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Today's Trade & News

Here is last week weekly newsletter -

Betting against own country and family members

Dear Members,

Today’s newsletter letter is important one. Don’t think that I am an enemy of Goldman or many other institutions. However, I am against the philosophy of making money followed by these powerful institutions. You can find many detailed news articles on Yahoo, CNN, Bloomberg or many news channels on the Goldman Fraud so I don’t want to write anything on that but surely, I just can’t help but ask why someone would plan a business by making money at the cost of other peoples’ life savings, houses or school tuitions. What Goldman and any other global financial institution did is purely shameful. Yet they still claim that they haven’t done anything wrong based on laws and facts”. This is a just one example that how powerful people reap profits by betting against common men.

The Goldman fraud charge is a big earth quake which can expose the insatiable greed of a few powerful people or institutions, which are interested in making enormous profits by first creating the financial craze such as the housing bubble, and then by taking advantage of economic disasters that they first start, such as the housing fall. Never were they interested in the aftereffect of the housing burst on the majority of American population who work very hard to earn money to stay with their families and to give education to their children so they can build their own and the country’s  future. Goldman created products that bet on housing burst, so why they did not openly published a report and warned the whole country that the worst period was coming in housing market so stay away from any speculation on housing? 

Anyway, Goldman still has time. A bit change on the philosophy would be helpful and they can make money on many other things compared with creating products like CDS that bet against peoples’ lives (which give them every incentive to first create such bubbles). I used to have a large following from the gold/silver community. Although still a large number of people follow me, I ran into some conceptual conflict with some leading voices in the community (mostly die-hard gold bugs), because I never liked their hope to see war or attack so gold can rise. I’ve always said that we don’t want to make money when people are dying or getting killed in wars or attacks. Gold should move up with its own strength instead of on news of war/attacks. Many metal followers were not feeling happy about my comment but I always felt good deep in my heart because we don’t want anyone to suffer and we don’t want to make money by taking advantage of other peoples’ suffering.

I am so grateful to nature that Mr. Obama was elected President of USA. Few might not like him but he is the man who will make changes by thinking of the common men (as well as rich people). Whenever I watch him I feel that he is not only a President but a great philosopher. He is a great human soul and I am sure he will bring new energy sources that free the world from heavy dependence on oil nations. He will bring changes in healthcare reform, invest in education, and bold enough to bring changes in conventional Wall-street thinking. 

As usual, I am ending my first part of this week newsletter here.  Now let’s talk about this week’s financial market trend and overall outlook.    


Last week we mentioned very clearly that when Mars transits from Cancer it takes everything what one has gained or give back everything what one has lost during Cancer transit. From Jan 2010 Mars stayed in the house of Cancer, and it will change house on 27 May. So whatever stock markets gain can vanish. Last week we also warned that huge corrections in markets will ensue any time from April 16 on. At this stage the Goldman story can wreak havoc the current market filled with complacency because it can spread like fire. Many more inside stories can come out and it can shake the whole world financial market. I feel that Friday’s news is just a small tip of the iceberg. I pray that soon market will stabilized but I don’t want to give any big hope before 27 May, after which the greatest bull market for alternative energy will start. So continue to keep your focus on this sector. You will not only make money but you will also invest in building a better future for the world.

Let’s see during this week how much fall will come in metals, indexes, currencies, and energy as well as their trading ranges. Here is this week newsletter from 19-23 April 2010



Longer term we are very bullish on the outlook of metals but we don’t have any clue how low gold/silver and other metals will go until 27 May 2010. We strongly warn our members to stay away from metals for the next five weeks. Those who want to get out there is still time because they are not far from their yearly highs. Those who want to buy can wait as the immediate time cycle for metals is not positive. We have been warning since early this year on metals and we won’t recommend any buying until 27 May 2010.

This week metals will open sideway on Monday but correction will start again later in the day. Weakness in metals will remain until Thursday, and we may see sharp recovery on Friday so short term traders can cover their positions on late Thursday.

HUI gold bug Index will fall up to 400 so avoid metal stocks in coming days.

Short term – Very uncertain and negative, Negative until 27 May

Longer term – Very bullish



Base metals also moved down sharply as predicted. This week base metals will fall more. Thursday and Friday copper may move up sharply. Monday to Thursday all these base metals will move down. Copper will trade in the range from $353 to $336. Platinum may trade in the range of $1,739 to $1,681 and palladium $532 to $498. Base metals stock will trade weakly. Zinc, nickel and lead will move down sharply.


Both of these soft commodities will trade sideways. Cotton has been trading weaker as predicted and it will trade weaker. On the other hand, we are very close to a new “U” turn in coffee. In the worst scenario coffee can trade as low as $121.80 and that should be a great level to buy. I highly recommend that one should start acquiring small positions in coffee from this Wednesday. We see coffee prices moving to new highs in the third quarter of 2010, and it will enter its biggest bull market ever as we see weather related problems in Brazil because of Transit of Jupiter.



Mercury will be favoring soft commodities so acquire small positions from last Tuesday in sugar and Cocoa.  Most of our members cast doubt on our previous prediction of sugar falling 50% from $30 and today in two months it became a reality. Sugar is trading at its low and Astro time is changing for it for the shorter period so one can acquire positions in sugar.

Cocoa and Orange Juice will trade sideways, I don’t see much downside for both of these commodities but surely three to five percent is at risk. At this stage I will ignore trading in Cocoa, Cotton, Orange Juice but surely we will watch closely Sugar and coffee.

Sugar chart here, look at fall from Feb 2010:




This week bond prices will move higher so buy 30-year bond on weakness. Uncertainty in world financial markets will also support bond prices. On the higher side I see bond prices moving to 118.10.



If markets start crashing from Monday it will prove that the effect of Retrograde Mercury is still working 1,000% accurate. During last week newsletter we warned that a big fall in markets is on the way and last Friday some indications have already came. FAZ, which shorts against financial stocks, moved up nearly 11% on Friday with explosive volumes, while Goldman fell by $23. Once again USA traders started to worry about markets’ short term outlook. We have to wait and watch that what Asian markets do on Monday opening because by the time Goldman news came out on Friday all major markets in Asia were already closed for the day.

Obama Administration is launching a broad reform on financial industry and derivatives trading is on the top of its reform list. During the past 15 months, around the globe, banks have enjoyed free access to unlimted money provided by all major central banks for extra liquidity to avoid the economic crunch. Mr. Barnanke did a truly fine job by managing the mess otherwise we don’t know what could have happened to the world economy and world financial markets.

Last week we already mentioned that we are expecting around 25% corrections in all major markets so we have to wait and see if this 25% correction comes within five weeks (by May 27). There is no doubt that as per Astro calculations markets are looking very negative and they will fall sharply if Goldman issue turns into a downward spiral for the whole financial industry.

Avoid any buying in stocks at this stage. Pull back 100% from markets, short term traders can buy some position on late Thursday as I see recover on late Thursday and Friday. Those who are ready to acquire alternative energy stock can still buy on large falls. By the end of May one should finish buying more than 60% of the full positions and by the end of August one should finish the buying.

One surprising point is here – compared to USA market fall, all other markets will fall even more although the Goldman charge originated from USA. Japan, Hong Kong, India, China and all major European market will crack big.

Last week we recommended buying puts in or holding puts in ALL MAJOR STOCK markets and metal markets, and now time is proving that the prediction will provide huge returns in the coming days and weeks.

Previously we mentioned many ETFs and those will work very well at this stage. One can buy those and hold until the end of May 2010.



This week grain prices will remain sideways. Wait and watch for a few days before you buy grains. Those who already hold positions can hold because we see better returns in corn and coffee during this year compared with all other commodities.

Avoid any new position in grains during the first two days of this week but on late Wednesday you can buy corn and bean and carry that position to the next week.



Last week oil traded as predicted. Still major exchanges never disclosed the positions of big speculators in oil during 2006-07. We don’t want to name anyone but we all know that big name made fortune out it. In media they created flash of growth story of China and India. If that story was true then why oil came back all the way to $32 from $145 within three months? Yes, we need financial reforms so bury powerful names on Wall-street this time because they have always assumed that if something goes wrong then government will bailout them. Let’s make sure they are wrong this time.

This week weak trend will continue in oil, heating oil and RB gas. $78.80 will be short term downward trend, so short term traders can cover positions at $78.80 or whatever prices on Thursday morning because mid Thursday and Friday prices may recover.

Natural gas will trade sideways so just trade intra-day. From Monday to Thursday gas will trade both sides so any sharp rise do sell and you will see prices again falling in the second half of the day, or any sharp fall can be taken as buying opportunity because prices will rise again on same day. No one side direction in natural gas during firth three days of week. Thursday and Friday gas prices will move up sharply so buy and hold position on both of these days.



Last Monday Greece’s positive news force USD index to touch recent bottom at 80.03, but then during the week it remained quite resilient, thanks to its positive Astro cycle. Dollar is in a bull market and will remain in its bull market for a long while so keep accumulating dollar index at lower levels. Fridays with commodities all currencies may gain ground from lower level.

This week trading range for USD will be 80.80 to 82.80. It means that Euro and Pound will lose value sharply. This week I see pound trading weaker than all currencies so take a short position in British Pound.  

Last week Canadian and Australian dollar also came down sharply on Friday. It is a life time opportunity to sell both these commodity currencies.  I see Canadian dropping sharply, so hold short position in commodities currencies.

Last week we predicted positive trend for Yen and it performed well. This week I see Yen trading sideways, any sharp rise should be taken as selling opportunity, or any sharp fall should be taken as a buying opportunity. Swiss franc will trade weak but not as bad as Pound and commodity currencies.

Rand and Rupee will remain weak during this week as well. Rand will enter into a hugely negative period from mid June and I see Rand going back to 13.00 against USD by end of 2012.


Three points to always remember in the back of your mind:

EURO Zone will spilt or there will be serious disagreements among the members during the next five years

Dollar will make historic highs against Pound and Euro in the next three years

Stock, metals and energy markets currently looks very uncertain until 27 May, notably alternative energy stocks, will enter in its most unique era in the Wall Street history.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 18 March 2010