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Today's Trade & News

Friday's Update, Fall in metals and part of newsletter - (Gold in 18 months $1000 and silver $28.8)

Dear Members,

Gold, silver, platinum, copper and all other base metals have started trading weak. This is the reason that for the last one month I have been saying that though the metal’s bull market is very near, there was one more fall pending, and that gold could break $600 or may even touch $580. Evidently, time has proven this right and metals are falling sharply and the $628.80 FIGURE HAS PROVED TO BE QUITE AN IMPORTANT ONE. 

Let me reiterate that gold will touch $1000 but before the start of the bull journey, it may first go to $580 or even lower, therefore trade accordingly. 

Today all metals should remain weak, as gold has broken the important Jupiter level of $614 and therefore no new buying is recommended. Wait to buy at $581. 

Silver is trading weak as well and it will break $12.00. The next buying time will come after two weeks. 

Platinum is going down quite rapidly and will move down some more. 

I always talk of the spot price, because some members asked me to. Currently gold is trading at $612.80 while silver is at $12.12. Gold will test $604 and silver $11.92. We will watch the movements, but there is no hurry.

There are two important points:

As indicated by Jupiter, the rise of the dollar rise has been proving right and I must therefore thank Jupiter for this. Jupiter has brought a unique wave in the US Dollar and metals will still not walk together with the dollar till I see some negative news for metals. THE DOLLAR’S RISE IS A KEY FACTOR IN WEAK METALS AND WE SEE IT CURRENTLY. 

As I have been mentioning, there are still a few weeks or even months pending before the metals’ bull market can gain strength.  


Grains will trade sideway. 

For coffee, there is an opportunity to buy today, as there will be fire on Monday. 

The stock market should move up and therefore buying is recommended during opening, while those who short on my recommendation can cut short on opening. 

For the moment I don’t want to say much about the dollar, but one should hold position or add more as the dollar has entered into a historic bull market.  



The Dollar’s rise will occur anytime and would like to see its impact on metals. I am leaving the decision to trade metals up to you and while I wouldn’t do anything in a hurry, I would very closely watch since we are only a few weeks away from a major turn-around in metals.



This week gold will trade with a bit of volatility and the trading range will be $634.80 to $614.10. Breaking either level will push prices higher or lower in that specific direction. (We have to see two day trading below $614 to confirm bear market).


Dear Friends,
There are many people that have sent me mail asking why there are no updates published on the website.
Well, the reason is simply that it is a paid service though I sometimes put a few just so that new visitors can see what I do. Please therefore don't expect me to put a free update everyday. You can get much more if you subscribe to the newsletter.
Furthermore, it is quite true that something seems to have more value when one has paid for it. One usually feels good and proud about it and sure enough, the results are often different. This is just human nature: for instance if you go for coffee that is being offered free, you may feel good about it for a while but for how long can one do that? As a matter of fact, it is only a matter of time before one starts to feel some pangs of guilt and wondering whether he shouldn’t just pay for it, even if just a token. As I said, this is just human nature and even though it is good to share with others, one feels the need to pay once in a while. This way, one feels at ease to fully contribute and participate with others without negative emotions.
I am not trying to make anyone to subscribe to my newsletter but if you trade in the unpredictable market, then  $180.00 for a month’s subscription or $1440 for a year is not a big fee. One can actually make this amount in one trade and is the kind of money we spend for everyday needs, like buying a cup of coffee. 
Like today and last week you could have made huge sum of profit.
I will put update after market close.
I shall say more in next week’s newsletter. Meanwhile good luck and have a great weekend.

Thanks & God Bless

Sharma Mahendra, Friday 9.30EST

Dear Members,

What I was saw on Wednesday’s closing and Thursday morning have become true, as gold broke the important level of $628.80. Silver did as well, and it seems like my advice to wait for some more time and magic figure $628.80 proving right. I have been waiting to see the dollar’s move and in the last forty-eight hours it has gained strongly. Let the dollar gain some more first, as gold likes to take time before making a comfortable relationship so wait. 

The correct figure around which to buy gold will be $614. For silver, one should wait for some time as well and there is no need to leap into the market.  

In the newsletter I gave this week’s trading range for gold as between $614 to $635, while that for silver is $13.18 to $12.72. If metals break these levels, then they may go down some more, therefore trade safely.  Currently trading around spot prices $624 and silver $12.92.

Oil should turn around today from low (currently trading around $66.85) and should do it strongly, as this is going to be the final phase of support from Saturn. 

Elsewhere, grains are looking terrible and one should therefore avoid new trading in corn and wheat. However, one should buy soy and meal on falling, as they will rise more than corn and wheat in the next three months. It will be great news if they turn around on a Thursday, and we therefore hope that they do it today. 

As expected, stock markets went down around the globe and they should remain weak even today, therefore trade accordingly. 

Coffee will trade in volatility though one should buy on todays dip and hold the position as it is entering into a bull cycle. 


Wait for tomorrow's update, which should be around New York opening. 


SHARMA MAHENDRA Thursday, 9.30am EST


Dear Members,

Gold and silver are trying to consolidate at this level and there is no doubt that one can hold the gold position fearlessly if it doesn't break $628.80.

Today’s last hour of trading as well as tomorrow’s two hours after New York opening will be very important for gold and one should add more if it remains positive, otherwise my daily update will guide you.

As far as silver is concerned, today it will trade sideway. 

The Dollar is moving up and metals don’t seem too bothered about it, which is a good sign. However, tomorrow’s upward move of the dollar will be a crucial test for gold. 

Additionally, grains tasted lows and have a will move up, which they surely will. Just keep on adding small positions in Soy and meal, while avoiding wheat and corn.

Elsewhere, coffee sharply moved higher yesterday and it should do the same tomorrow, after today’s consolidating pattern. At the moment, Mars is enjoying the taste of coffee. 

The stock market may remain weak for the rest of week by sideway movement, therefore trade accordingly. 

The Dollar is standing firm, and why not- there doesn’t seem any reason why it should go down from here. 

One should also know that orange juice could move down anytime now. 

Cotton will also remain sideway, but one can buy tomorrow. 

Finally, oil is poised to turn around tomorrow and one should therefore trade accordingly.

Thanks & God Bless

Sharma Mahendra, 9.30, Wednesday, New York

Dear Members,

Gold and silver are moving higher, with gold especially riding on a fearless wave and currently trading around $636.30. It should actually rise even higher to $644.80 in the first rising wave. Side metals will decline but gold has already entered into the bull phase having already crossed the $628.80 level. Wednesday’s closing will be testing time for gold as a weak cycle is setting in and we should therefore be on the lookout on that period. In addition, GOLD AND THE DOLLAR ARE WATCHING EACH OTHER- AND SMILING.

Silver’s trade may be slow and one can book profit, as the rally will not move higher. Currently silver is trading around $13.18. 

Coffee has opened sharply higher and that is what we have been expecting. I have now started drinking coffee and will enjoy it even when prices increase as my buying contract and call will take care of it. 

A new era in grains is on the way and we should carefully watch since I expect a bull market.  

This week I forgot to write about the stock market. I see all markets remaining sideway this week, and sellers will gain; therefore trade accordingly for the next forty-two hours. 

As regards the Dollar, it is standing at ease and waiting for any challenge.

Thanks & God Bless



Respected MEMBERS,

I would like to dedicate this newsletter to one of my well-wishers, Bill Murphy, a tireless fighter who never believes in losing. I would also like to dedicate it to Mr. James Sinclair, a unique personality whom I respect, though we are walking on separate paths in a journey that has the same final destination.


With the exception of metals, a general look over the commodity market shows that nothing looks good because some commodities trade slowly and sideway for long periods. Sometimes they are closely manipulated as well and rendered quite difficult to make money out of.  However, the same doesn’t apply for the metal market, particularly gold and silver. History amply demonstrates that there has always been high demand for precious metals from the common man and as a matter fact, the last few hundred years have proved it with people having to fight to acquire these precious metals.


For the last two years I have been saying something which is making sense today; and that is the fact that due to growing physical demand, as well as faith and awareness of the real value, metals can’t be kept at low prices by hedging. Indeed, there has been an ever-increasing growth as millions join in to trade or accumulate it from China, India, Middle East as well as European countries. Looking back to 2001/2002, I constantly said, Gold/silver would attract millions of new investors, and to watch that race”. This is what we are seeing today, and it will therefore be quite difficult for major mining corporations and central banks to successfully manipulate gold prices. Indeed, attempts to do this will become increasingly dangerous and such companies will be risking closure, while for the central banks, it will be tantamount to mortgaging the country.


It is therefore very important to carefully consider in which gold company you invest because in the future, I don’t see hedging being such a great strategy. This is because a bull run will be for quite a long period. One should exercise caution and simply not be content to follow big names without first looking into their hedging books. Therefore, my recommendation is that one should invest in a company that does not risk their neck too much by hedging. As a matter of fact, one can hold or buy in mining companies that hold large deposit areas even though no mining activity may be going on currently. I see a windfall in future as such companies are almost certainly sitting on treasure.


We are definitely approaching a great period for metals and this is not my personal feeling.  My work is based on planetary movements and I therefore don’t have a personal interest in supporting gold. When I saw a long-term wave coming in metals back in 2001, I advised my close associates and followers to invest in metals at a time when I in fact didn’t know a single gold bug or anyone from the gold community. My predictions are based on what I see according to planetary movements, and the messages that I get from the wave. I have to be very faithful to my subject even though it sometimes can be painful, like the early part of this year when market activity showed that there was buying power in gold. My theory however showed reason for skepticism for gold, at least for the medium term period between October 2005 and August 2006. Yes, it was a distressing period for me, which saw a roller coaster rise and fall in gold in the last eight months. It is however now time to look ahead.


I once again state that gold is going toward $1000, then to $1200, while silver is going toward $18.80, then to $28.80 by the end of 2007. This is what I stated in a German TV interview in September last year when gold was trading at $445 and silver was at $7.05. Of course this looks like a dream to many metal investors but one better start believing it as it will be reality and astrological planetary movements support it.




Another important feature to note is that “THE DOLLAR AND GOLD WILL WALK TOGETHER HOLDING EACH OTHERS HANDS”, just like I had predicted a while back.


The last hidden point that I have mentioned many times and in my books as well is to watch as the USA GOVERNMENT WOULD ACQUIRE GOLD”. I believed when I saw this, and I still believe that it will happen, but it is up to you to either believe it or not - I JUST PREDICT WHAT I SEE.


Let me end this section by saying that when gold was trading under $300, only a handful of people were in the market to give faith to metal investors to put their money in it. Of course they were not using astrology and had their own systems of belief, but these were the ones that I first knew: Bill Murphy, James Sinclair, Bob and David Morgan


Hundreds of other websites are now bullish on gold and silver with some trying to sell, but where were all these new people and why didn’t they advise buying when gold was struggling at $270 and silver at $4.45? My point is that in my view, I think that such people as the ones I have mentioned and others who advised putting money in metals during that period deserve much more respect from metal investors.


I would like to clarify that I have written their names without their knowledge or permission, hence no further meaning should be construed. It is just that I felt I should express it.


Let us now go to my weekly newsletter and see how the week will be as well as the longer term.


Financial Newsletter for this week:





I believe I have said enough about gold and you just need to meditate on the points I have mentioned. This week gold will trade with a bit of volatility and the trading range will be $634.80 to $614.10. Breaking either level will push prices higher or lower in that specific direction.


The USA market will be closed on Monday for holiday and I am therefore not taking the day into account. On Tuesday Gold should touch $628.80 and if it trades above this magical figure, then buy it....


Thanks & God Bless

Sharma Mahendra 3 Sep