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Today's Trade & News

Gold, silver, oil, S&P & currencies trend here in Friday's flashnews....

Dear Friends,

Enjoy this Fridays flash here for free, markets are not tough to trade, just you have to be focus and follow wave of nature. Respect theory you follow, it can be techincals indicators, fundametals and economic research  or planetary movements, you have to trust and feel it. Nature's law says - invest by subscribing any good services, don't always look for free news or free help. Thanks & God Bless Mahendra Sharma 

Dear Members,

On Thursday all major markets stabilized; we are sure all major markets are nearer to bottom. 23 December will be crucial date as we are predicting bottom for commodities, stock indexes as well as Europe situations. We are just one week away; today from midnight the Sun will be moving away from North Node and this feels like releasing all tensions from traders mind with in sixty hours.

Once again I like to remind you to get ready; start building up position in S&P on any weakness. What I am feeling today, this is the same kind of feeling I had when I strongly recommended buying Technology in 1996/97 and metals/oil in 2001. I may come off track for a few days or maximum few weeks because one very big problem I have that powerful groups watch me closely and whenever I come out with any important predictions, they try to prove me wrong for the shorter period and they load boat in same directions what we see. Anyway this long story and hard to make you understand, in simple word – Don’t get scared, build up position in S&P through the end of the year and yearly next year in commodities.

We released our book world-wide today with Media, I am sure you will enjoy the detailed predictions of all markets and I feel that this book will guide you in the right direction as in where to invest with time frames, and I am sure 2012 will be proven one of the best periods of your investment career. After reading this book, if you feel that financial prediction of this book can help close friends, colleagues, and neighbors then encourage them to buy as the nature principle is everyone should grow with you.

Let’s flow with the most exiting wave which is about to begin from 2012 and this wave will end in 2015.

Here is Friday’s trading range:

Metals finally stabilized after huge corrections. Thursday and Fridays are positive days according to our newsletter so Friday metals should trade positive, here is trading range for Friday:

GOLD - $1569.2 to $1603.8

SILVER - $29.07 to $29.92

COPPER – $325.20 TO $333.10                                

PLATINUM - $1409 TO $1439

PALLADIUM – $617 TO $639.90


All major stock market will trade mix on Thursday, keep accumulating S&P on weakness. Yesterday all major trading range got fulfilled.  This is what we mentioned in yesterday’s flash “once can acquire small position at lower level. I will be buying some S&P around 1197, and will add more on Friday without fear. Historic bull market in stocks is on the way.”

Here is Friday’s trading range (March 2012 future contracts rates).

Australia – 4109 to 4168

NIKKEI – 8445 TO 8400

HANG SANG – 17803 TO 18005

DAX – 5691 TO 5811

CAC – 2968 TO 3033

FSTE – 5368 – 5432

E-mini RUSSELL – 705 TO 722

E-Mini – DOW – 11718 TO 11950

S&P – 1207 TO 1229                                        

NASDAQ – 2212 TO 2256


Again most of soft commodities trading for Thursday came very accurate. We are coming very near to buying call, so watch very closely and get ready to acquire our favorite coffee and cotton. Here is Friday’s trading range

Coffee - $217.70 TO $222.90

Cotton - $85.70 to $88.80

Cocoa - $2187 TO $2119

Sugar - $22.47 to $23.07

Orange Juice - $164.3 TO $167.9


Grains have been trading weaker as predicted, get ready to get in grains, one can small position at lower side. Read our next week newsletter carefully on grains outlook.

Here is Fridays range:

CORN - $585 TO $575

WHEAT - $588 TO 575

SOY - $1111.5 TO $1129

RICE - $13.57 TO $13.92


Oil is traded negative on positive days that is giving negative indications but still we would like to see today’s movements. Trade with predicted range here below.

Here is Friday’s trading range:

NATURAL GAS – $3.06 TO $3.20

OIL - $92.71 TO 95.59

Treasury Bond – 145.15 to 143.09


We will witness huge volatility in emerging market currencies. Today Sun changing house may give some relief to emerging market currencies. Here is Friday’s trading range for all currencies (March 2012 future contracts):

Dollar Index – 81.25 to 80.59

Australian dollar – 0.9898 to .09803

British Pound – 1.5468 to 1.5555

Canadian Dollar – 0.9633 to 0.9703 (buy Canadian dollar on lower side)

EURO - 1.2983 to 1.3079

Japanese yen – 1.2859 to 1.2914

Swiss Franc – 1.0604 to 1.712

Rupee – 54.06 to 52.45

Rand – 8.38 to 8.16


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

15 December 2011, Monday

5.50 PM Santa Barbara, CA




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