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Today's Trade & News

Gold, silver, copper, platinum, oil. S&P, coffee, cotton, currencies & grains trend for 2012...


Dear Friends,

As occasionally I put my daily-flash-news and weekly newsletter on website. I am putting here yesterday’s flash for today’s markets outlook with day trending range. This is paid services, but I decided to put here on my website for those who can’t afford our services may get some idea for what price to enter or exit.


Wave of nature is giving most bullish indications, here is today’s flashnews:

Dear Members,

I am very impressed with the trading pattern these last three days in commodities and indexes. The Wave of nature wave crossed the momentum for the first time and has shown positive trend lines since the last nine months. It may difficult to understand what I am trying to say, but in simple words; markets put their first step on the path of most bullish cycle.

I am aware that 2012 is the election year, and yes, many EU nations are still struggling of debt crises, housing and unemployment is still a headache for USA policy makers and FED. After knowing all this I have predicted in our book as well as writing it here that 2012 will be year in which Wall-street will keep making new highs.

Each prediction we had made was challenging; that is why we call it predictions. If the future coming time fulfills our “stock Bull market” predictions, I will be satisfied and feel that Nature brought me to this planet to prove that planetary movements can give us early indications. That is why we always tell you to follow all other indicators or whomever you respect, but make planetary indictors an essential part of your trading/investment strategies.    

Here is Thursday’s trading range for all major markets:


Precious metals remain positive once again against all currencies, dollar’s move up never affected the gold/silver trend. On Thursday, both these metals may push towards last month’s high. In our weekly newsletter we mentioned that from Wednesday the precious metals would start trading positive.

Here is Thursday’s trading range for precious metals:

GOLD - $1655.90 TO $1628

SILVER - $30.59 TO $29.52



This week the buying call of platinum and copper have proven 100% accurate. Platinum moved up more than $100 in the last three trading sessions. It still looks positive.  

Thursday’s trading range for base metals:

COPPER - $350.90 TO $360.10

PALLADIUM - $653 TO $639

PLATINUM – $1512 TO $1479



Monday USA markets remained positive once again, our headline matched with the daily move, S&P will try to cross the 1303 mark. So get ready because we have been advising you not to go short in S&P, and we still are saying the same thing. Don’t go short; buy S&P on any weakness. We may not see 1250 again this month. Ignore experts that are predicting falls in the stock market due to the EU problems, earning, unemployment etc.

We may see some volatile movement after the European market opens, anyhow, USA will show strength.

This month in the Uranium and alternative energy newsletter, we strongly recommend buying solar, uranium and energy component stocks (Hybrid, battery etc). We mentioned that these stocks will give you a 60% return in the next 45 days, but it seems that these stocks want to make double the money in a few weeks. We call this a life time opportunity in buying stocks. This months’ uranium & alternative newsletter recommendations were US stocks like – JKS, TSL, CSIQ, FSLR, LDK, STP, WFR, JASO, PLUG, PWER, PLUG, XIDE, URZ (look at the prices move as they had moved over 30% in the last three trading sessions).

Here is Thursday’s trading range for indexes:

AUSTRALIAN – 4193 to 4148

NIKKEI – 8388 TO 8461

HONG KONG - 19048 TO 19352

CAC – 3239 TO 3190

DAX - 6215 TO 6101

FTSE – 5666 TO 5603

S&P – 1295.75 TO 1283

NASDAQ – 2378 TO 2352

RUSSELL – 767 TO 760

DOW – 12452 TO 12330



As advised, lumber and sugar remained weaker, and on the other hand coffee and cocoa gained. Orange Juice went limit down; yesterday we advise to avoid Juice and we are still recommending avoiding it. Yes, coffee is our favorite in 2012 so keep adding positions on weaknesses.

Thursday’s trading range:

COFFEE - $236.80 TO $228.30

COTTON - $97.98 TO 95.68

COCOA - $2408 TO $2273

SUGAR - $23.95 TO $23.37

ORNAGE JUICE - $201.55 TO $182.90



By this Friday we you should start building sell positions in the thirty year bond.     

Thursday’s trading range: 144-18 to 143-02



Grain prices will start moving up again from late Thursday or Friday, so any weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity in corn and wheat.

Here is Thursday’s trading range for grains:

CORN - $659 TO $646

SOY - $1200 TO $1212.5

SOY OIL - $52.19 TO $51.60

WHEAT - $648.25 TO $635.50

RICE – 14.95 TO $14.72



Oil can move towards new high, so don’t sell any oil contracts. The Wednesday oil prices remain a bit weak, but Thursday and Friday are the buying times in oil; so get in, as our target for this week is $105.50.

Natural gas is crashing, going toward ten year low. Keep adding calls in gas, keep buying June call options, strike prices $3.00 and $3.50, buy the December call $3.75, as we see $6.60 by the end of this year; so gas is a great trade. Future trades are a bit risky so add small positions and keep lots of margins on the side to cover the margin call.

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

OIL – $103.55 TO $100.02

NATURAL GAS - $2.69 TO $2.86 (Buy gas after inventory on weakness, as it should rebound today, as stated in this week’s newsletter about us mentioning gas moving up huge on Thursday after the inventory.)



During this week, all major currencies traded as predicted. Last week we advised that it was a great time to buy the Indian rupee; and finally this week it made a handsome gain against almost all currencies. The rest of the Currencies remained mixed, as predicted in this week’s newsletter.

British pound may make another low.

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

DOLLAR INDEX – 81.91 to 81.12

EURO – 1.2795 to 1.2670

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0288 to 1.0183

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9839 to 0.9745

BRITISH POUND – 1.5387 to 1.5290

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3037 to 1.2960

SWISS FRANC – 1.0550 to 1.0462

RUPPEE – 51.98 to 51.52

RAND – 8.03 to 08.14


Once again I would like to remind you not to believe what experts are saying about weaker trend in stocks, metals and other commodities. We know last month many markets experts were advising to sell metals and avoid other market but we have been recommending opposite of that. Once again our advice is to keep adding position on any weakness as downside is very limited.


Thanks & God Bless

Sharma Mahendra

Wednesday, 5.00 PM Santa Barbara