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Today's Trade & News

Here are today's trading strategy and small part of weekly newsletter...

Dear Members,

Last week global equity markets performed well but USA remained leader as predicted in the last weeks weekly newsletter. Oil also acted incredibly positive, and currencies started gaining against USD as predicted. Oil bottomed out at $10.00 and we may not see this level again. Our buying recommendations in oil at $10.00 and S&P at 2200 to 2300 remained best call so far of 2020.

Rest of commodities like softs and grains traded mix but surely held value.

I know positive astro time cycle ended last week Thursday, but still short-term cycle is positive so stay long in market and watch 2971 and 2995 level closely. I am not recommending any shorts in any market at this stage, read or weekly newsletter carefully.

Oil is heading for top, last week we recommended booking some profit in oil at $24.65 and sell some at round $27.71 level.

Metals will start trading negative from Tuesday so watch carefully.

Stay sideline in grains and softs.

Our favorite emerging market currencies acting very well and they shall move higher for the next three days. Follow our daily Flashnews for trading ranges in metals, energy, indexes, currencies, softs and grains as most of time day ranges work very well which helps you to make decisions.

Read weekly and Daily flash news carefully as after 23 March we may recommend first time selling or taking small short in market later this week, watch dollar, oil, and metals trend carefully as great time to make money have started.

I am putting here first part of this week’s weekly newsletter PDF file, I am sure you will enjoy it.

Here is PDF FILE here small part of this weeks weekly newsletter.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma