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Here few cycles from 2016 Financial Predictions...Gold to top out at $1250, S&P to bottom out at 1821 and oil won't fall below $27.71..

Dear Members,

Small part of metals, indexes, currency and energy is here below from our book what we mentioned in few cycles which are either ended or currently running:

USA Indexes sections from “2016 Financial Predictions”: Page 42

First Cycle:

From the 1st of January to the 11th of January 2016 - The market will trade in an uncertain trading pattern due to the Scorpio Moon and New Moon. The moon will rise on the 10th of January, so we recommend investors to watch this cycle very carefully. Many traders who booked losses or closed trades during the end of the year might start reinstating positions, but we are not recommending any aggressive buying during this period. You can plan what you want to buy and what positions you want to accumulate for the medium and longer term during this cycle. This cycle may bring some uncertainty in the market because we are all aware what the Scorpio moon is capable of.

Second Cycle:  

From the 11th of January to 21st of January 2016 - During this time cycle, the market will remain directionless but buying will keep coming on the lower side, and I am right in my reading of the astro cycle then the market may form a great solid bottom. Any sharp correction during this period should be taken as a buying opportunity. The overall sentiments in all the major markets will remain mixed to a bit negative. We do strongly recommend taking aggressive positions during the last 63 hours of this cycle, or before the 20th of January, because on the 20th of January Mercury will rise in the east which is a positive astro move for the market.

Third Cycle:  

From the 22nd of January to 3rd of March 2016 - During this cycle we see the market trading very volatile and we may see sharp aggressive moves on the higher side. During this period the markets trading range will be 5% on either side but weakness will only last for 18 to 34 hours....


Small part from Metal sections from “2016 Financial Prediction”, page 79


In 2015 most of the Base Metals lost substantial value during 2015. Traders were concerned about China’s growth, and the rising Dollar was blamed for the fall in Base Metal prices. Our astro indicators were negative for 2015, and they are still not showing any major positive signs for 2016. Zinc, Nickel, Copper, Aluminum, Palladium and Platinum prices lost almost between 30-40% value. Base Metal and material stocks also lost value during 2015, but in 2016 we see both Base Metals and Material stocks performing a little better after first quarter so we do not recommend taking any selling positions in these during second half of during 2016.

Second Cycle:  

From the 15th of January to 20th of February 2016 – Any sharp rise should be taken as a selling opportunity in gold and silver. Base metals will surprisingly act positively during this period. We do not recommend selling or shorting base metals, but at the same time we are not recommending buying any aggressive positions in base metals. One can take some buying positions in base metals and material stocks during this cycle. (we expect corrections can take place from higher level before this cycle ends, so this is negative cycle)


Currency cycles from “2016 Financial Predictions”, page 146;

First Cycle:


From the 1st of January to 1st of February 2016 - This will remain an overall positive cycle for the USD. We recommend holding positions against all the frontline currencies in dollar, and there are chances that in the month of January dollar may retest the 100 mark once again. By the end of the cycle we strongly recommend booking profit in USD against most of the currencies, or close your short positions in the other currencies.

Second Cycle:  

From the 2nd of February to 3rd of March 2016 - This will be a negative cycle for USD so short term traders can take some small positions in frontline currencies like Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, Euro and Pound, as these currencies can move at least 3% higher against USD. Emerging market currencies will also gain during this period.


Energy cycles from “2016 Financial Predictions”, page 97;

First Cycle:

From the 1st of January to 14th of January 2016 - We do not see any major positive price movement in oil and other energy products. Trading in and out will remain the best strategy during this period as we already mentioned last year oil will hold $34.55. If oil trades below $34.55 for three days, then we may see 31.78 to 29.88 levels but chances of happening this is limited. Avoid any buying in Heating Oil and RB Gas, but make sure that you are not trading with aggressive or leveraged positions in energy products during this cycle. Stay away from Energy stocks and energy etf’s.

Second Cycle:

From the 15th of January to 4th of March 2016 - This will be a very positive cycle for oil. We won’t be surprised at all if oil prices move 8-15% higher during this bullish cycle. We strongly recommend buying and holding positions in crude oil, heating oil, RB Gas, as well as natural gas. We also recommend buying ETF’s like ERX, GASL, and UWTI. Do not hurry to book profit during this cycle as oil and other energy products prices can keep moving higher. This will be one of the best cycles for energy and energy traders in 2016.


Grains cycles from “2016 Financial Predictions”, page 109;

First Cycle:


From the 3rd of January to 30th of January 2016: During this cycle grains prices will remain mixed but they will surely hold the lower side value; and if grains reach lower than 2016 predicted ranges, then one should buy it, otherwise remain a short term trader in grains during this cycle.

We are sure this week will help in making trading and investment decisions in every equity, commodity, currency market. Precious metal moved surprised us and we never expected huge move in the month of February, in fact we recommended selling on any sharp move but surely in base metals see expected positivity, please click here to buy or know more about book:


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,