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Today's Trade & News

Here is part of this week newsletter, this week buying metals and oil...

Dear Friends,

Here is part of this week letter. From 1 Jan 2010 our new website is coming! We wish you great holidays.

Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma 

Dear Members,

The last three weeks have been amazing for our members. Dollar’s rebound and the fall in metals surprised many analysts and big traders. I am grateful to nature because it held my hand and took me to my grandfather when I was nine years old. My grandfather started teaching me astrology and how the planets give result in a common man’s life or even the world at large. I must bow my head in the feet of nature or the planets because they are telling me about tomorrow. I also thank you for all your support and trust in my work.

Within the next ten days our new website will be ready and the newsletter will only be available in your account. You are going to receive a username and password within a week. This system which we are creating is to provide you with easy and secure newsletter and newsflash delivery. We are aware that many known analysts are our members and they are using our predictions to provide services and I am not against that. We are also happy to say that few know investment houses want to affiliate with us.

I will be travelling from tomorrow for the next two weeks, we will be on the west coast only and I may not be checking emails regularly. If there is something very important then please send me email on

Mr. Bernanke is “The man of the Year”; yes he was our man of the year as well as one of our oldest members Mr. Nanik’s. He is a great man with a great chart; I still feel that America is very blessed because the economy or world would have gone into a longer term depression or recession. Obama is also a great human soul because he came with long term, positive, and renewable energy. Yes, people or analysts always try to point out people’s negativities are they are experts at pointing fingers at anyone but they never realize the bad qualities that they have in themselves. My support is fully with Mr. Bernanke and Obama. In May 2010, USA will come out from unemployment problems and economic activities will improve. US Dollar will flow back to USA and this will create a huge upwards move in USD.

Let’s see what this week says, Newsletter from 21-25 December:


Last week gold and silver traded as predicted, in the last two weeks gold came down from $1225 to $1097, this means that it fell by more than 10%. HUI gold bug index came down around 20% and planet’s warning proved correct.

This week gold and silver will trade in a mixed trading pattern. On Monday gold & silver will remain a bit positive in morning but will move down in the last few hours of trading. Sell on rise.

On Tuesday and Wednesday gold and silver will remain weak but late Wednesday is the best day to cover our short positions. Sell on rise.

On Thursday and Friday gold and silver will remain positive so buying trades will make you good money. Buy on fall.

The trading range will be $1095 to $1138. If gold falls below $1095 on Monday or Tuesday then it will touch $1081 on the lower side.

Metal stocks will remain sideways during this week from late Wednesday.


These base metals will trade weaker than gold and silver so sell platinum, palladium and copper on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday all these side metals will trade weak.

Copper will break $300 during this week.

Important note: This week Mars is changing directions and Jupiter is changing its house so important indications will come during this week. I will try to send you updates. Last week we never sent any updates because our newsletter predictions were right on the spot and sometimes update could be confusing.


Planets are not recommending any short buying in both of these soft commodities. A weakness will start in coffee on Tuesday and cotton and prices will move down SHARPLY from Thursday so avoid trading in both of these soft commodities. We see more than 10% fall in coffee and cotton in the next two to three weeks.

Longer term players should take advantage of buying coffee on fall or at around $134.


This week the planetary position indicates that Sugar will remain sideways and cocoa will remain down. We see cocoa falling more than fifteen percent in coming days from $3420. We should be trading in sugar at this stage.


This week all major stock indexes will remain sideways without any major movements. The planets are guiding us not to trade aggressive so let us get some feeling from Mars and Jupiter’s position. I will write an update on the Markets on Thursday. From Monday to Wednesday all major markets will remain directionless but we are expecting to see a new trend from Thursday.

If you are holding any short position in the markets then I will recommend hedging your position by buying Nikkei. For the first two days - Stay away from India, Hong Kong and all major European markets.    

Wait for my updates on Thursday. USA markets to trade weak compared to European markets.


This week grains should trade positively from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday they will move down or trade sideways, so short term traders should book profit on Wednesday.

The Best strategy – Buy corn and sell other grains to hedge position. Corn will soon enter a historic bull market time cycle. One can keep acquiring September 2010 call option for corn reaching $500 and we are sure it will reach $550 or more before that time.


This week will be positive for oil as Mars is openly in support of oil, heating oil, RB gas and Natural gas. One can buy energy area’s futures; one can also buy oil ETF’s and oil service stocks.

We see oil moving higher from the high so the planet Mars is saying buys oil and other energy product. I will write an update about whether oil will reach $90 or not.


We must thank all the planets for giving us the recent USD rise prediction. The journey for USD has already started and we don’t know whether it will stop at any stage or not, but surely some profit booking will come from middle of week.

On Monday, a weak opening in USD should be taken as a buying opportunity around US opening. On Tuesday and Wednesday Dollar will remain up. From late Wednesday onwards USD will move down a bit and the weak trend will remain until Friday. One should buy Dollar on Friday and carry forward the position for the next week.

Australian and Canadian dollar will remain sideways from Wednesday. On Monday and Tuesday both these currencies will remain uncertain or weak.

Pound will surprise many by moving up from Tuesday so buy Pound against all currencies, especially against Euro and Yen.

Swiss Franc will remain weak during this week.

Final Note – Under any circumstances, metals (gold/silver) should fall on Thursday and Friday. If they do, then we predict gold to reach $650 within the next fifty days. We are very hopeful that gold and silver will remain up on this week Friday.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I am sure you will enjoy time with your friends and family. I always feel good whenever the festivals come because they bring a new energy and new bonding in families.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 20 December 2009