stocks performed well ...

Fridays Daily Stock Investment Report (unedited)

What a fantastic week market provided us, energy looks positive


Dear Members,

On Thursday most of global market traded mix, USA market also held value very well which confirm that markets are ready for big ride in coming days. Down side we don’t see S&P going below 2064 level and higher is wide open with target of 2118 to 2305. We will try to put clear outlook in the next week newsletter. Our buying recommendations in S&P at 1881 on 2 October was one of the best call of recent time and I am proud to say that I follow astro indicators which helps understanding helping investors behavior pattern.

On Monday we will release next week buying list of our favorite stocks which shall move higher after earning.

Remain stock specific, follow our stock report as our most of recommendations have done very well. Banking, financial and housing stocks are ready to take big lead from here which will take this market toward all-time high. Hold positions tightly and now emerging market turn is coming from next to perform well so get ready to acquire positions. Day traders can trade in and out as mentioned below ranges.

We are not recommending any shorts, hold positions in stocks. Avoid people those have been talking very negative on market because these negative people many have missed great buying opportunity in market during last month.

Since last Thursday we recommended buying following stocks on earning and except few most of are performed amazingly well. 

Most of above mentioned stocks shall move higher between 5 to 20% higher but our favorites are AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, BIDU, TREE, IPHI, MPWR, ULTI, SUI and many more are our favorite.

AMZN: Last close was $555.00 – Thursday closing $625.50

GOOGL: Last close was $671.00 – Thursday closing $744.50

MSFT: Last close was $47.80 – Thursday closing $53.50

NHTC: Last close was $38.00 – Thursday closing $48.50

TREE: Last close was $98.00 – Thursday closing $122.50

ELLI: Last close was $68.80 – Thursday closing $77.50

IPHI: Last close was $28.30 – Thursday closing $29.65

BIDU: Last close was $157.20 – Thursday closing $181.00

RNG: Last close was $18.00 – Thursday closing $18.55

SUI: Last close was $70.20 – Thursday closing $68.50

ULTI: Last close was $195.00 – Thursday closing $205

MPWR: Last close was $58.70 – Thursday closing $62

MDSO: Last close was $41.20 – Thursday closing $40.80

ST: Last close was $48.00 – Thursday closing $48.50

PGTI: Last close was $14.00 – Thursday closing $11.50

FIX: Last close was $30.00 – Thursday closing $29.60

CRUS: Last close was $29.00 – Thursday closing $30.60

FIX: Last close was $30.00 – Thursday closing $29.60

Today after market CRAY, CATM, BIDU EXLS and LNKD moved positive. ELLI and NHTC moved again higher. Tomorrow many frontline tech stocks will perform well. Disney has been performing and will move higher on Friday. 

This is what we mentioned yesterday: Today IPHI, AMZN, CRUS, CVCO, NHTC and ULTI performed very well on earning. Tomorrow we are sure BIDU and ELLI should move higher. Hold positions in NHTC, CRUS, IPHI and ELLI looks very positive for medium term. IPHI and NHTC have been our favorite since last three months and we recommend holding both these company for longer term and may these both companies may be taken over.

LNKD will also announce earning, but we would like to stay away from LNKD though stock may move positive but we are not recommending any buying in LNKD as we don’t see great future for this company.

This is what we mentioned Tuesday: On Tuesday MPWR, IPHI and frontline biotech stocks performed very well. Equity market remained negative to mix due to oncoming FED meeting. Today AMZN, GOOGLE and BIDU performed nicely.

We recommend holding or adding position in IPHI, BIDU, NHTC and ELLI.

This is what we mentioned Monday: Tomorrow Apple will be announcing earning and stocks should perform well but you shouldn’t be trading in and out as Apple should be in your longer term holding list as our target is $178 by end of next year. Any weakness should be taken aggressive buying positions in Apple.

Avoid Twitter at this stage, from March next year Twitter looks far better.

Panera Bread – PNRA, will be announcing earning and it is very know company but at this stage stay away because till 2016 future of Panera will remain in uncertain zone because planets are not very positive. Investors should lighten up positions if you holding any positions. 

This is what we mentioned Monday: Last week most of the global markets gained nice value as predicted. What a turnaround in S&P from the 2nd of October when it was struggling around $1180, and on the same day post the nonfarm payroll the market turned around from that level and gained over 10%. In fact October remained one of the best months of the last decade. I am sure many of you must be feeling satisfied by following our view, because the end of August and September was so scary that many people even lost hope that the market could turn around. We believed in our theory and once again it proved to be the right guidance.

Most of you are aware that I have been holding S&P target of 3200, which we are predicting will happen by March or April 2017, so we have another 15 months in which S&P should gain almost 1000 points. I know it is very hard for you to believe that this will happen but our theory says that this will happen, so we remain firm and recommend investors to plan the next 15 months very well, do not worry about weakness in China or the emerging market, or do not think too much about the FED hiking rates, because all this noise will be buried under the bull astro cycle for the market.

Last week turned out to be the best week for USA stock investors. Giant stocks like Microsoft, Amazon, Google and many others moved up so aggressively, which provided handsome returns to many portfolios. These three stocks were our favorite on earnings, and for 2015, and they are still our favorites. Plan your calls in indexes, because the bullish trend has started from the 2nd of October as predicted, and the US market is just 2.5% below an all-time high, and once this market starts its journey towards an all-time high, the rally will be non-stop.

This week on Monday and Tuesday there will be a mixed to sideways trend, but buying may continue around the lower side, and key stocks will keep moving higher, so do not hurry to book profit. On Wednesday the market will trade in a mixed trend. On Thursday and Friday we may see some aggressive moves on both sides so trading in and out will be the best strategy.

The Emerging market will trade slowly and in a mixed trend during this week, but keep adding emerging market ETF’s.

European markets performed extremely well during last week, and this week most of the European markets will hold value.

S&P is trading around the most important level, and if S&P closes above 2088 for three days, then our next target is 2260 to 2395 by the end of the year. On the down side S&P will have a strong astro support at 2038, so this is a great buying level if S&P comes down to it. NASDAQ will remain very hot, and commodity stocks will follow the market.

We are not recommending any shorts around the higher level in these markets. Surely, booking some profit won’t harm your portfolio.

Last week IPHI, AAOI, AMZN, GOOGL, POOL, TYL, FDX, NHTC and MSFT performed well, IPHI is our favorite in mid-size stock. Last week IPHI moved sharply higher. On 27 October IPHI will announce earning, we are expecting IPHI to move at least 50% higher from current price. Also two more our favorite are LGIH and NHTC.

Monday and Tuesdays top pick from list of stocks which shall move higher after earning because these stocks will give surprise earning:

This is what we mentioned about AMZN, MSFT, Google and other few stocks on Wednesday 21 October. Here what we mentioned on last week Tuesday:  On Monday we mentioned that one should start buying YINN, BRZU, LBJ and INDL from Thursday, and tomorrow is Thursday so get in without waiting.

Last quarter (June 2015) AMZN and Google recommendations provided huge returns to investors. We predicted that both these stocks will move at least $90.00 after earning release. This time our two favorite recommendations are MSFT and AMZN. Today Amazon is trading around $559 and MSFT $47.65.

According to astro chart, AMZN (Amazon – currently trading at $559) look positive as most of planets are in gain house so company will provided great number. We are expecting Amazon to move at least $65.00 or 12% higher from today’s price of $559. Buy some short term call but most of you are aware that our target for Amazon is 1000 by end of next year so keep adding longer term call option like Jan 2017 with strike price of $700 and we are sure you will gain great returns.

Second best stock is MSFT (Microsoft – currently trading at $$47.59), we are strongly recommend to buy MSFT on earning. Buy 18% in short term call and 82% in longer term call of 2017. Our view is very bullish for Microsoft as Astro cycle will turn very positive in 2016 and 2017. Down side for Microsoft is very limited but higher side is unlimited, at least it can reach $68 by end of next year. Thursday it will announce earning after market close and we are expecting at least 9% move in stock which huge for this size company.

GOOGL (Alphabet), also will announce earning on Thursday along with MSFT and AMZN. Google will also perform but it will perform both side so any sharp higher opening should be taken as profit booking. We also recommend buying Google on earning. Currently Google is trading around $678.

On Thursday POOL will be also announcing earning, this one can also move up to 10% higher so one can take positions in POOL on Wednesday. Currently POOL is trading around $75.00

We are sure you will do well with all these recommendations.

CERN (Cerner Corp) will be announcing earning on 3 November, and we strongly recommend to buy at $65.60, we are expecting at least 10% move in CERN

Last week UFPI performed well after earning, it moved over 15% after earning and we are still recommending to holding UFPI.

We are strongly recommend start buying positions on lower sides so don’t miss opportunity of buying.

Today after market Yahoo and CMG announce earning and both stocks were down bit, we didn’t recommended as astro chart were not clear for both these stocks.

MSFT, GOOGLE, and AMZN will be announcing earning on Thursday so surely it will be most interesting day.

Stay away from buying in energy, metals and biotech stocks but surely tech and industrial stocks.

On Friday 2 Oct, this we mentioned in alert: On Friday we stated: Job data unexpectedly came out negative and market came down sharply lower but these lower prices may not able to remain for more than few hours or few days so time to acquire more positions here in USA market. This week on Monday S&P made a low of 1863 level and right now it is trading at 1886 and this level should be held and it won’t trade below 1886 for more than three days. 

Must watch: Emerging markets are bottoming and emerging market currencies also started moving higher since last three trading sessions after weaker news of five years. Time to acquire emerging market currencies and emerging markets. Watch YINN, BRZU, INDL and LBJ.

In 2011 mid-October S&P bottomed out and moved 30% in the 5 months, and every year there on S&P always bottomed out in mid-October and same we are expecting this year to happen as we have been predicting that market should bottomed out by 10 or 16 October 2015. We are still expecting huge rally in first quarter of 2016. We are expecting S&P to gain 20% by 2016 March.

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, 7.00 AM Santa Barbara, 2 Oct 2015

This is what we stated last Thursday: On Thursday we strongly recommend buying energy stocks, and energy etfs. Tech and biotech stocks will keep recovering from recent fall.  ERX is great bet today. It moved higher yesterday from our buying level of $24.00. One can buy TOT, PTR, BTU, NOV and OXY, these energy stocks are for short term buying.

For S&P 1928 will remain a crucial level and S&P has to close above 1928 for two days to give a clear buying indication. We are expecting the market to move aggressively higher any time after the 15th of October, which can force the market to close 15% higher from current levels. 

This is what we mentioned Monday: We doesn’t see S&P closing below 1923 for three days otherwise until 10 October market can remain weaker or volatile so watch this astro level closely. We recommend you to read this week’s weekly newsletter carefully. 

Here are Friday’s ranges: (December contracts) 

HONG KONG (cash) – 22905 to 22665

NIKKEI 19093 TO 18825

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 8163 to 8071 Buy

CAC – 4919 TO 4851

DAX – 10891 TO 10702

DEX EURO STOXX – 3439 – 3371

FTSE – 6429 TO 6335

FTSE/JSE (Cash) – 47538 to 48032

S&P e-mini – 2093.00 TO 2075.00 Buy

NASDAQ 100 e-mini – 4701.00 TO 4645.00 Buy

RUSSELL e-mini – 1172 TO 1153.00 Buy

DOW e-mini 17771 TO 17618 Buy

Amazon: 632.90 to 619.80 Positive Trend - BUY

AAPL: 121.95 TO 119.95 Positive Trend

IBM: 141.95 to 139.10

GOOGLE: $748.90 to 740.00 Positive Trend Buy

Goldman: 192.00 to 188.50 Mix Trend

Microsoft: 53.89 to 53.29 Buy

NETFLIX: 107.55 to 104.50

REGN: 566.00 to 548.50 Mix Trend

GILD: 110.88 to 108.15 Mix Trend

AMGN: 162.80 to 158.70 Mix Trend

CELG: 126.50 to 122.50 Avoid

BIIB: 297.00 to 290.00

Click here to subscribe complete or next week daily stock report here…

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma


29 October 2015, 3.00 PM, Santa Barbara