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Today's Trade & News

Great time to bet on metals, markets and other trades...small part of this week letter..

Dear Members,

We are heading toward interesting time as market and precious metals trend will be decide by Thursday and Fridays move. We are expecting big turn around from Thursdays lower ranges in gold and silver so buying is recommended on Thursday. Most you are aware that I am still holding predictions of silver going back to $50.00 in 2022 and gold toward historic high. Crypto money will move back in precious metals.

S&P held 4271 level on lower side early this month as predicted and now started closing above 4537 astro resistance level which is giving us clear indication of moving toward 4800 but wait for tomorrows flashnews as it is the most important astro day for market.

Stay long in AMZN as it is heading toward $4500 level. Also buying is recommended in PYPL, SQ, ENPH and SEDG. Tesla, clean energy and EV related stocks are on fire as predicted. Stay long in lithium and graphite stocks. Follow these stocks list in lithium letter.

Cotton and coffee trades are doing well, but watch cotton. Grains are in positive trend so acquire position.

Dollar will move sharply lower from tomorrow.

Small part from this week newsletter:

Decisions and awareness but astro cycle can guide us…


Dear Members,   

The brain is the most amazing tool provided to us by life or nature. We humans are unique and have made unbelievable developments in each area from self-development to around us in everything. Astrology is a unique and amazing which identified by humans, and we must keep developing this theory to help us keep understanding the hidden part of nature and universe, and how we are related to it and how nature is related to us. When I decided to research this subject, it was challenging but let me tell you that this journey has been amazing. The deeper I went the more I found that it was a never ending journey to reveal future. The more I research the more questions arise. I was alone in my journey and my deeper awareness kept guiding me, I wish Krishna was there to guide me.

Awareness is one of the key tools which shapes life, in the astro theory awareness is part of the ninth, eight and fifth house. Awareness shapes our thinking prosses and decides the karmic path. In Mahabharat battlefield between Kaurva and Pandava, when Arjun asked Krishna how he could fight against his elders, guru, cousins, relatives, and friends; to which Krishan replied; “You keep doing your Karma without thinking much about the fighting war against relatives and its outcome. All standing on other side are your elders and relatives but they are supporting the wrong and immoral side so you need to fight against them.”

It is an interesting situation because Arjun had the awareness and he was thinking about whether the war is worth fighting, and Krishna differentiated right and wrong or moral and immoral and then Arjun made the decision to fight. Krishna also paid the price of giving his decisions when Gandhari (mother of Kaurvas) cursed him for causing the war and told him that his generations will get vanquished just like her children.

All kinds of question arise when we have awareness. In this world we are all different. Good and bad exit here within us, and good people keep away bad thoughts or actions in the pursuit of the right things.

Learning about the astro theory and then understanding our life path from our astro chart is the most amazing thing to do. I started with the topic of awareness and astro houses (5th, 8th, and 9th) in our birth chart. Understanding astro chart and life is an amazing thing to do because nature has provided this unique theory in this world, and we are Arjun and same time we are Krishna. It is interesting fight within us, and whether to do something or not and what is right and wrong. Follow the 5th house for your intellectual questions, follow the eighth house for inner voice, and follow the ninth house to make decisions.

When I saw that I can’t make much difference in the world through astrology by reading the astro chart for individuals even though my predictions were amazing, I decided to change my path from reading personal chart to guiding financial area as there is more energy and people can make a difference in other needy people’s lives if they are doing amazingly well in earning money. It was my awareness that told me that do this job.

In your life also all different kind of challenges must be coming from personal to business and many of you must be getting help from self-awareness. All the different planets plays a different role, all the different cycles play a different role, and all different individuals around us plays a role in our life.

It is a difficult subject to talk about but surely if you start digging in it then I will start the journey of never ending prosses.

Let me come back to the financial market because a unique time is coming. Inflation is on the way and speculation will be on the rise. Crypto is a dangerous game as it is around its peak for the short term but we see may see a rise and fall on the way. Our next letter will be on inflation, lets talk about this week as it is an important week for tech earnings so lets see whether frontline tech stocks move higher or not. Must remember that every decisions we make has results, even in market decision can provide us great gains or loses but astro tools can portrait picture of future which can guide us to walk in right directions rather than in dark.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma