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Here is small part of 10-14 Feb 2014 weekly is possible S&P could test even 4200 to 5000...

Dear Friends/Members, 

One of Member sent us my weekly letter of 2014, he said that I must read this letter carefully. Here I am posting for everyone, I will be also posting small article from this week newsletter with three trades for this week which can make you big money so I hope you will rececover loses. Don't miss to subscribe under current offer, and "2018 Financial Predictions" is must buy book.

Weekly newsletter from 10- 14 February 2014

One day, one of my friends told me that “The poor hate the rich; but the truth is, the poor also want to become rich”.

Since the last two years, we have repeatedly advised to follow the US trend and to invest in US assets and corporates, as the USA is entering the most exciting time and we still recommend the same

Dear Members,

I just finished meditating and started writing this week’s newsletter. So far we have been able to guide you accurately on the markets trend and this happened because we were able to read the astro cycle and the wave of nature trend accurately. Predicting the markets trend is purely like predicting investor’s behavior patterns and their psychology.

Mars changing house is confirming that some positivity will be seen in commodities and the stock market. Mars played a very aggressive role for the market on Thursday and Friday, which clearly confirms that the bull market to remain intact with volatility.

Why is this bull market solid and why the markets will keep moving:

Two years and 5 months ago we predicted that the era of USA is coming. We recommended investors to put money in US equity, US housing market and US assets. We were very excited about US equity trend because we knew that once US start leadings the world will follow but at the same time we mentioned changes for emerging markets and their currencies and an uncertain trend in commodities. We saw US corporates starting to provide positive trend to growth and today we see this happening. We warn any investors or fund manager those who talking negative about US and its economy, also we warn short selling or those who are advising shorting the market because this will take you nowhere and you will miss out on the most unique stocks bull cycle.

In the last two years US equity market have been coming back strongly after each small corrections. We are all aware that corrections are very healthy for any ongoing bull market because each corrections makes a strong bottom for the market. This means that stocks and markets are going up while also giving everyone a chance to buy. The markets are going up after making foundations or a solid base due to corrections.

We would like to make the most important point after today’s mediations: US corporates are holding too much cash in balance sheet which will make them buy their own stocks. It is getting very clear after Apple repurchased $15 billion worth of their own stock around $500 price. Many companies are announcing buying back. I think the most interesting era in Wall Street has started because these CEO’s find their own stocks too low compared to earnings and future growth. Don’t wait too long because most big names or multinationals will start buying their own stocks then this market will go wild. We can easily target Dow to hit 50000, and S&P 5000. I mentioned this two year ago and once again I would like to remind you that in 2008 we predicted that under President Obama the US markets would hit historic high, and investors will make fortunes.

Stay with big names companies, keep buying stocks like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, biotech stocks and many other names.

US congress and Governments are doing a great job, except for a small glitch in the new healthcare system where some people are bit confused, however this is bound to happen because the health care system is changing after many decades. All credit goes to President Obama for accepting the challenge to bring a new healthcare system (none of previous President tried to touch this reform because they all were scare to do so). It was most tough job for any President to bring a new health care system. It is always challenging to bring something new into the system or to make big alternations to the system or policy. I am not a politician, neither am I Democrat or Republican but the one thing I know is that President Obama is doing a good job.

I used to make predictions on geopolitics but I stopped that after 9/11 because it was one of the saddest events that happened in history and history will always remember this horrific day. President Bush did a great job finishing Al-Qaeda and we still admire his courage for going after terrorists and finishing them.

We try our best not to keep love and hate within us, and this really helped me make the right predictions. We were predicting the tech bubble and many thought that I love tech stocks blindly but many got shocked when we predicted that a tech stock crash was coming. The same thing happened with metals and commodities, investors thought that I love gold and silver, but since the last two years I have been advising to stay away from metals. In fact many now think that I am against metals or they think that I am a bearish cartel. It is nothing like that, if you advise then you have to keep away the feelings of love and hate otherwise no one will be able to guide accurately. This is the same reason for why a few people in Santa Barbara asked me why I liked President Bush as well as President Obama, how I like two different party’s Presidents; and my answer was, we have to admire whoever is doing a good job (Bush was courageous and Obama trying to do every possible good thing for USA and world). We admire Bernanke vision because he did an amazing job otherwise this world would have been finished economically, it wouldn’t have bounced like this in the last five years.

Many people globally from (Asia, Europe, middle-east, Africa) hate USA, but the fact is that if they have the chance to come to US and live here then they will accept it immediately. One of my friends told me one day “most poor people hates rich people but truth is that they also want to become rich”.

I enjoy talking about the market, politics and philosophy. Unfortunately we have limited time so lets enjoy this life with our family and friends, and we must do good Karma so on the final day of life we won’t regret.

Let’s see what this weeks newsletter says for all major markets:

Weekly Newsletter from 10-14 February 2014


Last week on Monday and Tuesday fear came into the market. Everyone started taking negatively about the markets and no one wanted to buy any stocks but on Thursday and Friday the trend changed so rapidly in the other direction that those who didn’t act quickly missed one of the most powerful rebounds. This is what has been happening since the last two years. Corrections always came but the markets rebounded so sharply after before anyone could start buying. This market is in big

people’s hands and they are taking advantage of other hand small investors and just remaining spectators because the market always rebounded strongly before they can analyze where to buy on the weaker trend.

Our weekly newsletter and Daily flashnews has been guiding us well. We predicted that S&P may not see 1717 so buy around 1740 and that has proven so right. S&P went up 60 points from lows in 48 hours of trading. Once again it was a fantastic upside move. Apple, Starbucks and many big names rebounded strongly. On Friday Biotech stocks remained on fire.

January last year we predicted S&P moving toward 1750, the unemployment rate 6.8 levels and both these predictions came true. By December the unemployment rate will be below 6.00, and our target is 5.7 to 5.9 and S&P may be achieving 2289 to 2355.

Many are concerned about Apples growth but we are not. Apple will come out with unique products in the coming time. TV is a big one and if they announce a TV it means that Apple is going $1200.

Anyways, remain focused and don’t give too much attentions to negative news because negative news will keep you away from the market and you will miss out on the most unique bull market.

Since the last few weeks we have been recommending buying emerging markets like India, China, Mexico and Brazil. Focus on China and India because both these countries will follow US trend in 2014 and 2015. Europe will also follow USA. Middle-east and other markets will also remain positive.

At this stage any weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity in US market. S&P will hold 1761 level.

On Monday the world markets will trade positively due to positive closing of US on Friday. USA market will remain mixed on Monday so trade in and out as per the ranges mentioned below.

On Tuesday the world markets will remain mixed and some profit booking will come on the higher levels so short term traders should book profit on higher levels.

On Wednesday we may see volatility once again so only buy around the lower side or buy around closing in USA markets.

On Thursday Asian and rest of worlds markets will open negatively but closing will be positive so don’t miss this buying opportunity. On Thursday USA market will move strongly from lows so buy USA stock and Indexes around the lower side or on opening.

On Friday once again globally the equity market will close positively. Frontline stocks will remain in aggressive up side. Don’t short markets or any stocks.

Watch S&P level 1761 closely once again as this is the most important support point and this time we don’t see it breaking. Follow our recommended stocks very closely. If you are US stock traders then buy our US stock report because our recommended stocks are doing great.

Monday’s trading range (March contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 5235 to 5189

NIKKEI (Sep) – 14789 TO 14525

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 6110 to 6059

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 3045 TO 3015

HONG KONG (cash) – 21808 to 21690

CAC – 4274 TO 4232

DAX – 9401 TO 9275

DEX EURO STOXX – 2942 - 2905

FTSE – 6580 TO 6525

FTSE/JSE – 41225 to 40781

S&P – 1800.50 TO 1783.50

NASDAQ – 3570.50 TO 3528.25

RUSSELL – 1121.75 TO 1103.00

DOW – 15829 TO 1566

Thanks & God Bless MAHENDRA SHARMA

9 February 2014, Sunday 2.30 PM Santa Barbara