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Today's Trade & News

Here are Thursday trades, and trading strategy...China issue is coming big way so remain alert...

Dear Members,

Gold is in our buying list since Wednesday evening, Thursday and Friday we see gold moving higher but avoid rest of metals. Follow our daily ranges closely to make some nice profit.

Oil prices achieved our top at $33.65 as predicted, higher side selling is recommended.

Most of currencies will gain value today, hold long in emerging market currencies.

Wednesday S&P buying recommendations at 2971 done very well as it moves 60 points higher, currently it is trading around 3045, today another 16 points higher indicating.

China and USA fight is coming big way so get ready, that will be catalyst for market and can bring down market sharply but not at this stage. Follow or daily Flashnews or Weekly newsletter closely. 

Follow our day trading ranges letter closely as it will change every trader’s life, I am sure you will have many choices every single day to take trade and make money safely. Subscribe it at $199 as from Monday new price will be $299.

Wednesday most of markets day trading ranges got fulfill on both sides, so take advantage, as daily cost of letter is $6.50 which is nothing.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma