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Today's Trade & News

Here is small part from this weeks weekly newsletter....

Buying time Indexes – get ready to buy


Dear Members, 

Lately I have been meditating a lot on the market movements. People say that the “markets are moving up”, the “markets are moving down”. However, according to the wave of nature the markets do not have the force to move up or down. The mind force of the people gives the market’s direction. So in short, the markets are helpless, they depend on the thousands and millions of people who trade in them and how those people trade. If they sell the markets go down, and if they buy the markets go up. So, one again I reiterate my point. The markets don’t move on their own, its the people who move the markets. 

If one were to predict that one of the greatest bull markets is en-route in the US equity markets people would laugh at him or her. In the current situation we are in, with the European crisis etc. there is no use for such willy nilly talk. I have been in the markets for the last 25 years and if someone asked me for my opinion and I did not have knowledge of the planetary movements then I would have also been pessimistic. However, the wave of nature and planetary movements are clearly indicating one of the greatest bull markets of all time in US equity. 

I will highly recommend people to put at least 35% of their money in US equity or US indexes. Yes, the world indexes will follow US equity, but Asia and Europe will still have their own unique problems so uncertainty in politics, economy and in the currency markets will remain in the highlights. In 2012, investors will show a very strong trust in S&P and US equity globally, and the whole crowd will slowly start following in the same direction. 

I want to keep this newsletter very simple but I want to give a small message. The commodity bull market has still not ended, to answer many’s questions. Soon the time is coming when silver can reach 3 digits and oil will also move towards $150. This means that there is too much money in the market and once again there will be inflation in the markets in 2013-14 after giving a solid performance in 2012. 

I am sure many of you must have bought my new book and I am saying that this is a must have book, and I will highly recommend you to buy this book. I am not trying to promote it, all I am trying to say is thats its contents are unbelievable. 


This Week’s Newsletter from 19-23 December: 



A big battle is going on to predict gold’s trend from here onwards. Longer term buyers of gold, or those who trusted gold suddenly started liquidating their positions because of negative sentiments created by the media and large hedge funds. There are so many reasons coming out about why gold is weak and why it will keep trading in a weaker trend from here onwards. Whatever the people or media does not affect us, because the theory we follow has nothing to do with technical’s, fundaments or market sentiments. Our theory gives birth to a new direction and the direction we see gold and silver……



Base metals will remain….



Lately I think I have spoken enough about S&P and if you want my clear answer then here it is. If I have $100 then I will put 50% of it in S&P, 25% I will keep it cash in dollar terms, and the rest I will divide amongst….



This week both these soft commodities will remain….



For some time we have been recommending to avoid all these soft commodities but now from…



This week Treasury bond will remain…



This week soy prices will see positive…



This week oil will….



This week dollar will…..



Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

17 December 2012