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Today's Trade & News

Gold, silver and metal mining stocks, platinum move and palladium will be life time trade..

Dear Members,

In our Sundays weekly newsletter (30 Sep to 4 Oct), we mentioned that Gold will be great buy at $1451, platinum at $878 and silver at 16.61. Palladium will be one of the best short trade (after oil at $145 and euro at 1.3788) here now. Buying Gold, silver and platinum against selling palladium will be one of the best trade in coming time so take this hedging trade.

We predicted that lower side Palladium price may see $880, $563 and $387, I know it is hard to believe so we may see in non-stop fall. Start building up short if prices close or go below $1631 level. Must read this week weekly newsletter for precious and base metals strategy. Higher side Palladium can still try to push but closing above $1668 or trading in positive directions after first week of November looks completely impossible so let’s watch these predictions closely as this will be great short trade of all time. One can take short in PALL etf of Palladium.

We already mentioned that JNUG will be best bet around $52.00 currently it is trading around $57.00 medium term investors can start buying, with expectations of maximum downside another 10 to 12% as predicted.

Globally markets trading positive, but today is final day of 3rd quarter 2019 so big traders will push prices of commodities, currencies and stocks in their directions.

PBYI and EXTR are great stocks to buy. I am just finish Cannabis letter, cannabis stocks are on non-stop fall but I am not looks at them for short term as they in our favorite list of buying for the medium to longer term. We have been stating that 2020 and 2021 will be one of the best year for cannabis stocks.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Monday, Santa Barbara