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Today's Trade & News

Gold, platinum, silver and grains bull market is ending..How much lower they can go? 5% or 40%...

Dear Members,
Watch closely the Mars move because Mars represent the fire and in financial market it represents the trend or symbol of "BULL" but at this stage it looks like that bull will go away for some time. Whenever I am concerned, it means  that I see negativity and I am not very comfortable with planetray movement. For the first time in seven years I am very concerned for metals, oil and grains markets trend from here. Commodity traders, websites, advisors and brokerage house made a fortune duirng bull market in commodity but time is turning negative by 180 degree which means that a sharp fall in metals, grains and oil can come any time within forty eight hours (In this week newsletter I said weak trend after Thursday) so ignore all the experts, if any one recommend buying. 
Medium and longer term Treasury bond will move higher and dollar will fly on Moon with direction of Jupiter. Close you ears and ignore the Fed statement because in all case after Fed decision Dollar will fly and historic crash in commodities shall start any time after Thursday.
Today officially I can call "END OF BULL MARKET OF COMMODITIES" and "END OF BEAR MARKET OF DOLLAR". "GO SELL COMMODITIES AND CLOSE YOUR COMPUTERS FOR FEW WEEKS BECAUSE IF YOU WATCH THE PRICES THEN YOU MAY COVER POSITION EARLY AND WON'T ABLE TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS BEAR TREND". The same way in 2001, I recommended buying gold, silver, platinum and oil by saying "invest each penny of your life in these commodities and now I am predicting 100% opposite".
You should take full advantage of warning signal of MARS. At this stage don't invest even 1 dollar in international and emerging market. In this week newsletter we recommended USA MARKET & buy solar stocks in USA market as we see great rise from here.
You have my permission to send this alert to people who are close to you and if you think that they should be warned. Next week newsletter will be the most important one of my career.
Gold, silver can fall to.......from here. to get this flashnews please subscribe flashnews services and for weekly newsletter please subscribe newsletter services..
I wish you good luck.   
Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma, 29 Jan, 6.10 PM