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Here is interesting interview by commdityonline....

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Here is interview on future outlook:

Predicting the future is not that easy, even for political, economic, meteorologists and business analyts. It is true even of astrologers. No one has claimed 100% success in forecasting. Therefore, some one who claims more than 90% success should be keenly watched and that is perhaps the reason why Mahendra Sharma is now getting world wide attention even when he has faltered with his recent prediction of gold prices. Born in a family of astrologers in Rajasthan, Mahendra Sharma owes his success in financial astrology to the basic lessons he imbibed from his grandfather and father. Trained in finance, he worked as a stock broker in India before moving to Kenya and later setting up a successful financial consultancy in California. Founder of the Wave of Nature Theory for investing and Mahendra Prophecy Publications, Mahendra Sharma talks to Sreekumar Raghavan of Commodity Online about the science behind his forecasts and shares his outlook for major commodities in 2010-11. The list of his successful predictions are chronicled in his website, Highlights from interview:

Could you tell us how you have arrived at the Wave of Nature theory and how significant it is in analysing and predicting the stock and commodity markets?

Wave of nature is a window to see future coming trend of the markets. It is also crucial to understand that the wave of nature contains both positive and negative cycles-the yin and the yang—and each cycle must be respected if one is to profit from the changes. In the event that profiting from the negative cycle is not feasible, it is only prudent that when the wave does not favor a particular area of investment, one should stay away from this area until that investment becomes “favored” again. Likewise, one should aggressively take advantage of the positive cycles in order to maximize profitability at the most ideal time. Therefore, the difficulty for many individuals is to develop the discipline to respect this timing factor. Often feelings and emotions can interfere and make investors less receptive and sensitive to nature's calls. External factors can also sometimes exert a temporary influence on the market or an individual investment. However, this is not to be feared as long as we have an accurate understand the overall long term outlook of the market or investment. I do not believe anyone can derail the course of nature, any more than one can prevent a hurricane from hitting a projected location. Any such effort against the nature is doomed to be ephemeral and futile.

Therefore, the uniqueness of the “Wave of Nature” theory rests in the ability to accurately predict the future well in advance. Like a meteorologist whose work is to read and interpret what his instruments indicate (and to improve the instruments) to forecast future weather patterns, I attempt to read and interpret what planetary positioning reveals (and polish my comprehension of their movements) and portends for the future of the world. Over the past two decades, I have been focusing more on the world financial markets in order to demonstrate the tangible efficacy of these principles and to reacquaint the Western world with the integrity and importance of appreciating the natural rhythm through planet movement. As the name “Wave of Nature” suggests, we need to operate in harmony with nature and ‘move with, not against, the waves (like dollar is in wave so you have to go with wave). Failure to be in this rhythm results in increasing investment risks and losses.

Because of the skepticism and sometimes scoffs by the conventional Wall Street crowds that dominate modern financial markets, it took almost 15 years for my work to finally become recognized and accepted as being unique and highly accurate (many of our subscribers are bankers, advisors, analysts or traders from leading Wall Street firms across the world). You are cordially invited to review the past predictions shown on our website over the past years, with corresponding documented dates and outcomes. I have also applied to the Guinness Records as the best investment performance in the world with a fully documented investment account that generated 13,000% return, turning $18,000 into more than $4.3 million, within 5 months during 2005. These records represent only a small part of my work, as I continue to generate forecasts on the future trends of many financial markets and products on a daily and weekly basis. 

In your latest newsletter you have pointed out that you have gone wrong in predicting gold prices as it has moved in tandem with dollar and not against it as other commodities did. In hindsight, what might have caused gold to behave differently?

During the launch of my first book in South Africa in 2001, we predicted gold entering into 52 years bull cycle (five sub-astro cycle in 52 years, each sub cycle represent approximately eight years and in-between some gap period). We recommended investors to buy mining stocks and metals. We predicted that during first eight year cycle gold would reach $1,000 and silver $21 and both targets have been fulfilled in 2008. Second cycle is supposed to start from 2011. There is a gap between 2008 to 2011 so this period is like no man’s land. Unfortunately current time is running into this uncertain zone so movement in metals to remain very volatile, and we have experienced this from mid 2008 to at this time.

Currently no major planets are guiding metals so they don’t know which way to go. I take support of short term planetary movement which normally guide very accurately but currently Mars transiting from house Cancer (water) is creating problems in accuracy as Mars is a fire planet and we all are aware unpredictable nature of fire. Small wind can spread fire like anything and water can make it clam. Mars (Fire) is in the house of water can bring sudden fall metals including gold and that is the reason I have been recommending my followers to stay away from metals as if they fall they will fall very hard.

There are so many other factors involved with each financial instrument. Currently Greece or you can say Euro Zone uncertainty is playing a role in gold’s movement. However, in the end of the day investment flows dictate the performance of any asset class and again the global wind could change overnight.

The biggest concern now for stock and commodity markets is how far the rescue package for the European Union would help solve their indebtedness and ensure smooth economic recovery. What is your view on this and do you think European Sovereign debt crisis can be resolved soon?

In 1989 I was very concerned that USSR would disintegrate within a few years and that happened within 30 months of prediction. This was a key turning point in my astrological career. When EU was formed I started doing my study, and showed that there would be rapid rise and then fall. In 2008 wave of nature theory clearly indicated that big crises was hitting EU and it would start with Euro and then discomforting sentiment would take place among the nations and this may cause eventual break-up of EU and crash of Euro.

Today EU is standing at first step of its historic uncertain time as we predicted. So I don’t see one trillion dollar will solve the problem of EU as well as EURO. If printing money can solve problems then why don’t each government print money and give to each citizen so everyone has everything and no poverty remains on our beautiful planet. Yet that is not written in the destiny of world or all people. We all have to go through cycles, even financial markets, even countries and even sport teams because humans are controlled by hidden nature. Sorry I am going too far from what you asked, my answer of your questions is no, EU won’t be able to resolve problems in the next three years. Debt crises is just one problem and many more are likely to come so I am very skeptic for EU’s future. We warn investors in 2008 and 2009 about EU’s and Euro’s coming collapse and we our warning is still on.

You have predicted a positive outlook for global economy in next five years and suggests Americans to buy real estate and hold investments in US Dollars. But analysts point out that USA is set for hyper-inflation and US dollar is not that secure currency. Secondly, you have predicted a global melt down for 2017. How severe it would be and what planetary positons suggest such an event to occur.?

USA has already passed through worst nature cycle. 2010 year started with gradual recovery but at the same time EU started negatively so there is still a heavy cloud of cautiousness among investors communities. Yes, there will be problems from hyper-inflation from 2012 to 2015 because bubbles in equities and excess cash in money markets will result in hyper-inflations. More than 60% of world’s reserve currency is still in the USD and it is good news that the big boss is stabilizing, because if USA collapses then everything else will collapse along with it, and this we have experienced in 2008/9. We have to accept that USA is the leader of world financial market and this is only getting clearer to more investors after EU’s recent ills. In recent years those who have jumped out of USD and started buying EURO are now in big trouble. Once these Euro holdings are getting out of Europe and coming back to USA, the dollar will reach historic highs. So buy USD and assets in USD.

And yes, housing prices in USA will start moving up substantially in the next five years. Dow will likely hit 32,000, and BSE surely toward 48,000 to 55,000. BUT, after this high ride suddenly “wave of nature” cycle will take a “U” turn. Saturn will bring disasters, and the whole financial system will come under threat. I am doing detailed study on the world after 2015, and for now it looks gloomy and scary. But it’s not too useful to start worrying about things years ahead. I always encourage people to enjoy present, spend quality time with family, help the needy, and make world a better place to live.

You claim that many of your predictions have turned out to be true and at the same time you have admitted going wrong on some occasions. If that is the case, how perfect is the science behind your Wave Theory.?

As I mentioned that many time sudden incidences changes short term outlook. Like in 2008, we predicted that from 2009 Euro would enter its worst cycle and EU will break up. But we never mentioned that Greece and Spain would bring disasters in Euro. Wave of nature can give indications but to predict exact events you have to enter the current time cycle. When the news on Greece’s grave financial crisis broke out, it suddenly became clear that Greece is the catalyst for the fall of Euro. Technical’s analyses will change their view once technical points get breached, so do economists, as they all just follow current market news or fundamentals. They predict as per today’s market condition or economic data but Wave of nature gives you indications to get prepared for the coming trend. This is only reason that we were able to make a long list of key predictions accurately and ahead of time, like the start of great tech bubble in 1997, the fall of Dollar and the rise of oil and metals in 2001, and housing crash in 2005-2006, and bank failures in USA in 2008, and USD rise and fall of Euro from 2009. These predications are all from the wave of nature theory.

What is your outlook for base metals, gold, silver and agri-commodities for 2010-11?
In year 2011, first half metals and base metals will act positively. 2011 will be first year of second cycle for metals so they will hit new highs. Gold may hit $1,375 and silver $24.75 in April 2011. Silver will remain more positive than gold in 2011. By 2015 silver should move up to $35 and gold $1600.

Agri-commodity will move toward new highs too. Corn, coffee and Guawar are our favorite in 2011. I see frost hitting in coffee growing area in Brazil. Avoid wheat and soy in the first half of 2011 but in second half they will also move up sharply. We predict price of corn and Guawar will more than double in the next one year.

Current time is most uncertain; traders should trade carefully until 27th May 2010 because I see huge volatility.

NOTE: I just predict what I see in my theory. I have no preference or emotion in what I predict

Article published by Sreekumar Raghavan of Commodity Online on 21 May 2010!-28373-3-1.


I am sure followers will enjoy as I feel that they have asked intelligent questions.

Thanks & God Bless

Mhanedra Sharma