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Here is small part from this week's Weekly Financial Letter from 3-7 February 2014...

Weekly newsletter from 3- 7 February 2014

Either S&P will hit 1928 or 1718, read carefully


Dear Members,

I don’t know how many of you are seriously taking interest in planetary movements. Those who understand a little may like to watch crucial transitions during the week. I normally dont write about planetary movements in our newsletter because I will just be filling the newsletter with calculations and combinations rather than focusing on the markets moves. I try to provide a weekly outlook or an overall trend for all major financial instruments after reading the planetary movement and doing all these calculations I provide you with the essence or conclusion.

This week is the most important week for investors because there are several important planetary transitions taking place and this can give new shape to a few markets. In Vedic astro charts, Mars will be joining Saturn and the North Node which is the most interesting combination.

During the tech bubble Saturn was playing an important role and we were very lucky to find that out in 1996. The tech bubble was created by Saturn and Saturn was single-handedly responsible for the tech bull market. Jupiter joined Saturn in 1999, and it is Jupiter that fuels the bubble because Jupiter controls finance; so people, banks and institutions start putting money blindly in tech. When Mars joined both these planets in March 2000 it disagreed with Saturn and Jupiter’s role because Saturn and Jupiter were sitting in the house that was owned by Mars. Basically Mars refused all authority from these both planets and closed the door which created a crash overnight. It is so interesting to read the astro cycles and market behavior and that is why I love this subject; that is why I devoted my time; and it is in fact my passion.

Saturn is responsible for all major bubbles in history, and each bubble was crashed by the planet Mars. If you follow Mars closely then you dont have to do much hard work.

Mars represents fear, war, blood, angriness, fights, arguments, etc.. When fear or fighting arrives we are all aware of it and everyone likes to stay away from it because that is human psychology. 

1987, 2000 and 2008, I was able to predict all these crashes. In 1987 I was very young (19 years old) and I told a few of my friends that I fear for the market because I had a less than thousand dollars invested in the Indian equity market. In 2000 I was very active in the market, and made my first ‘big money’ when I saw the crash coming in the market. In 2008 I warned equity, housing and commodity investors that a big crash was coming in the commodity market, housing markets, equity markets and many banks may collapse in USA.

Now we are once again in the most unique era. Since 2011 end we started recommending buying stocks as we saw the most unique bull market in equities. We also mentioned that this will be the most mature bull market compared to all the previous ones. So far in the last two years our strategy has worked very well, and all our major targets were fulfilled as predicted. Now, the first month of 2014 has passed without any major move and we are not surprised at all because we were expecting this as 1854 was our higher side target of this rally.

This week we are entering into the second month of 2014. Mars will be joining Saturn and the North Node. Both these planets are in the house of Venus and Mars will be joining these both planet on 4 February. We must have read in many places “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus”. Yes, Mars loves the house of Venus but Mars represents fire so it can make romance with Venus but this romance will also become very notable if it start going in right directions. In the past Mars also brought fear but this time Mars may play an interesting role but I would like to watch this transit carefully.

The transit will take place on the 4th of February early morning New York time. If the markets act negatively then stay away from buying and watch the closing on 4, 5 and 6 February.

If S&P breaks 1761 then 1717 will be next important astro level but at this stage we don’t want confirm this as 1761 level have been holding well. Only Mars can damage trend of market for the short term if its plays negative and chances of this happening is very minimum (30% that this level will be taken away and 70% chances that this level will hold)…..Click here to subscribe complete letter…


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

2 February.. Sunday 7.00 AM Santa Barbara