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Today's Trade & News

Future of Carl Icahn, Bill Ackman, Tim Cook, Apple, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Janet Yellen, Bill Gate, Microsoft...

Wednesday’s Flash news:

Dear Friends/Members,

I hate to discuss any private person’s chart in my work because I stopped doing that long back, only exception is if I want to read a company’s or Chairman chart. I just believe in cycles and everyone has to go through with positive as well negative cycle. Most of us goes through with these up and down cycle and sometime these cycles give extreme results according birth chart of Individual and you can also read chart of companies. Individual birth chart can be read according to date of birth and company’s astro chart can read according to incorporate date. Astro cycle plays most unique role like; there was time Apple Company was struggling to survive and same company today favorite of millions on this planet. Anyway let’s talk about current happening in financial market.   


Here is Brief look on Carl Icahn’s chart time cycle:

His astro chart has great combinations of Jupiter and Moon which give him success in financial market or accounting. From 1980 to 1990 (negative Saturn Astro cycle) his Astro chart saw uncertain time and time of wrong betting decisions. Similar uncertain time is starting for Carl Icahn in the coming years so he has to be very careful. Since last two years his time cycle shows most amazing positive rise and this rising period will stay until 18th May 2014 and after that his downward cycle will start where he will make wrong investment decisions.   

My advice to him:

After 18th May 2014 he should retire from daily routine work, and let his son or other key people make decisions for his company that will protect his company. His negative cycle which is starting from 18th May 2014 will continue for the next six years.

Apple astro chart and Tim Cook astro charts looks great so Carl Icahn shouldn’t be worrying too much about Apple and he shouldn’t be making media news. So far Apple has grown by their own innovations and likable and great product line and astro chart clearly says that Apple will continue to innovate and rise for another five years.  We still see Apple stock going crossing $1000 mark in 2014.

Bill Ackman:

His astro chart turned very negative on 18th October 2012, and we don’t see great time cycle coming back in his life. Yes, 2015 will be good for him but then from 2016 to 2021, negative chart will give him a directionless time.

Last year we studied Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook. Bill Gate and Microsoft’s Astro chart turned very positive from 15th August 2012 and this rising cycle for Bill Gate and Microsoft will remain intact for another 17 years, so stay invested in Microsoft.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg’s Astro chart was negative when he came out with IPO, and will remain very negative till 3rd June 2014, but from 2016 onward time will turn around. 

In our 2007-2008 book we predicted President Obama’s Victory for both terms in office. We stated that: I love President Obama’s chart because under his leadership USA will become the most desirable country and financial market would reach towards a historic high. He would bring many changes in US politics and political system in the country. We also predicted that he would bring peace on our planet under his ruling and economy will progress gradually and by end of his term USA will be back on top from each angle and the world will be left far behind (we always say that a small child’s future is in the hands of his parents and in the same way a country’s future is in hands of its leaders and they can make or break any country). President Bush’s Chart was bit negative on luck factor so under his era USA was attacked, war, housing problem and financial meltdown occurred. In fact USA’s image went down a bit during his era but in his astro chart Saturn and Mars (most powerful planets which give confidence and courage) played a key role for him. His will-power and being fearless in nature always pushed him to accept all kinds of challenges and decisions fearlessly, he dismantled Al-Qaeda, brought fear among terrorists and those who were talking against USA. World will always remember former President Bush for his courage of his fight against terrorists.  

We also liked Ben Bernanke’s chart a lot, and we have said so much about him in the past that we don’t have to repeat any more here except that because of him the world survived economically after the 2008 depression. History will always remember Ben Bernanke. If it was in my control then I will keep Ben Bernanke as FED chairman for the next 14 years.

Janet Yellen: Her chart is good but unfortunately her announcement came on the wrong day.  President Obama announced Janet Yellen’s nomination under the Scorpio Moon. I see too many challenges for her confirmation before she becomes FED chairperson. Her astro chart will show positive results after 1 May 2014.

One should not be announcing any important decisions or start anything new under Scorpio Moon because in the last 30 years I have seen that any decisions taken during Scorpio Moon always failed.  Here few example of Scorpio Moon playing negative role:

1.      The failure of Matt Romney (we predicted that he won’t be able to win elections for Republican) because his chart was under control of Scorpio Moon.

2.      Second term of Bill Clinton (we predicted scandal rocking his life and it did, and we also predicted that he may not complete his term due to a scandal, so yes the Scandal came but he survived his term in office), Clinton took oath in office on Scorpio Moon; and many other thousands of examples I have in my research on Scorpio Moon.

Important note: I just predict what I see in astro charts, I don’t include my personal feelings, like or dislike toward any individual, company or any country.


Here is Wednesday trading range and strategy for all major markets for Wednesday;


Dear Members,

S&P and Dow closed all time high again on Tuesday as predicted. In this week’s weekly newsletter we mentioned Tuesday and Wednesday market moving up toward new high due to positive astro days but we also recommended booking profit on late Wednesday or early Thursday so astro cycle is recommending booking profit in the next 26 hours and avoid new buying for some time. Buy only our recommended stocks only.

Metals and energy traded negative on Tuesday which surprised as this is negative sign for commodities. Dollar gained value as predicted and rest of commodities remained directionless.

Traders will be watching FED meeting outcome very closely on Wednesday but according to event won’t have major impact and day will pass like nonevent day.  Maximum higher side for S&P will be 1789 so get ready to cash in your chips now.  This is what we mentioned yesterday: S&P traded positive, held value above 1752 which is encouraging sign for market. Tuesday USA markets should close on positive note and rest of world will remain sideways or bit positive.

Still tech stocks looks positive but time has come to load up housing. Currencies will trade mix and metal will get new buyer. Time to sell energy, energy stocks and ETF.

This is what we mentioned three weeks ago: Our buying recommendations of S&P around 1641 has proven to be great advice because from that level, S&P moved up 75 points and NASDAQ moved up 120 points. Last week, we mentioned one important statement which should be taken seriously: “Mars will overrule all negativity”. Mars has that power until the 15th of November.


Here are the trading ranges and strategies for Wednesday:


On Wednesday metals will trade mix without major volatility. We still recommend not recommending any shorts in metals for another 48 hours though we didn’t like the trading pattern of Tuesday. Higher side will remain limited.

We are not recommending any positions in base metals after Wednesday so stay away from copper and platinum but palladium still look positive. HUI is not able to cross above 245 which is negative sign for metal stocks.

If metals close weaker on Wednesday and Thursday will be most negative news which can confirm gold going below $1000 by end of this year.

Avoid base metals as this stage. Avoid silver and platinum.

Here is Wednesday’s range: (Dec 2013 contract): 

GOLD: $1355.10 to $1332.20

SILVER: $22.63 TO $22.16

COPPER: $329.80 TO $324.90 

PALLADIUM: $745.10 TO $738.20   

PLATINUM: $1468.80 TO $1450.00  



On Tuesday USA and many other world market moved and closed all time higher, now our next target for S&P is 1789 on maximum side during this current rally. Profit booking will come on Thursday so you must not go long from this point.

Avoid any new buying in Asian and emerging market for some time. On Wednesday markets may hold gains but book profit on higher sides, we are still not recommending any shorts at this stage. Take small sell positions in Technology ETF’s and Small cap Etfs as a hedging trade against holding our recommended stocks.

It is hard to diversify for commodity traders and futures traders to put money in stocks because stocks give gain slow but we believe in coming time stocks and indexes will make money for investors compare to commodity or currencies. Don’t miss to read our November stock report as it is important one because we will be recommending stocks and hedging trades as well. Subscriptions cost is nothing against if you really want to build great portfolio and take advantage of coming bull cycle.

This is what we mentioned yesterday: Tuesday and Wednesday market may remain in positive directions but we recommend some profit booking during this week so read our Thursday flashnews carefully. We are not recommending any naked shorts but surely profit booking is highly recommended.

This is what we mentioned last Thursday: Our predictions of S&P reaching 1750 by the end of 2013 was achieved. We strongly recommend buying only quality stocks from here onward. The lower side support will remain at 1717, and the higher side should be watched at 1752 because if markets like to climb higher, then S&P should close above 1752 for three trading sessions. If S&P closes above 1752 for three days, then our next target will be 1789.

This is what we mentioned last Thursday (the 17th of October): On Wednesday, USA markets moved sharply higher, and once again they reached the most important level of 1717. It has to trade above the 1717 levels for the three days to confirm bullish trends which can take S&P toward 1752. Here is what we mentioned last Thursday and it is a very important message: Astro cycle indications: The Sun will enter the Libra in the next 24 hours, which is the negative Sun joining Saturn and the North Node. This can push markets sharply toward historic highs because this is a very unique combination (99% chance of this). There is only a 1% chance of the market falling. History says October has a very bad reputation as the 1929 and 1987 crashed happened, but this time, astro combinations are different. 

Wednesday’s trading range (December contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 5446 to 5399

NIKKEI (Sep) – 14570 TO 14400 

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 6265 to 6180   

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 3225 TO 3212 

HONG KONG (cash) – 22973 to 22880 

CAC – 4286 TO 4250  

DAX – 9087 TO 8981

DEX EURO STOXX – 3061 - 3032 

FTSE – 6780 TO 6723

FTSE/JSE – 40795 TO 40435,  

S&P – 1773.00 TO 1658.25 

NASDAQ – 3399.25 TO 3263.25 

RUSSELL – 1123.20 TO 1111.25  

DOW – 15680 TO 15333



Weakness will continue in energy sector, sell energy etfs, and those who want to take sell position in oil should take it on Wednesday around higher sides. Now next lower side for oil will be $93.21. This is what we mentioned yesterday: On Tuesday in oil, heating and RB gas so selling opportunity is coming in oil on late Tuesday or Wednesday. 98.59 is our next selling recommended price for oil. Natural gas will trade mix to negative.

This is what we mentioned yesterday: On Monday, we see oil prices trading mixed without any clear directions. Surely, the price of oil will remain a bit positive on Monday. Heating oil and RB gas will also gain, so buy around the predicted lower sides. Energy stocks should show positivity on Monday (for a very short period). This is what we mentioned on last week Friday: Oil fulfilled our predicted lower side target predicted last month when we recommended selling oil around $109 and covered all shorts around 96.35. Last week, we also recommended adding more short positions in oil around $103.80 and targeted the same price on the lower sides of $96.35. We are sure many of you must have covered shorts around 96.35, but you should hold shorts in energy, etf, and stocks.

This is what we mentioned last Monday: We don’t see oil going above $103.21, and the down side will be seen at $96.35.

Wednesday’s trading range (December contracts): 

OIL: $98.65 to $97.05  

NATURAL GAS: $3.70 to $3.60

HEATING OIL: $2.9830 TO $2.9330

RB GAS: $2.6100 TO $2.55400



Treasury bond traded mix on Tuesday as predicted, Wednesday one should trade in and out without taking any side big bet. Sell around predicted higher side. This is what we mentioned on Friday: One should book profits in the Thirty year bond on Thursday, as our predicted target was achieved. Our buying recommendations around 129 has done very well, and on the higher side we targeted 135 to 136.

This is what we mentioned last month: The maximum higher side can reach 135 to 136 in the next two weeks.

Thirty year bonds traded mixed. 128 is a very strong astro support point which we predicted six months ago when we recommended selling at 150. 

Wednesday’s trading range (Dec contract): 

TREASURY BOND – 135-23 TO 134-23



We are not changing any predictions for soft commodities; Stay away from soft commodities or trade in and out. On Monday, soft commodities traded mixed, so avoid soft commodities for the next month or trade in and out.

Three weeks ago, we mentioned that in the worst case scenario, coffee may touch lows of $107.20. Watch this level very closely as coffee prices will recover at least 15%.

This is what we mentioned last Tuesday: No need to block money in soft commodities; if coffee closes negatively on Monday, then we will be out from coffee.

Sell Orange juice, lumber, cocoa and cotton.  

Wednesday trading range: (December 2013 Contract)

COFFEE: $108.15 TO $106.20 

COTTON: $78.60 TO $78.00

COCOA: $2672 TO $2630 

SUGAR: $18.68 TO $18.25 March 14



Grains prices will fall on Wednesday so take opportunity of selling again on higher sides.  

The trading in and out strategy is working very well in grains since the last two years, so stick with the same strategy.

Wednesday’s trading range (Nov/December 2013 contracts): 

CORN: $436.5 TO $426.50

WHEAT: $689.00 TO $673.25

SOY: $1284.25 TO $1265.25

SOY MEAL: $414.10 TO $406.10

SOY OIL: $41.35 TO $40.52



On Tuesday most of currencies lost value against USD. US dollar is holding 79.50 levels closely so and it should close above 79.50 on Wednesday and Thursday to give us clear indications of rising trend. Australian dollar and Pound fell hard on Tuesday as predicted and keep selling these both currencies on higher sides or any rise.

This is what we mentioned yesterday and hold same predictions for today: Sell currencies, stay away from any buying at this stage in currencies. Dollar is great buy for medium and longer term at this stage if you able to handle volatility. Pound, Australian dollar and emerging market currencies looks great sell any rise as these currencies may fall sharply for the short period of time. Australian dollar trend looks horrible from end of November and we won’t surprise at all if it reaches toward new low of 2013.

Tuesday we recommend trading in and out Euro, Swiss Franc and USD. Hold sell positions in Australian dollar and Pound.

Emerging market currencies trend looks negative so hold sell positions in these currencies if you have nay.

This is what we mentioned on Monday: We don’t see much happening in the currency market, but dollar is closer to the bottom. In the worst case scenario, it can make a low of 77.50. The best strategy will be trading in and out in currencies on Monday.

Emerging market currencies will remain in the weaker trend, so take a selling opportunity. We are holding the same predictions of what we mentioned ten days ago: We don’t see any “V” shaped recovery as dollar index is already trading below 79.50 and that is not good sign.

Hold buying positions against Emerging market currencies, especially Indian Rupee. Rupee will go toward the 65.00 level one more time.  Real, Peso and Rubble will trade weaker on Thursday.

Japanese Yen has a limited upside, so take an opportunity of selling on the higher side mentioned below. We don’t see euro going above 1.3887 in any case, so sell Euro if its reaches there.

Wednesday’s trading range: (December contract)

DOLLAR INDEX – 79.97 to 79.42

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.9502 to 0.9403

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9569 to 0.9518

BRITISH POUND – 1.6098 to 1.5971

EURO – 1.3795 to 1.3688

JAPANESE YEN – 1.0223 to 1.0152

SWISS FRANC – 1.1162 to 1.1087

RUPPEE – 61.68 to 61.23 (Spot)

RAND – 09.91 to 09.79 (Spot)


Subscribe to the stock report:

Best trade of Wednesday:


Stay away from high flying tech stocks from Wednesday, time to take some put options.


Make wave of nature/astronomical cycle an integral part of your
trading/Investment strategies!

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma,


Predicted and released on: 29 October 2013, Tuesday 4.30 PM, Santa Barbara