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Today's Trade & News

Here is gift from us: Tuesday's trading range and markets strategy for commodities, Indexes & currencies...

Tuesday’s trading range of all major markets

Dear Members,

Monday most of world markets gained on strong closely of Wall-Street on Friday. US markets traded in tight range as traders are bit cautious due to Fed meeting during this week. Metals are remained in narrow range as metal investors are waiting for clue from Fed.

Wave of theory and Astro indications clearly says that from late Tuesday one should book profit and stay away from metals.

Since last two months we are very bullish on grains, still we recommend building long position of call options and book profit in future markets during this week. Among commodities grains are best performing so far in 2012.

Sell Thirty year bond around 153.00 or any rise after Fed announcement.

Currencies to trade in tight range so trade in and out without holding any position in any directions.

Trade in and out in all major commodities, indexes and currencies as per mentioned below here below in daily flashnews trading range..


Today metals will trade in the tight range with some positive momentum, avoid any overnight positions. Silver will trade far better today so buy silver on Tuesday.

Here is Tuesday’s range:

GOLD: $1630.20 to $1615.10

SILVER: $28.55 TO $27.75

COPPER: $345.05 TO $338.00

PALLADIUM: $596.00 TO $582.90  

PLATINUM: $1427 TO $1406



Monday lumber went down and on other hand coffee traded positive as predicted. Today one should buy orange juice, hold your coffee and cotton trade.

Tuesday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $180.90 TO $176.60

COTTON: $71.50 TO $69.90

COCOA: $2369 TO $2310

SUGAR: $23.05 TO $22.53

ORNAGE JUICE:  $114.50 TO $111.30



In the last few days, we received tons of emails stating that we ignored the uncertainty with the EU and focused on our theory with the market which proven most of our followers. That’s the only reason why we were able to make the most accurate bullish calls for S&P since September 2011. Most interesting in indexes call was, we kept advising to avoid emerging markets for the first half of 2012. Yes S&P did extremely well in the last seven months and on other hand emerging markets remained under pressure.

We clearly indicating markets currencies performance would be very poor, last year our call was Indian Rupee reaching 57.30 when it was 48.90. Anyway now negative cycle in emerging market stocks and currencies have ended so keep adding position in Brazil, India, South Africa and Russia. Until December China may struggle.

We strongly believe that S&P will start its most interesting journey of all time from here on.

Yesterday we mentioned: Indian “Nifty” is waiting to cross 5155. Once it starts trading above 5155, we may see it at 5387 instantly. Yes yesterday spot Nifty traded above 5155, so great time to build trade. Yes investors in India and Brazil are concern about rainfall and our theory says that from 3 August 2012 God of rain will bless these India.

We have been constantly telling members not to short USA equity market! Keep adding positions on weaknesses, and also keep buying options calls of December 2012.

Yesterday we recommended buying emerging markets and selling Nikkei, this predictions done well. Today all markets will trade in narrow range.

Today one should book profit in European equity on higher side as stock prices may correct before closing in Europe and USA.

Tuesday trading range (September 2012 contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4290 to 4155

NIKKEI – 8715 TO 8609 (looks bit negative)

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5229 TO 5165

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 3055.7 TO 3016.00

HONG KONG (cash) – 19609 to 18455

CAC – 3333 TO 3279

DAX – 6811 TO 6695

FTSE – 5669 TO 5589

S&P – 1388.75 TO 1368.25

NASDAQ – 2555.5 TO 2612

RUSSELL – 795.50 TO 781.75

DOW – 13059 TO 12930



Grains will remain extremely volatile on both side, we may see sharp price movement on bith sides so trade in and out as per predicted range here below. Buy corn today on weakness as soon it will see the $1000 mark, and hedge position by selling wheat.

Tuesday’s trading range (September contracts):

CORN: $828.75 TO $804.00

WHEAT: $929.25 TO $901.5

RICE: $15.99 TO $15.65

SOY: $1656.25 TO $1517.75 (November)

SOY MEAL: $522.25 TO $509.00

SOY OIL: 53.05 TO $52.25



Wave of nature indicates mix trend in oil, bonds and gas, so day trader should trade as per mentioned here below range. In the last week we mentioned Iran effecting oil prices and that prediction was valid only until mid Monday. Now oil has limited higher side today.

Tuesday’s trading range:

OIL: $90.77 to 88.61 September contract

NATURAL GAS: $3.28 to $3.11 Sep contract

TREASURY BOND – 151-25 TO 150-07 (Sep contracts)



This is what we mentioned yesterday: Hold your trades in emerging market currencies. Late on Monday you should book profit in currencies against US Dollar. Our outlook is very bullish for Canadian dollar.

Canadian dollar and British pound performed very well against all currencies on Monday as predicted and should remain in positive trend on Tuesday as well. No positioning trading recommended on Tuesday, Dollar may show some positive momentum.

Tuesday’s trading range (September contract).

DOLLAR INDEX – 83.23 to 82.68

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0487 to 1.0398

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.0009 to 0.9951

BRITISH POUND – 1.5759 to 1.5629

EURO – 1.2319 to 1.2202

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2839 to 1.2756

SWISS FRANC – 1.0255 to 1.0168

RUPPEE – 55.39 TO 54.71

RAND – 8.19 to 8.11

RUSSIAN RUBLE - 32.17 to 32.05

BRAZILAIN REAL – 2.0430 TO 2.0200

Note: Out of 10, 8 times most of daily trading range get fulfill so exit trade once prices reach nearer to our predicted price and wait for the next day for new trade.

I highly recommend reading this week’s weekly newsletter as it is most important one.

Facebook fell sharply and closed at new lows. We were concerned ever since the Facebook IPO was launched. We had already predicted the shining Sun is setting for Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg.

We got surprised by evidence of coping our work and trying to gain name by few people in India. We already sent them notice and submitted relevant information’s to copyright office in Washington DC.

We request people to not edit or copy our letter in any form as we hate to put any strong words against anyone. They should work hard and create theory own theory. I have been working hard on this subject since age eight (thirty five years) and still working hard to prove that our theory can provide insight of future coming trend of markets.

Request: Please don’t forward, copy or edit in any form. Your subscriptions will be cancelled with immediate effects without refund and you will restrict to re-subscribe again.

My holidays in India going very well, another two weeks I am here in India and soon I will be in Santa Barbara. Daily flashnews will be back on time before Japan opening once we reach back to USA.

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday 06.30 PM, Mumbai, India