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Today's Trade & News

Fridays trading strategy, Book will be out on 16 December...

Friday’s Flash-news

Dear Members,

Once again the ghost of the Europe problem has come in the center and scared investors. I must give credit to planetary movements because of this subject, since 2008 we have been warning on European situations. We also predicted that eventually EU would break and that the history of Euro would end around 2015/16. Let’s not get too worried about 2015 or 2016 at this stage because currently traders are concern about tomorrow or this week-end or coming shorter period.

Yes, we are concerned too, but planets are making my life easy because once you are able to see a glimpse of a coming wave you feel relieved. I am so calm right now because Sun is moving out from the house of Scorpio and that will mark the end of uncertainty in markets, and 16th December will be the date when Sun will be moving out so get ready as the greatest buying opportunity is on its way. Don’t involve your money in uncertainty, put money when the time is certain and fear is less.

I wish I could start giving public speeches on planetary influences on markets and human psychology. How in one day all sentiments change; how fear takes place in investors’ minds and then the next day when the markets open positive all those attitudes change. Anyways, this is a flash news so I want to keep small, but surely I will put every month one Video, and hopefully my members will like it.

I am so happy to have very intellectual people as my members; there are many high net-worth and known people in our list, who would not feel proud? Because I know masses in this world don’t give importance to planetary influences on market and changing behavior pattern in our daily lives. Though as a person we remain the same, with every hour changes come in our mood, our actions, our attitude etc…


We will talk on this some other time. For now let’s see what planets are saying for Friday. Here is Friday’s trading range:  

Here what we mentioned yesterday:

Today we would like advise you not to go aggressive for the next three days (Thursday, Friday and Monday). In fact, any rise should be taken as a profit booking opportunity on late Friday.

We recommended buying metals on weak on Wednesday, and this prediction was proven very accurate, Thursday we recommend booking profit at higher side and avoid any position.


Friday’s trading range will be:

GOLD - $1701 to $1729.8

SILVER - $32.16 to $31.30

COPPER – $354.20 TO $345.10                                          

PLATINUM - $1509 TO $1483

PALLADIUM – $679 TO $660


Yesterday we recommended booking profiting in indexes on higher side, that advice proven very accurate. All major indexes may move aggressively on both side as like Thursday, Friday is also negative day with fake positivity like Thursday so market may move up.

Here Friday’s trading range:

 Australia – 4290 to 4173

NIKKEI – 8510 TO 8633

HANG SANG – 18390 TO 18800

DAX – 5909 TO 5759

CAC – 3119 TO 3039

FSTE – 5518 - 5381

S&P – 1224.75 TO 1250                                        

NASDAQ – 2303 TO 2259


Looks negative buy coffee and cotton on weakness. Sell other soft commodities including ORNAGE Juice. Here is trading range for Friday:

Coffee - $231.80 TO $225.90

Cotton - $91.10 to $92.90

Cocoa - $2098 TO $2148

Sugar - $24.39 to $23.65 (looks negative)

Orange Juice - $173 TO $168.7 (Looks negative)


Grains have been trading weaker as predicted…...

Here is Fridays range:

CORN - $592 TO $607

WHEAT - $599 TO 587

SOY - $1135.5 TO $1124

RICE - $14.41 TO $14.12


Oil is trading mix, cover short position at lower side. Add more natural gas.

Here is Friday’s trading range:

NATURAL GAS – $3.56 TO $3.39

OIL - $99.82 TO 96.89

Treasury bond – 143.14 to 141.21


Still we see a great opportunity of buying dollar around 78.75, hold short in all currencies except Yen and Pound.

Here is Friday’s trading range:

Dollar Index – 78.63 to 79.30

Australian dollar – 1.0178 to 1.0043

British Pound – 1.5790 to 1.5515

Canadian Dollar – 0.9853 to 0.9703

EURO - 1.3409 to 1.3225

Japanese yen – 1.2923 to 1.2820

Swiss Franc – 1.0854 to 1.0721

Rupee – 52.48 to 51.92

Rand – 8.19 to 8.39

We are launching “2012 Financial Predictions” on 16 December, it will ready for order on 16 of December. I have put my heart, soul and little bit my knowledge of economy and fundamentals.  This will be one of this best gift you can pick up for this Christmas for your colleagues, friends and your company.

Price of book will be $152, Corporate and financial institutions who likes to pick more than 50 books should send us email.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

8 December 2011

6.50 PM Santa Barbara