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Today's Trade & News

Here are today's trades, dollar is moving higher, Tuesday gold may recover but......

Here is todays trade; Daily one trade will be sent to “News & Update sections” members


Dear Members,

This is my final week in the remote region in Rajasthan. I will be back in Mumbai on Saturday and by the middle of the Month I will be back in Santa Barbara. We are so used to fast internet that it is really frustrating because hardly have any good internet connections available. Anyways, I am a bit happy that most of the predictions on markets, currencies, and commodities are working well and that is very important for members.

Last week S&P tested a lower side of 2611 and bounced back to 2682 as predicted. Frontline tech stocks like AMZN, MSFT, and restaurant stocks like CMG did very well, also retailors came in our buying list from early this year. We recommended buying all three of these stocks. Frontline tech stock earnings were very positive, but Apple will be on everyone watch list. Apple will guide key chip stock directions. You have to be very selective with your investments. One things is clear and that is that last year those who remained long on one side of the market made money, and this year short term traders made money as volatility arrived.

There is an unlimited opportunity to make money in this market, we just have to find the right areas to invest in when big moves are coming. There will be lots of opportunities to make money in 2018 and 2019. I still believe that there is one final push pending before the market goes down.

In 2018 there will also be volatile trends in commodities. At this stage CRB index can hold value but it will be interesting to watch what happens after this week. Oil and precious metals can turn negative. On the other hand grains can gain momentum. Softs like coffee can gain some more value before it forms a great bottom around here, because we won’t see a one sided rally until the positive astro time cycle doesn’t start. There are chances that coffee could test $128.

On the other hand commodity traders are watching US Dollar index closely. Last week we saw that a strong move in USD was not able to put any pressure on oil and grains. Yes, Gold prices struggled because of USD but this week gold may try to fight back. Gold is at the most crucial level and next week lets see whether gold fights back, or completely fails.

You can take short positions in Lumber, which is trading at a life time high, because after the 7th of May 2018, it will fall limit down. Cocoa traded negatively on Thursday as predicted, sell more positions cocoa with expectations of a 20% fall.

Sugar is trading at a multiyear low, no major upward trend is coming so stay away as predicted as it can test $10.15 or below before it bounces or makes bottom. On the other hand soy oil is trading negatively as expected. We may see weakness continuing so avoid soy oil and sugar, and at this stage remain day trader.

Bond prices are trading lower but are still trading around 143-00. As predicted rates are rising and rates will keep moving higher. We expected Thirty Year to test 137-00 during this year with 128-00 on the lower side before it bottoms out. From 2016 I have been constantly writing that rates will rise, and I have been preparing investors for this, and especially those investors who have enjoyed this low rate environment. The time is changing and margin pressure will come. On the other hand wage rise pressure will come, which could be very dangerous for the market in the coming time, and maybe in late 2019.

If I read the longer term astro chart of the market, commodities, and currencies; then USD, coffee, and agricultural commodities will do well. Oil is very close to the top, and we already predicted that oil won’t be able to move above $71.28, so let’s see whether this prediction comes true. Our overall view has been very accurate on oil.

It is important that we keep checking ourselves. This trip to India was life changing because I was watching people. They live such simple lives, their needs and demands are limited, but they are happy and very happy sharing whatever they have. I learned humbleness and I was trying to understand “Mahendra”, a name given to me and my responsibility for this planet and towards its people.

Anyway’s, we learn something new everyday if we remain aware. If we remain ignorant then we miss many life changing events because we couldn’t recognize the learning opportunity due to ignorance. I can’t write more as I have some social responsibilities in this remote place and will try to finish this by Friday, so I am ending the first section here.

Humble request, please follow the law of the nature: Those who are seeking free information from you what we stated in our book or newsletter, just tell them to subscribe their copy. 

Now I decided to release one trade every week in the news sections so take advantage of this opportunity. From tomorrow every news will be locked, so if you are not member of news sections then you won't able to read any "News & Update sections" of Mahendraprophecy.

As promised, I will try send one recommendation on daily basis via news and update sections but so here is todays trade: Last week gold and silver struggled as predicted. This week buy precious metals on lower side as on Tuesday will form bottom and will bounce back, as this week astro combinations are positive from precious metals but remember that in the coming few days gold will may break $1305 on lower sides so close longs on Thursday or Friday. If metals trade negative this week then gold will test $1262. Must read book.

Tomorrows update will be on Apple stock, as earning is coming after market close on Tuesday so get ready to take trade once we release news. Last week CMG, MSFT and AMZN recommendations done very well. Indian market buying recommendations done very well as Nifty moved 700 points from the lows.

New cycle started for market and metals from this week as per our book, must follow book predictions if you are investing money for the medium term, it will guide you very clearly about 2018 for every markets, commodities and currencies.   

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma