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Here is December 2019 astro cycle for metals and market from 2019 Financial Predictions...

Dear Members,

Small part from last cycle of our “2019 Financial Predictions” book. In every year book we write detail monthly cycle of metals, energy, stocks market, grains, softs and currencies. This is book shall be out by 2 January 2020. Experts of Wall-street are waiting eagerly.

Here is stock market and metals last cycle of December 2019:

Stock market

Tenth Cycle from 11th November to 31st December 2019

This will be a very bullish cycle for stocks and most of the emerging markets. One must take leveraged positions in Indexes; call options will be the best bets. Jupiter will be fresh in the house of Sagittarius and Saturn and will be in the last degree of Sagittarius (Jupiter’s house) as well. If the market act positively, then we may see a mega move.

If I am not mistaken, then the Chinese and Indian market will be trading at 2019’s high. INDL and YINN will move aggressively, so take positions in the Chinese and Indian ADR’s and ETF’s.

I am sure your end results will be positive, and I recommend taking positions in early 2020.

Here are the trading ranges for the US markets in 2019:

S&P: 2880 to 2451 (if S&P closes below this level then we may see 2315, if S&P moves above 2880 for seven days than we may see 3200 to 3800)


Precious metals:

Seventh cycle 12th November to 29 December 2019:

This will also be a positive cycle, if you are holding any shorts in Base Metals then you must cover positions before this cycle starts, as base metals will move higher or recover during this period. I am not recommending any move buying in Base Metals.

Precious metals will remain in a tight range and there will be some recovery, so any weakness during this period should be taken as a buying opportunity.

This will be good period for Platinum and Gold. Overall 2019 will be a good period for precious metals. Base metals to remain sideways, and there will be a sharp correction in a few cycles.

Yearly trading ranges for Precious metals 2019:

Gold: $1379/1478 to $1211 (Golding above $1378 will push toward $1478 level.)

Silver: $17.75/20.75 to $13.75

Platinum: $975/1028 to $775

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma