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Here is last week's whole newsletter to review....yes, there will be worst crash than 1929 in Oct 2009...

09/09/09, Saturn changing will bring changes in every once life

Dear Members,

First, let me apologize for my inability to see huge short term move in gold and silver which came on Wednesday and Thursday. I never saw this taking place but yes in my subconscious mind I was aware that until 09/09/09 anything can happen in metals.

One thing that we have learnt is that the last 10 days before Saturn changes, the zodiac house of every thirty months brings drastic changes into each and everyone’s life. It can be an emotional moment, huge gains or losses. Many lose their reputation; and on the other hand many gain; for many there is a new beginning and for many there is an end of an era. Next week, on 09/09/09, Saturn is changing after 30 months and the current last nine days of Saturn will bring ups and downs everyone’s life.

The financial market is a very sensitive market, and Saturn will have a huge impact on a trader’s life, so until 09/09/09, there will be tough times for many and a new beginning will take place from fresh or zero.  Rises will turn into falls, and many of those who are struggling will make a new beginning towards a new journey after 09/09/09.

Gold and silver enjoyed the last 9 years, and they want to take maximum benefits before their bad period starts from 09/09/09 and on other hand US Dollar is going through fighting period before Saturn changes on 09/09/09. There is always a very crucial period before you enter into new era of Saturn and that can be either negative or positive.

Many of those whose good times are about to come may go through with huge pain during these next 5 days; and for them it is like world is ending, but that’s not the case because planets have their own game. Here, I predict that those who are going through a rough patch will get a great new beginning from 09/09/09 and people those who will be losing momentum should take it easy after 09/09/09, as this will be a sign of negative cycle so they shouldn’t do anything aggressive or speculative for the next 30 months. Monitor your life and don’t ignore any negative indications. Those who start feeling better after 09/09/09 should work hard and they will be on top of the world within the next 30 months.


Always, the understanding of Saturn is very important because it is only planet that can make a beggar into a King and a King into a Beggar. Saturn is the planet who has changed the face of the commodity market in the last seven years and this Saturn can bring a new twist in commodity market any time after 09/09/09. This means that either government policies will change or they may put restrictions to curb speculation. Everyone knows deep inside their heart that 2008 oil rise was one the best example of speculations. Neither Nymex came out with the names of who were buying future contracts even at $120, $130 or $140 and at the top few institutions came out with false price target oil reaching $180 to $200. This is one the biggest fraud done by few institutions and misguided everyone including governments. We don’t know who were involved in rise of oil (may be OPAC, Saudi’s, Goldman or few from Bush administrators) because if rise was true on global demand then why did it come down to $32 within six months of top.


It is very difficult for the common man to judge true picture from any current trend. Like it was very difficult to predict oil reaching below $50 within six month when it was $145. People were calling me mad but the oil prediction proved that anything is possible and that is reason why we are predicting gold reaching $550, silver $6.45 and copper $95.


Each bull market ends with final sharp rise and bear market end with final few days drop. Gold is doing the same thing at this stage and this confirms the nature of Saturn, it is clear that bear in gold is right around corner. In this final phase it can move up five percent more but one thing for sure is that it won’t be able to hold rising momentum from 15th of September. I know many are upset with me because they missed this five percent move but why don’t they understand that I am taking about 50% fall so which one is bigger? Five percent rise or 50% fall?


No one is understanding my pain of predicting bear market in metals because this is not helping me in getting new members in fact I am losing few members because they don’t want to hear about metal bear market but I can’t do anything because when I see a huge move on the down side then no need to recommend buying for five to ten percent gain.


Follow all other indications and once they get confirmed with our indicators then one shouldn’t miss the opportunity of selling metals. One should always have stop loss and less leverage position to remain with future the trend.


Our short term indicators will start working from 09/09/09 as the most powerful trend about to begin in many market and they will be in one direction.


Saturn changing house and impact on various market:

1.      Metals to fall 50%, this fall will start any time from mid September 2009

2.      True rising trend in DOLLAR to begin around 15 September

3.      Corn, coffee, cotton and Wheat will be on fire in 2010

4.      Historic weak trend in Pound and Euro to begin


At this stage, I am very unclear about the stock market trends but surely a fall will start from this week and it will be healthy for market. If the fall doesn’t take place until end of September then we see that they could crash in October 2009, and this crash will be worse than all previous ones.


Oil should remain in sideways and it will trade according to short term planetary movement.    

I wish everyone good luck from 09/09/09 as everyone’s time will change, for many positive times will come and few will have negative time and this cycle will remain there for 30 months. A thought came in my mind that those who want to know what changes will bring Saturn in their life for the next thirty months should send me date, time and place of birth. This only applies to our members as I only read our members charts because it is important whether their chart and future coming time will benefit them or not, trading or aggressive investment recommended or not. Yes, there will be very small charges $500 for that (because when my grandfather was teaching me astrology he said I must charge, if I do chart reading it doesn’t matter how rich I am so that is the reason I always charge to give respect to time and my subject). You can pay by using Paypal:


Here is this week newsletter from 7 to 11 September:



Last week gold moved up sharply, and at this stage it looks like that it may move into a volatile trading zone so don’t get involved with any new trades because when any bull market is about to end it always pushes the prices very aggressively. I strongly recommend that there is no need to go in battle field in final stage and try to fight when both sides are trying to win because in this situation we can get hurt.


After oil experience, I have learnt that there was no need to sell oil at around $120, $130 or $140 because finally all indicators gave indication on 17 July or when it was at $145. It can happen the same way and market forces can push gold prices higher but one thing that we are sure about is that big bear market in metals is around the corner.


Still, if you like to trade on our gold bear market call then please trade with stop-loss, take a position in puts and call so you lock your risk. Gold is in wild mood and market forces can push it to $1007 or even $1025.


Those who are in a short position can watch your losses or put stop-loss and try to save some money to sell once all indicators turn negative. I am also watching the markets very closely and will find out the top soon. Top can be around 9 or 15 September, and in the worst case scenario it can remain sideways around current level until the first week of October.


This week Monday gold will remain sideways, Tuesday it will lose momentum after USA market opening and close weak. Wednesday it will again try to move up sharply but won’t able to do much and will close positive.


Thursday and Friday gold will regain some strength, gold falling on Thursday and Friday will confirm that end of bull. If Thursday and Friday gold remain positive then we predict still some strength on the way before it moves down to $550.


The best strategy at this stage will be selling calls or buying puts so you lock your risk and also at the same time you are in a trade which is about to go in your favor in a big way.


Trading range will be $1005 to $977.



Normally silver follows gold and at this stage it looks like silver wants to remain very close to gold. Last week silver moved up sharply. Many who traded without stop-loss must have gotten into loses. I always recommend people to trade with stop-loss so if I come wrong then you don’t lose that huge money.


This week silver will follow gold but we don’t see going much higher from the current level. From here it can move $16.50 and in worst case scenario (like dollar collapse and some geo-political issue arrives) then it can touch $17.08 otherwise $16.50 should be top.


From late Monday to Wednesday afternoon silver will trade like gold, if silver remains up on Thursday and Friday then it can remain sideways trend for a whole month of September before it starts its journey toward $6.45.


The trading range for this week will be $16.38 to $15.86 and once it breaks $15.88 then the next target is $15.45.


Important note: Last year we saw oil crashing down in a big way from $118 but before it crashes, it went to $145 because market condition of huge short in it. This time we don’t want to make the same mistake that is why we recommend putting stop loss on each short position so you lock your loses and take again position at higher level. We were 100% confident about oil falling from June and we were 1000% sure from the 15th of July. The same way are 200% confident metals falling from 9/9/9 but 1000% sure from the 2nd of October.



Finally we found rhythm in copper. Don’t make the mistake of buying copper when you see other metals rising. This week trading range in copper will be $289 to $273. Copper has entered into Astro bear cycle from last two week, and we can confirm this 1000%.


Monday it may try to regain from lower price at the end of day. Tuesday it will remain in sideways trend but fall is likely to take place from late Wednesday. Thursday and Friday it will remain in weak trend.



This week platinum will follow copper. We see platinum prices to remain sideways for Monday and Tuesday but fall will start from Wednesday. Trading range for platinum will be $1265 to $1228.


Palladium prices will move higher with gold and silver from Tuesday and it will remain in a bull market so one can add positions in Palladium. Trading range will be $286 to $318.



Zinc prices will rise sharply during this week so stay long. Since early this year we have been recommending going long in zinc from end of July and prices have remained in bit upward trend. The trading range of zinc will be $84.20 to $91.80. We see soon prices will touch $98.80.


Aluminum will remain sideways and it will follow copper so stay away from aluminum as it will remain in depressed market for the next few months and best time to buy will come at around $72.


Nickel prices will also trade with copper so avoid any new position in it. Trading range will remain from $8.20 to $7.55.


Best trade among base metals will be buying zinc and selling copper, nickel and aluminum.




Last week again US Dollar remained in a tight range of $78-$79 and it will remain in an unsure direction as September contract are expiring within the next eight days and lot of options and future contracts will get expired so many big trades have to settle.


Because of expiry dollar can still remain in a tight range but upper side break will take place within 15 days but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hold position in Dollar at this stage. One should keep adding small positions in USD on weakness. After 15 days all your money should be in long Dollar or short in Euro, BP Australian and Canadian dollar.


If dollar index falls below $78.00 then in worst case it can touch $77.69 (December contracts) but it looks very difficult that dollar will break. Normally I don’t trust expiry period because during this period all trades get settled and to get square off position prices can move with huge volatility on both sides.


Important note: Dollar has bottomed out in July 2008 around 72.00, and now prices still well above 72.00 so we shouldn’t call this as a bear market. Second rising wave will start within the next fifteen days.


This week dollar will remain positive on Monday and Tuesday. It will come down on Wednesday with market forces but will regain by end of day. Thursday and Friday dollar will remain sideways or bit weak.


Pound and Canadian dollar will trade weak from late Monday and weak trend to continue until Thursday. 


Australian dollar will fall sharply on Tuesday and will regain on Thursday and Friday.


Yen will remain sideways, will gain against all currencies so hold your position in Yen for the first two  and the last two days but then there will be huge correction in Yen. Get out from Yen position AGAINST USD but hold buying Yen against all other world currencies..



Positive trend in coffee and cotton will start from this week so one can take a small position in coffee from late Tuesday. We see coffee moving higher in the next fifteen days. Trading range will be $120.80 to $125.20.


Cotton to remain in sideways trend but surely one shouldn’t hold short position in it.



Last week sugar came down sharply; this is called the commodity market. We were 1000% sure that sugar would fall from $24.80 and that's what happened. It fell more than 15% during this week and that is a huge move. Bear market in sugar has already started and yes it will move to $16.20 with in short period.



This week cocoa prices will come down so plan trades in cocoa. From here Cocoa prices can fall more than 30% so great opportunity to make money. On the higher side cocoa can reach $2960 to $3080 and once it start losing then our target is $2710.



 Last week oil remained in the predicted trading range, this week oil prices can move down and if it break the support level of $67.20 and once it does that then the next target is $65.30. No need to cover shorts in oil those who are already shorts during last week. Around $71-72 is great short in oil. Heating oil and RB gas will follow oil. Trading range of oil will be $68.05 to $64.90.


Natural gas has bottomed out; we recommend that one can take position at $2.46. Last Friday prices moved higher from the multi year low. This week until Thursday morning it will remain in the sideways or positive but later from Thursday Natural gas will move up sharply. Fridays trend will remain uncertain.



Our selling recommendations in grains have done extremely well in the last two months. Soy bean to remain weaker for some time but corn and wheat will bottom out soon. One should buy corn aggressively if it reaches to $282 and wheat $423.


Those who like to be in market can take small call position in corn and wheat.


This week all grains will remain in a sideways trend, we may see some recovery on Tuesday and Wednesday but the overall trend will remain weak in grains.



Tuesday will again be a crucial day for all major stock indexes. Our warning still remains as it is on market. We feel that it will be unfortunate part, if market doesn’t fall from Tuesday.  


We will write an update on Wednesday once we see movement of market. If markets don’t fall in September then wait for a major correction any time from, the 1st of October. Fall in all market will be more than 25% within two to three weeks.


Important point to be noted before taking position in recommended:

In worst case scenario, dollar may take another two weeks to start second historic wave of rising

Continues rises in global/USA Stock markets rises can bring worst crash in October

Trade metals will stop-loss but plan your call and puts of December 2009 as they fall more than 20% by year end and rest in the next year


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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 7 Sep, 2009