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Today's Trade & News

Gold toward $1600 and then $2800? silver $89....

Euro rate hike?

Dear Friends, Here is small part of newsletter from this week weekly newsletter.


Dear Members,

USA economy and employment are showing signs of recovery, and dollar is trying to bottom out. This week many currency traders will be watching European central bank meeting closely as Trichet sounded very hawkish and stated that he is ready for rate hikes. Many European countries are in still trouble, debts is rising, rating is going down and these countries they don’t have now their own currencies as they are under the umbrella of EU and Euro. Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland under current scenario these countries won’t able to handle rate hikes. In fact if these countries had their own currencies then they could have devalued but Euro is not in their control. Germany and Trichet are ignoring the whole situations. Yes EU is providing them billions but raising interest rates will certainly bring more miseries for these struggling countries.

Everyone is expecting rate hike by 25 basis points but I don’t think Trichet will make this blunder at this stage when other EU members are in ICU. He can’t dig graveyard for its own members. Yes if his ego comes in between then he might do it—Trichet always wanted a strong Euro. I still remember when last year Euro went down below 1.20, he warned traders and speculators that “a few speculators are taking down Euro and I am warning these people”. I have never heard of any comment from any other central bank governors, and it is clear that he doesn’t like Euro to fall.

Anyway Thursday will be the day he will be standing between his ego and the troubled EU countries.

Last week corn remained very positive after grain data, metals traded mix, energy area remained up on the Middle-East concern, and dollar gained some momentum. Stock markets remained rock solid and soft commodities traded weak.

Let’s see what this week planetary movement indicates:

Weekly newsletter from 4-8 April



Last major negative time has passed for metals and some partly short-term negativity will end during this week Friday. Longer and medium term outlook for gold looks very positive. Our prediction of gold prices reaching $1,600 will be fulfilled soon. I would like you to read this article of 8 August 2003 when these predictions were made in November 1999 and got released with my first book on 9, September 2001.

Gold $1600.

Friday, 08 August 2003 to Tuesday, 30 November 1999 Author: Mahendra Sharma

I still remember on the 9th September 2001, in an interview I made at 1.30pm at SABC TV in Johannesburg. There were five most important predictions that I made on that day: 

1.    South Africa economy will rise because of the gold rise.

2.    Extensive terrorist attacks against the USA.

3.    Collapse of US dollar - Major scandal will come out on counterfeit of the US dollar note; this would be one of the reasons the dollar will collapse in the international market.

4.    Aids cure will come by the end of the 2005.

5.    Last but not least, and the most important prediction was; gold will rule this century and the prices of gold will rise for the next 51 years.

Many other predictions I made on that day in the interview I have them videotaped. Whenever bear cartel of gold they confuse me, same day I play repeatedly that videotape, I mostly watch that part about the gold and I try to read again in that tape; my body language, eyes movements and my voice the way they were responding it was in a unique way. That was the message and calculation is astrology.

 One more thing that I want to openly share with you is a very personal experience that I had on my 23rd birthday in September 1991, I was seated with a good friend of mine in his home having a cup of tea at around 7.00pm and I suddenly told him that I think I have a unique relationship with gold and that a time will soon come when I will be predicting on gold and Gold would move with my thoughts accordingly.

On the day of the interview I wanted to speak much more on gold but time was not on my side since there was a time limit of 30minutes only, so I had to give maximum information in brief words (I wanted to explain in full details why I said gold would rule this century and what the future holds for gold and why it would remain strong.) 

 My sentence was “gold will rule the century”, it will be rising soon and bottom-out on 27th November 2001, gold companies and investors will make fortune in long terms. Prices of gold will reach $1600 in a few years time. This was what I said in the interview but let me explain more on what I wanted to say and why I recommended my closest people and public to remain invested in gold. This century started with Jupiter.  Jupiter has a unique relationship with gold but there are negative planets which give negative impact for short term, like in our life time is not always the same, even the brilliant people, technical analyses or knowledgeable speculators also make losses in the market. Whenever the time is negative, gold prices come down for short period.

 I have been watching and reading closely the movement of gold for the last 18months, gold is trading very strongly above $300, that shows a very strong strength in prices and future trend, also the gold stock are performing well and the mostly gold investors have made money and mighty few have lost because of bad luck in chart. I still hold my prediction for gold to cross $400 and Silver to cross $6.00 soon. Next week major price movement will come in gold and silver, at the time I am writing this article gold is trading around $353 and silver $5.03, I am expecting major rise next week.

Changes of Jupiter from the 3rd week of July 2003 are giving signals for gold/silver prices towards the up-ward movements. Time changes peoples’ minds i.e. after 1996 many started investing in technology because of Saturn pulling power (but stayed for short period) and now Jupiter is doing for gold and good news is that it will do for long period. Like 18months before people were very optimistic on gold and gold stocks but slowly the gold prices moved up and people were slowly joining the crowd, more people will join in the crowd to come and put their money in a safe place, and that’s in gold.

 Big and small investors will join in the crowd this will make gold reach $1600 and ounce, then there will be a drastic fall because the energy has to divert, after sunshine the sun has to set, prices will come down to around $1000 ounce and the future range of gold will be $1000 to $1600 from the year 2010 to 2018.

 I don’t want to write lengthy clarifications, I know some people from gold community are still optimistic about my gold and silver predications. 

Something off track, I am writing here because I felt it.  I think each human should respect each other because in each human being there is a God. I think everyone has a unique ability we better develop a good path we all know ourselves better and I am sure the day we all know ourselves fully we will do something good to the community and the world, I want to continue my life towards astrology, the great signs of astrology and whenever I get a message I pass it on to you.  If one has lost money through myadvice, I sincerely ask for their forgiveness because I want to remain your friend for the remaining days of my life.

Gold revolutions, 2003 article - 

Yes, gold/silver has a unique future. There will be ups and own in this long journey but the overall trend will be upward. Gold/silver will enter into major bull markets between 2014 to 2016, during which gold may hit even $2,800 to $3,700 and silver $59 to $89. These years will be very volatile and the best trades will be buying options because futures markets can be very risky if you are wrong for even a few days in volatile times.

This week from Monday to Wednesday metals look positive.......

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

3 April 2011