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Great Era of USA is coming as predicted in 2011 and we see equity market will rise from second half of 2016..

Weekly newsletter from 10- 14 February 2014


Dear Members,

In September 2011 when the Eurozone crises was on pick everyone was focusing on the European problem and how the Eurozone problem would affect the whole world’s economy. Media, analysts and investors were too busy to analyze the Eurozone problem but we predicted something else because we were ignoring and giving less attention to EU problem. Writing about 2011 is important for you to understand why the astro cycles are important and how crucial a role they play.

In September 2011 when I was reading the astro chart of America (in a countries chart you can read the political situations, economic performance, international relations with other nations, social behavior of people, natural disaster, financial situations, luck etc..) and S&P’s astro chart (behavior pattern of stock trend. I give more importance to S&P’s chart compared to Dow).

There was a very important reason behind why I was focusing on USA’s astro chart so much in 2011 and reason is here: In 2009, on 6 March we saw the path changing and a new direction coming in USA’s astro chart so we ignored the melt down and predicted Dow going towards 37000 when it was at 6800 and many major US financial intuitions started shaking. We also recommended that buy today and this kind of opportunity wont come again.

From that day (6 March 2009), I started watching the markets trend and the astro cycle for US very closely. In fact my focus was on S&P’s astro chart every day. In September 2011 when I saw that slow rising momentum start from 6 March 2009 and is turning into a second powerful rising wave. We ignored all the negative news once again like in 2009 and predicted S&P settle down around 1100 and the most powerful rising journey to start from 2012.

I always give importance to USA's astro chart because USA represents almost 26% of the world’s economy, so it is important that everyone has to focus on USA's performance rather than other nations (EU, JAPAN & emerging markets). Like in a family if the father is only earner and if father is not well then the whole family will suffer from all angles.

All major planetary combinations were getting into “Kendra” center points which indicated that gravity or magnetic power will force a rise and everyone will get attracted. Investors will be less worried as positive astro combinations will keep fear away. Saturn and North Node played the most power role for USA and that combination is still not over yet. The world still has to see a bubble era. Right now were at around 3.5 rising wave cycle points out of 9.00 points so another 6.5 wave cycle is pending.  

We mentioned many time in the past two years:

People who will take risks will make money and people and who fear will miss the opportunity of this “Saturn+ North node combinations”. We provided many reasons as to why you should invest in USA assets.

Invest in USA assets as the era of US is coming back, Political, social and economic stability in USA, corporates are showing better earnings and we have provided many other reasons.

This bull market is different from all other previous bull cycles, because this will be a broad based rally, companies who give good performance, stocks will move higher.


The astro cycle showing the most encouraging signs for US equity, this magnetic power will become like a black hole and will keep shucking money from different parts of the world. This is the most unique era and this trend can last another three years.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma