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Today's Trade & News

Gold, Silver, S&P, Oil, Currencies, Grains trend, small part of this week newsletter....

Dear Friends,

Here I am putting small part from this week’s newsletter, most of predicting part we removed as our membership policy doesn’t allow giving out daily and weekly trading strategy out in advance on website. I am sure you will enjoy this small part.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 8 Jan 2012


Dollar, S&P, & commodities will join hand together for the longer term


Dear Members,

Last week most of the markets remained in the same directions as was mentioned in the letter. The old relationship of Dollar and the Sock Market is back as they started moving in same direction together. If Wall Street or USA wants to remain on the front lines then dollar has to lead. Withdrawal from other assets from different parts of the world will make S&P and dollar the star performers in the coming time.

Many were concerned by our prediction of the rise of dollar because they thought that a rise in dollar can put pressure on commodities and stocks but last week’s trend in commodities, Indexes and dollar proved that all these areas of investment like to move up together.

If I do detailed calculation then dollar is surely outperforming and S&P, oil, grains and metals are gaining against other currencies so it is clear that in terms of currency value all these above mentioned assets are gaining. If commodities and American stocks keep outperforming then there will surely be a rise in USA stocks as well as dollar. Also, other countries investors will start accumulating gold/silver to protect their currency risk in their portfolio.

I always receive very supportive emails from people and I never show the world what people write or feel about my work, I just keep all the emails and letters in a safe place but these two emails that I received in the last two days made me a little emotional. I thank Belinda, Luke and all of you for trusting our work.

Greetings Mahendra - 

Yes I have ordered your book - i have purchased all your books - 

You should be very proud of yourself - It is a great challenge you have met, I am very proud of you - 

From your first interview i watched in SA on Carte Blanche to today - 

Well done.

Do let me know how many books you sell of this edition - i have a good feeling.


I wish you and your family a wonderful year - 


Belinda Swanson 

Belinda Swanson


Hi Mahendra,


As you see and already know, conventional market analysts pick up on your calls ... Eventually.


I am extremely impressed with your very early identification of these trends.


In 2009 I did a couple of phone consultations with you.


At the time I did not know much about your track record, but I was very keen to get your view because my instinct told me you were doing something no one else could do.


Since then I've followed a lit of your comments and I see more substantially just how amazing Wave of Nature can be.


I think very highly of your macro forecasts.


The world is a very mysterious place indeed, where we find people doing esoteric work like you do.








Thank you for your guidance and service to the public.

Here below are analysts just beginning to get a glimmer of the insight you have declared since 2007!!


Yes, we always feel good when one appreciates our efforts, I will feel complete if S&P reaches 3000 in the next three to four years, I feel this is one of the most important prediction that I making and many big names in Wall-Street have started watching this prediction very closely.

We also said that oil might be moving towards a new high and may even cross $200. On the other hand, one more interesting prediction is that of silver reaching three digits which will surely excite many people. I am sure most of our members must have bought our book, but now time has come to do something small for me. Please put the word out in world about “2012 Financial Predictions”, let more and more people know about metals, oil and S&P prediction, let everyone make money.


Here is this week newsletter from 9-13 January 2012



Last week metals performed well as predicted against all major currencies. EU and other countries investors may have felt the heat of dollar and gold rising against their home currencies. Technical charts and fundamentals (rising dollar) are not supporting metals at this stage but surely our theory says something else for gold and silver.

This week Monday and Tuesday are……



This week base metals will….



Last week all major markets performed as predicted. Many Wall-Street experts are getting surprised with our positive outlook in stocks as the world sees a gloomy picture because of the Euro debt problem. When the positive wave starts all negativity or gloominess goes away. The whole sentiment turns positive. This is what the wave of nature does. It plays a hidden role in creating sentiments and once sentiments change, all other indicators are changing.

If we are targeting 1600 in 2012, I must have seen a powerful wave coming. We don’t wake up and just predict, it takes months and years before we get to the final conclusion. To predict a tech bubble it took 15 months before we were convinced. In 1995, we spent nine months studying until 2000 before we made our call about gold reaching $1000, oil $100, silver $30 and euro 1.39. These were not guesses; I don’t charge high fees for my newsletter for guessing and I am sure most of our members are aware about that.

If I am calling S&P to reach 1600 under current scary scenario then it means something. Yes, I see a very interesting time starting in Wall-Street. One can start buying most beaten stocks in alternative energy, uranium, banks and retailers. Technology stocks will also perform very positively.

This week most indexes will….



Last week our weekly newsletter guided very well on soft commodities. This week…..



This week we may see….



Last month’s buying call in grains made a huge amount of returns for investors. This week we recommend…..



Finally our Astro indicators are showing…..




This week dollar will…..

In 2008, we predicted a longer term bull market in Yen against all currencies and yes Yen remained the best performing currency in the last two years. Now we don’t see yen holding any charts so surely any rise should be taken as a selling opportunity or around 1.3117.

At the same time in 2008 we recommended another currency to buy and that was Swiss Franc. Yes, it also performed extremely well in 2009/10/ and for the first half of 2011. In July this year we strongly recommended buying Puts of Swiss franc after rapid rise when it reached 1.26, I kept recommending building puts on rise and call to reach 1.10 by end of 2011. It did crash miserably from 1.42 to 1.05. Many traders lost their fortunes and those who bought puts made fortunes.

Markets are like that, if you are on the right rise of the trend, you don’t have to put any efforts, markets will keep making you money.

Our Euro fall prediction is doing extremely well, we….

Note – By reminding of our previous accurate calls, we are not trying to convince people about our theory. This only gives me more confidence to predict when I see any unrealistic price move for the coming time. If almost all the major past predictions came true then I am sure what I am predicting for S&P and Commodities will come true.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

7 January 2012, Santa Barbara, CA