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Here is small part from last week newsletter is here...commodity weakness...volatility in market...

Weekly Newsletter from 9-13 November

Some volatility is coming back for few days from middle of this week


Dear Members,

Last week strong job numbers, a fall in metals, S&P holding 2088 level and dollar moving towards a decade high clearly indicates that the time has changed and investors have to make serious changes to their investment strategy. If you have been following our work since decades, then we don’t think you need to change any trading or investment strategy for medium and longer term because most of the markets have been trading as predicted for the last 20 years but those who joined our work recently for them I recommend to make changes in their strategy. I am not claiming that I am always right specially on a short term basis many time I have been of track but surely for the medium and longer term, most of our predictions have come true because of the very accurate guidance from astro cycle theory.

Last week the job reports almost confirmed that a rate hike is on the way. The market also accepted this fact without any fear but fear was surely witnessed in bond prices, currencies and commodities (especially gold). Read all the below sections carefully because some important astro shifts are going to take place in a few areas of investment so shift your medium and longer term investments strategy accordingly. Don’t love or hate any market, commodity, currency or any stock because we are working hard to make money, not to fall into a love or hate relationship with the market. Respect the trend without involving your emotion because 99% investors failed or lost money in life when they had love of hate relations with any particular stocks or commodity. 

The astro cycles give the indication of what the investor’s behaviour pattern will be and we simply follow where the crowd with gather in the coming time so that we can be there before they arrive.

Yes, you have to make some changes to your investment strategy under a rate rise era in the USA market where other developed countries are still keeping the same monetary policy. Our predictions of unemployment rates falling under below 5.00 by end of 2015 which we predicted in this year book has come true and real growth and GDP’s numbers will change drastically so economists and analysts will change their outlook very quickly. When they change their outlook, huge money sifts will take place from fund like what happened in banking stocks on Friday. I am an early bird and don’t hold much weight but surely few billion dollars move on any of our longer term outlook recommendations changes because our services are subscribed by a many of the financial institutions. I personally asked out of curiosity to many of these institutions what made them subscribe to our letter and most of the answers were quite similar, “Mahendra you have a better understanding of the future coming time, so we just want to know your view.”

The Astro cycles are surely showing a great future for the USA equity market but at the same time China, India and Brazil are in the same category. These emerging markets are about to make a huge U-turn but don’t go aggressive in these markets at this stage because still some bottoming formations will take place and once the Sun starts rising in the North zodiac cycle from 14 January this market should start a very bullish trend.

On the other hand, commodities are struggling, they are in a multi-year bear market as predicted and we don’t see the bear market ending in many commodities for a few years. Energy, grains and softs may trade in a 20% range but metals are in the worst astro cycle which can bring down many metals invested funds or traders who keep buying metals especially gold because of their love and faith towards gold. Extreme love and faith makes people blind and that is what we see happening with gold and silver. Don’t buying thinking that they have made the bottom here but in our view any prices are possible on the down sides once the astro cycle is in a negative wave so respect trend.

In 2001 people were not believing (Including Bill Murphy and many known metal analysts) in our prediction of gold going towards $1800.00 and silver $50.00 but both these metals achieved our predicted targets because the astro cycles were positive and we simply predicted the markets trend by following the astro cycles. Since the last three years we have been advising you to stay away from metals and this advice have proven to be very prudent as most of our members and followers saved big money by not investing in metals and metal stocks. There is still a possibility that our lower side target of $980, $888 and $778 could easily be achieved and on the higher side it will remain limited to 10%.

Our Thirty year’s study of the financial market with astro cycles is clearly telling us that we shouldn’t be moving against the astro cycles and those who traded against the cycles always made loses most of time. Don’t over analyse any market, and don’t following too many things because it will make you confused. Investments or trading strategies should be very simple, like when we predicted buying gold in 2001 and told everyone to hold. That strategy worked very well and we recommended getting out 100% in 2011/12 which also worked very well for those who simply got out. The problem comes when you start thinking too much or over analyse because you divert your focus.

We have been simply recommending buying Apple, AMZN and MSFT since the last three years and those who bought and kept their investments in these three stocks made money without any hurdles. So please keep your strategy simple, keep investing in our top recommended areas as long as our theory keeps providing you with accurate predictions and we are sure you will do amazingly well.


This week newsletter from 9-13 November 2015


Last week precious and base metals, and metal mining stocks traded sharply lower. From Wednesday last week, in the last eight trading days’ gold came down from $1184 to $1084; Silver fell from $16.35 to $14.70; and other metals like palladium, copper and platinum also lost big value. Our prediction of metals not moving above the mentioned prices and sharp corrections proved very accurate and those who stayed away from metals also saved their hard earned money. Still there are hundreds of metal advisors being still keep recommending buying gold and metal stocks and we don’t know why they are destroying wealth of investors. If they simply recommended to get out from gold around $1500 or $1800 might have saved lot of their follower’s money but when gold was at $1800 they were targeting $2500 to $5000.

This is first time that during the Indian festival Diwali we see lower prices in precious metals but still Indian retail buyers are not coming forward. Monday is an important day in Hindu calendar, “Dhan Teras”. On this day most Hindu’s buy some amount of precious metals as good luck and they keep these gold/silver coins in their locker after performing some rituals for good luck. So surely we will see some physical buying from India but number will be historic low.

This week the Diwali festival will end, and there is a Scorpio Moon on Thursday and Friday so stay away from any trading because we normally don’t recommend trading during a Scorpio Moon.

From Monday to Wednesday precious metals will trade mixed or on both sides and on Thursday and Friday once again weakness will come. The higher side in gold and silver will remain very limited and gold may not be able to cross $1097 to $1103 in the month of November. On the down side gold may try to hold $1077 during the first three days if this week. If gold starts trading below $1077 level and closes below this level for two days then it will open the door for gold to move towards $1055 in short term, and $988 in the next three weeks. Silver will follow gold so stay away. Silver will struggle to move above $14.95 level and the down side is wide open.

Base metals will act far better than gold and silver but we are not recommending any buying in base metals. One should cover some part of one’s short positions in Palladium, Platinum and copper. The down side is still wide open for all metals.

We are still recommending to staying away from metal mining stocks. Buying recommendations in DUST has provided us with 90% gains as it moved from $11.50 to $23.00. One can also book some profit in DUST.

Stay away from any medium and longer term buying as this bear cycle in metals could last for many years with the occasional short term pop-up. Our letter will try to guide you on any of these ‘pop-ups’.

We still believe that precious can easily fall 20 to 30% from here. Last week the job report created some concerns but the real testing time will come when the FED hikes rates. Dollar is also playing a pressure role on commodity as it traded over a decade high.

To read complete letter, please subscribe here:


Last week the European market, Nikkei and USA market performed very well. Emerging markets remained under pressure due to the FED policy which is about to change. Historically a rate hike is negative news, but this time it played a very positive role for the emerging market on a medium and longer term. The rate hike is bad for gold and thirty year bond so watch these two markets closely and the current astro cycles are not positive at all for both these financial instruments. 

Last week the job reports almost confirmed that a rate hike is on the way. The market also accepted this news without any fear. Fear was however witnessed in bond prices, currencies and commodities (especially gold). Stock prices have rebounded sharply from 2 October, and S&P has moved almost 11% in the last four weeks which is one of the best performances, and this move was expected because the astro indicators are positive for the medium and longer term. If the market was in a negative astro cycle then we wouldn’t have seen this up side move.

Anyways, now it is confirmed that the USA market is entering into a rate rise era, and it is the only market among the developed nations which is ready for a hike in rates, when all other markets are still supporting QE and historic low rate policies. Surely some major move will come on either by the end of this year or early next year.

At this stage it very important to know that how many hikes are indicated from here onwards. We don’t want to go very far but surely in 2016 we may see hikes taking place five time (which includes the December hike).

Biotech: In the last three years money has been pouring in biotech and since the middle of this year finally biotech have started giving up and most of the news related to biotech are not very encouraging, especially on the political front so biotech stocks will underperform. If you are holding too many biotech stocks then you must trim your positions down and keep just a few our favorite biotech stocks.

Tech sector: Tech sector is very complex but it has provide growth and plays a major role in bringing new things in our life to make life better, easier and safer. It has been our favorite sector since 2011 and a bull market will continue in frontline tech stocks for the next 18 months. We recommend holding positions in tech stocks under the rate rise environment.

Financial: Since last year we have been advising accumulating financial stocks and they have performed well even though the rates were very low and there was a high legal cost. Now a rate rise environment is coming which will help banks profitability. As we have been mentioning that financials have to play a bigger role if S&P wants to achieve our predicted target of 3200. Last week on Thursday we strongly recommended buying financials and they performed very well on Friday. Mortgage stocks will do amazingly well.

Last week S&P traded above 2088 for four days in a row which is great news for traders because it is opening the door for 2129 to 2175 level. This week the Scorpio Moon may bring some uncertainty. We are strongly recommending to keep holding positions in the market or trade in and out on a daily basis. Our daily Flash news’ daily ranges will help you in trading in and out. On the down side we don’t see S&P going below 2055, and in the worst case scenario 2035 levels.

This week on Monday and Tuesday the USA, Europe and Japanese markets can bounce back from the day’s lows. This week is a great week to acquire positions in emerging markets like China, India and Brazil as these markets are ready to take the lead from here. On Monday most of the markets will trade mixed, emerging markets will open negative but we recommend taking positions without being afraid.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we may see some profit booking coming or the market trading on both sides with some selling pressure.

Banking and energy sectors will start supporting the market from Monday.

This week seems very positive for biotech stocks so don’t miss the opportunity of buying some positions in biotech stocks for the short term.

Last week STMP, OLED and NNBR performed very well. Our recommendation in MSFT, AMZN, GOOGLE, IPHI, POST and NHTC performed very well. This week one could start accumulating ELTP which is a penny stock that we recommended at $0.27, and in the last one week it went to $0.41 and we are still recommending buying it. ISIS a biotech stock looks positive on Monday. The emerging market should bottom out so one should put some aggressive money in BRZU, YINN and INDL.

For a clear bullish signal, S&P has to close above 2118 for the seven days in a row to confirm a 15% rise in indexes so watch this number closely. Don’t short any market at this stage because the down side is limited and the higher side positivity is wide open. 

Surely because of the Scorpio moon we recommend staying on the side-lines from Wednesday to Friday as some selling pressure may come from the higher sides.

To read complete letter, please subscribe here:


Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, this letter was out on 8 November 2015, 3.00 Santa Barbara